Thursday, May 14, 2009

News From Roseann

I just finished talking to Roseann on the phone, and she sounded good. She's gained a little weight with the feeding tube in, and she's tapering off her pain medication. Whenever it stops raining, she wants Gary to take her to the park so she can walk a little.

I told her that we would continue to pray for her and Gary. Gary had the MRI on his shoulder, but no results yet. I'm glad he's taking care of himself. Roseann says he's the best at taking care of her.

Along with Gary, she has a wonderful home health nurse, a huge black man, about 6'5", who is a sweet, sweet man. They talk music.

She wanted me to say that she prays for all of us, too, and I'm weeping as I type this. What a courageous lady our Roseann is.

May God bless her and Gary and surround them with his loving presence.


  1. I'm delighted you got a chance to chat with Roseann this evening. She and I chatted on Face Book, and I could tell her sense of humor was intact as was her intellect.

    Our friend is courageous indeed, Mimi.

  2. Suzanne, I was going to send you an email when I returned from my walk, but I see that you caught the story here.

  3. I am so happy to hear that Roseann is improving. Prayers will continue

  4. Prayers for Roseann and Gary continue.

    I am grateful that you keep us posted. I too cry when i think of her praying for the rest of us.

  5. morning and evening prayers continue for them both!

  6. Continued prayers, with gratitude for some progress! (and simple blessings: park, sweet people, music)

  7. She is unbelievable, what an amazing woman and source of inspiration.


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