Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lazy Blogger

Peeps, I am a lazy blogger at this time. I'm tired of church infighting. I'm tired of politics. I can't get excited about blogging anything right now. When I've got nothing to say, it's best to say nothing, don't you think? I'm apt to make a fool of myself, if I speak.

One small thing. Yesterday, Lindsey Graham was hoist on his own petard while questioning a witness at the Senate subcommittee hearings on torture.

From Greg Sargent at The Plumline:

Hmm, not a great moment. While directing hostile questioning at a witness during the Senate torture hearing, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham cited an infamous ABC News report from 2007 that said a terror suspect broke under minimal waterboarding, and suggested it undercut the claim that torture didn’t work.

But Graham didn’t appear to be aware that the report has since been debunked, and that ABC itself has since corrected the record.

I know that I'm supposed to be a good Christian woman and all, but I don't like Lindsey Graham, and I experienced satisfying Schadenfreude when I saw his Whoops! moment on the tee vee.

Graham is a lawyer. Isn't it a basic rule of thumb amongst lawyers that it's best not to ask a question, if you don't already know the answer?

Of course, I could be wrong.

Image from Veto Corleone.


  1. Great portrait of Lindsey Graham. A fine likeness. Really captures the inner man.

  2. Scary thing about the picture of Lindsay is that I recognized him the instant I saw it. Guess it captures his inner self.

  3. What motheramelia and weirdrabbit said - he is instantly recognizable as a clown. Who knew?

    Disgusting man.

    Paul, the less than charitable BB

  4. It's the smile, too.

    I was looking for a humorous picture, and I hit the jackpot. I found another good one, but it was not suitable for a family blog.

  5. What a picture. I had to go to the link where there are 19 pictures of clown politicians. Had to send Rick Perry to friends--with his hair as bouffant as usual!

  6. Priceless, aren't they? I'm going to have to work Bobby Jindal into a post. Rush Limbaugh's appearance is much improved in his clown look.

  7. Lindsay Graham is not one of my favorites either...loved the idea of him NOT thinking about what he said!

  8. Mimi,
    I'm tired, too; tired as hell.I comment here rarely, but I love you and your friends. I am serving on my Atlanta parish's rector nominating committee, and we are completing a year's work. You all should know that there are incredible priests in our vibrant TEC-- I'm now in love with most of the 44 women and men who responded to our call. F--- Viagraville and the ABC, and ignore the venom of the "global south"(mainly effete ex-pat Brits and Africans confusing motes with logs). If we don't back down to fear and anxiety, our Episcopal Church is on the verge of prophetic greatness.
    All shall be well!

  9. John D, thanks for your kind words,

    You're right. We have incredible priests in TEC.

    If we don't back down to fear and anxiety, our Episcopal Church is on the verge of prophetic greatness.

    I believe that is true.

    May the Spirit of the Living God guide your committee as you select your new rector.

  10. Lindsay is an ass to be sure, but if you had an inkling of the Neanderthals that lurk in the background, eager to snatch his Senate seat in a Republican primary (think Jim De Mint, our junior senator, with a brain) you'd consider yourself fortunate.

  11. Lapin, I'm sure there are worse, but there's something about Graham that seems smarmy, and he rubs me wrong, very wrong. Mine is a gut reaction, not necessarily rational.

  12. Just so that it's not latent homophobia, Mimi. Lots of those people act like that.

    His support of the suspension of Habeas Corpus for aliens was, like Arlen Spector's abuse of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, something I consider unforgivable.

  13. Lapin, I'm confused. Are you suggesting that because I don't like Lindsey Graham, it's due to latent homophobia?

  14. I was joking, Mimi. As the chairman of the SC Democratic Party - who was being homophobic - put it when Graham first ran for the Senate, "Lindsay is a bit light in the loafers to be filling Strom's shoes".

  15. Lapin, I know that he's considered "a bit light in the loafers", but that's not why I don't like him. Well, it is, in a way, because he's not what one would call gay-friendly, so one might say there's a hypocrisy in operation.


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