Tuesday, September 2, 2008

4pm Eastern - Monday - From Fran

It is Monday at 4pm and I have not heard from Mimi today. I tried her cell and it went straight to voicemail and the house phone at New Roads just gets a fast busy.

I am presuming that the winds took out the phone service and the lack of power (they do have a small generator) explains the no cell phone.

She sounded good around 7pm last night, but I hear the winds were bad.

Let's hope that the old adage of "no news is good news" is the order of the day. I just wanted to put this up as I am about to head out for the rest of the day and evening.

Prayers for Mimi and family, for all dealing with this storm, and for all those gathered here.


  1. Fran,

    It may be too late for this, but I thought of Mimi the other day when retired General Honoré was talking on CNN before Gustav hit. He said that when cell phones do not seem to work for voice calls, sometimes text messages can still go through. I don't know if that's only when transmission is sketchy and whether that's the problem now or whether it's just low power on Mimi's phone. I also don't know if Mimi has family there who can text for her (well maybe she can herself, but my fingers sure are lousy at it), but it might be worth a try. Just a thought.

    Thanks so much for keeping us informed as you can.

  2. Thanks Fran for keeping us up to date!

  3. I think I heard on CNN that some cells might be down. (I'm not swearing to it, but I have a vague memory.)

  4. Posting for FranIAm.

    She's heard from G. Mimi and all is okay. They don't have power and the phone service is spotty, but they are okay.

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

  5. Fran, Bless you, bless you, bless you for trying to keep us informed.

    Mimi - prayers ascend.

  6. Oh Grandmere --thanks be to God that it is only the technology that is kaput!

    You all continue in my prayers.

  7. Best wishes for your family's safety and comfort, Grandmère.

  8. Dcup -- thanks for forwarding the info. I don't know if Mimi is back in Thibideaux but I checked the town website and they are allowing folks back in -- electricity is out, land lines mostly work and cell is spotty. They should all be OK.

    Thanks be to God.

  9. Continued prayers for Mimi, family, and all affected by the storm. Thanks to the information network keeping us apprised.

    I will selfishly slip in a request of my own. The weather is fine here in Seattle, it usually is in early September, but today, on my parents' 59th wedding anniversary, I underwent a personal "hurricane" when my brother spewed years of vitriol all over me -- things he's been saving a long time apparently, regarding my sexuality, my encouragement for the family (all evangelicals) to forgive the ex-sister-in-law who left my other brother years ago (Some have moved on, but the fact that I could forgive the ex has made me despised in the eyes of both brothers.), and also regarding the fact that I have innocuous communications with my nephew, father of my grandnephew, who lives half a country away (He and his father do not speak. I am apparently supposed to drink the poison, something I cannot do.).

    So, as of today, I apparently have no brothers and I see little that I can do that would change anything (Hate my ex-sister in law? Don't communicate with my nephew? Not be a 'mo?) But, I still have two sisters, and they are gold.

    My stomach hurts.

    Kyrie eleison


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