Friday, August 8, 2008

It's The Pen In The End

A very tired nurse walks into a bank,

Totally exhausted after an 18-hour shift.

Preparing to write a check,

She pulls a rectal thermometer out of her purse

And tries to write with it.

When she realizes her mistake,

She looks at the flabbergasted teller

And without missing a beat, she says:

"Well, that's great....that's just great....

Some asshole's got my pen!"

From Doug.


  1. Doh!

    Love that one.

  2. Thanks, Missy. I liked it, too, but it doesn't seem as popular as Maxine.

  3. thanks for the smile. i'm working like the devil and coming up for air, and your place is one of the few I visit for a fresh breath...

  4. And the title is all mine!

    God bless you in your labors, Tobias. I'm gonna buy your book, you know, so it had better be good.


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