Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

Step right up folks and wish me a "Happy Birthday!". I know you will anyway, so I'll give you a place to send your good wishes. Can you imagine! I've been on God's not-so-green-anymore earth for one year short of three quarters of a century. That's a loooong time.

I've had my ups, and I've had my downs. I've taken the high road, and I've taken the low road, but, all together, it's been a good run.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you....

Thanks be to God!

And it's Ruth's birthday, too!


  1. I already said this on yesterday's post, but happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday! Not having known when you were younger I shall refrain from using the "fine wine" metaphor (you may have ALWAYS been this fine!). Let me merely say that you are certainly a magnificent vintage!


  3. Happy Birthday! (I found your blog through Ruth's Visions and Revisions.)

    I wish you many happy returns of this day.

  4. Happy birthday, grandmere! (It strikes me that I really should stop calling you "grandmere" and start calling you "big sis'"...hrrmmm.)

  5. Joyous day, dear (((Mimi)))

    You're just a stripling according to my mama....!


  6. OK, I wuz early Monday, but I forgot the exact date whilst doing other things.

    A most blessed and joyful celebration for you. dear Mimi.

    I iz still getting better, which must stop soon, otherwise I shall embarrass myself with my stunning goodness.

  7. Happy birfday Meems! I left ya a little sumpin'" over at my place. Enjoy!

  8. Happy Birthday! Hope you and Grandpere have a great celebration planned.

    All best and all love

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yeaahhh! Many congrats defatigable one. Cyber cake all round.

  11. Are you old enough to drive now?

    Happy Birthday Mimi!

  12. Har den äran att gratulera!

    (meaning "I have the honour to congratulate you"! without the I...

    ... and that is Swedish, MP ;=)

  13. Already done this once at MP's, as you know, but since you insist, "Happy Birthday".

    Or was it the apology you wanted me to stop by and repeat?

  14. Oh happy day!

    This world is a better place with you in it. Thanks for gracing our days, and have a grand celebration!

  15. Well, if we're all doubling up: Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag, Mimi.

  16. Happy, happy birthday to you, dear one! Enjoy and celebrate all day--and the coming year! I'm glad I've "met" you.

  17. Many Happy returns Grandmere Mimi

  18. ((((((Happy birthday, Mimi!!!))))) And regardless of what the Mad One says, the world is a better place for your having graced it (The fact that the Mad One is not a better person for having known you, is really not your fault.).

  19. Bon anniversaire, Grandmère Mimi!

  20. So as I said at MP's before I came here...Happy Birthday Dearie!

  21. Happy Birthday Grandmere Mimi!!!

    'round the table you must go, you must go, you must go! 'round the table you must go, our fair lady!

  22. Mimi, have you been to Counterlight's this morning?

  23. Best wishes! Have a wonderful day.

  24. Hippopotamus, small bird, two female sheep.

    (Hippo, birdie, two ewes.)

  25. Nothing like a "good run" to keep one moving along...I wish you well in all that you do.


  26. Happy Birthday, dear Grandmere, The cats and I send prayers, blessings and wishes for good health in the coming year.

    PS-We Virgos must stick together! (My b-day was last Wed.)

  27. Happy birthday, and here's to at least the next 26 more!

  28. May I see some I.D. please, miss?

    Happy birthday, Mimi!!!

  29. Oh my- I put up a post in your honor at my place, complete with a French speaking Lolz-cat!!

    However I was slow to get to your blog today... I am in a coffee shop doing my homework for class and read this paragraph from Sacraments of Life, The Life of the Sacraments by Leonardo Boff.

    "Every day is the same as the next; it has 24 hours. But one's birthday is different. It is sacramental because it celebrates the greatest miracle of all. On that day you began to live and you are alvie now! One's birthday then is filled with symbols and rites that it different from every other day."

    Sacramental Good Wishes and Much Love!!

  30. I spent most of yesterday disconnected, so missed this joyous occasion. Sorry! Happy birthday, Grandmére Mimi!

  31. I know I haven't been here in a while. I was over at Jan's and couldn't resist adding my best wishes. Happy birthday, Mimi!

  32. Happy day to you. And many more.

  33. Happy Birthday dearest Mimi!!! All of us under the bridge salute you!

  34. ¡Feliz cumpiaños a todos! (Abuelita y Ruth).
    May you all have many more and may they all be joyous.

  35. I will wish you a happy birthday again. I sent wishes to your previous post as I went to bed at the end of the 18th, now I wake up on the 19th to see there are 42 ahead of me. Can I help it if you people are so far behind me?

  36. "Penblwydd Hapus, Mam-Gu!" From a rector of Welsh birth in New York state.

  37. How wonderful that we get to share in this joyous occasion. I rejoice that God placed you on the earth and under the stars and rejoice even more that I have been privileged to meet you. Your blog-companionship comforts, inspires, amuses, and agitates us all. Hooray for Mimi!!!!!!!!!

    Lotsa love!

  38. Oh, good, we have a year to help plan a huge party for your big 2/4 century next year! Meanwhile, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND BIG HUGS from me and Maya Pavlova. Sent you a Rubber Chicken card, so don't delete even if it looks like spam. (If you did I can re-send.)

    Bon anniversaire! (La joie flotte dans l'air!)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. happy happy birthday Mimi!!!!!!!!

  41. Your nativity is a blessing to so many of us, Mimi. Congratulations. And, may I say, may you have many happy returns of the day.

  42. It is late in the day, but "Bon anniversaire, Grandmère Mimi!". May you continue to grace us with your wisdom and humor for many years to come.


  43. Happy Birthday Grandmère Mimi - you're an inspiration to many, including me!

  44. I'm sorry to be late!!!!


    (what happened to my day, anyway...)

  45. Happy birthday Grandmere Mimi! I am a Mimi too and my birthday is tomorrow!

  46. Happy birthday. I am in the blogger universe and read Ruth's post and wanted to wish you a happy one even though I don't know you. Hope your power comes back up. May you be blessed.

  47. Dear Mimi, it is a blessed day on which you came into this world. I celebrate you and give thanks for you. May this be a specially rich year for you, dear friend!

  48. Slightly belated "Happy Birthday to You" wishes, Grandmere!

    Harriet / HLC


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