Saturday, June 13, 2009

You Can't Have Him!

From The Advocate:

Efforts are underway to raise money nationally for a Bobby Jindal presidential campaign.

“We will be sending out mailers, requests, hosting fundraisers,” Dan Kyle, treasurer of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said Friday.

Kyle said the governor is not yet participating.

“I believe he is aware of it. I have not personally talked to him about it,” he said.

None of you in the rest of the country have done anything to deserve consideration from those of us here in Louisiana or expectations that we would be willing to share our wealth with you. Jindal is ours, all ours. All the governor's fundraising trips around the country are ONLY for the purpose of raising money for his next campaign for governor of Louisiana.

Earlier this year, he gave the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s first address to Congress. The response was widely panned, casting a shadow on Jindal’s national profile.

Jindal is struggling to deal with the substantial financial problems facing the state.

Revenue is falling short, creating the possibility of heavy cuts to higher education and health care.

Earlier this week, four of the state’s five living former governors urged Jindal to reduce his proposed cuts to higher education.

What to do? For the Republicans, there is only one answer: run him for president! The entire country should be so fortunate as to have a leader like ours here in Louisiana.


  1. At least if you suffer from demonic possession your governor can perform an exorcism.

  2. Bubs, there is that. I believe Jindal is unique amongst the governors.

  3. From what I've read, I would prefer that he remain all yours.

  4. I've heard him speak, While his syntax can be as fractured as George W. Bush, what I heard convinced me that I don't want him.

    Sorry Grandmere, he's yours and will remain yours.

  5. As we say in da Bronx, Thanks but no thanks...
    T ;-)

  6. As we say in Latin America ¨NOT ANOTHER IDIOTA!¨

  7. C'mon, folks. He does exorcisms. How many of you have governors who would do that? I wish he would exorcise the state budget deficit.

  8. Exorcism notwithstanding, my concern is based on Matthew 12:43-45, to wit:

    When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

    My experience of politicians leads me to think they often solve one problem only in the process of introducing seven others.

    Of course, with the NY State Senate beginning to make Iran look like Athens in its Golden Years, perhaps I should keep me mout' shut.

  9. Presidential Campaign? For Gawd's sake, you've only just finished one! Not another X years of interminable political news broadcasts, please!

  10. Tobias, you make an excellent point about the unclean spirits.

    I've been reading about the shenanigans in Albany, and their antics are shades of the Louisiana Legislature in the days of Huey Long.

    SR, our presidential campaigns begin as soon as the election is over. It's obscene.

    Not another X years of interminable political news broadcasts, please!

    'Fraid so.

  11. Didn't he turn down stimulus money?

  12. In Illinois we think God gave us Louisiana so that someone has dirtier politicians. I am interested in your comment that '4 o the 5 living governors' wrote to disagree with one of his policies. Did they meet in a prison yard? :-)


  13. Wait a goshdarn minute, JimB! Only one of our living ex-governors is in prison. Hey! 1 out of 5 ain't bad.


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