Sunday, August 31, 2008

Update from a Phone Message

Mimi called when I was away from my phone and left a message. I tried her back, but did not get her directly. She had called at about 8:15pm eastern.

Her voicemail said that things were calm so far where they all are. She was VERY happy to report that her daughter had made it safely to Pensacola. The traffic was bad, but apparently her son-in-law found a different route and they made it.

She may do some posting from that other computer, but did not have immediate access tonight, so here I am with this update.

Prayers for one and all as this storm approaches.



  1. God be praised that they made it out. Now, please, what about the grandchildren, dogs, cats, and chickens?

  2. Thanks, Fran, and please give her our love when you talk to her next.


  3. I am so happy to hear this! great work, Fran.

  4. Thank you for this, Fran.

    I'm glad to hear that her daughter has made it to safety.

    I'm still praying and snarking at those macho-poisoned sons who are "riding it out." :(


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