Thursday, July 16, 2009

Prayer Call From A Friend

Rowan and Tom Wright are much on my heart this morning, as it would seem to be so clear that their responses to D025 are that of confused, and perhaps even frightened individuals. They're straight men (two handicaps there) used to the deference of their offices (handicap #3) with real personal investment in the power of those offices (handicap #4) and therefore used to seeing everything in a dualistic, unambiguous context, sure to run interference on the Holy Spirit at times (handicaps potentially unlimited).

Once again our inclusive rainbow tribe has set a shining standard for the way forward by their generous sensitivity for our conservative brothers and sisters in the hours and days since the D025 outcome. (h.t. Susan, Gene, Elizabeth among many others) By their refusal to gloat, to re-act or in any way respond in kind, this embodiment of that 'Love beyond our wildest imagining' has set a new standard for congress within our Anglican home. And this I'm praying will be the Church culture of the future.

Right now, it's my sense we can also do great, great good by upholding Rowan and Tom Wright in our prayers, that they too will know the same wonder which led so many American Bishops who probably surprised even themselves in the vote on D025.

The words of both of these men have a wide audience, and a real potential for hurt as well as healing, acrimony as well as fellowship, for division as well as reconciliation, and each of you, my beloved Giants of prayer and practice can make a real difference in the outcome by the generosity of your prayers and practice.

As awesome as D025 was, the real task is before us. Inclusion means nothing if it only enables the fear of our brothers. Please let your great, joyous songs of praise and thanksgiving for D025 include Tom and Rowan They may not want to realize it yet but our way ahead can only be together if we are to give God glory and the Church we are called to be.

In D025 we saw the formal recognition of what we have each known in our hearts and lives- the truth of that Love beyond our wildest imagining, Today, Giants that you are, it's my clear sense that that same Love is calling to be the medium for that the same Love for Rowan and Tom.

With love and great gratitude for each and every one of you

Your brother....

The sender preferred that his name not be mentioned because "my e-mail is only an expression of many inclusive hearts through out the Church at this time". I concur with my friend that the two gentleman are in great need of prayer. I believe that he is correct in saying that both are re-acting rather than responding prayerfully and thoughtfully to brothers and sisters in Christ and that both have the power to do great good and great harm.

O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  1. Thank you for posting this, Mimi.

  2. Amen, amen and amen.

  3. You know, I have been stung more than once by the sharp words with which the Archbishop of Canterbury addresses the leaders and members of the Episcopal Church. For the most part our leaders have responded kindly, but firmly. I really don't understand at all what he's about. Whatever it is, I believe that his words have the opposite effect to what he intends.

    As for Bishop Wright, I know what his views are, but his article in the Times seemed especially intemperate to me. I wonder if he regrets what he said.

    Both men should spend more time tending to their own gardens, which seem to be going to weed, or to seed, or just generally not flourishing at the moment.

  4. I concur with my friend that the two gentleman are in great need of prayer. I believe that he is correct in saying that both are re-acting rather than responding prayerfully and thoughtfully to brothers and sisters in Christ and that both have the power to do great good and great harm.

    I'm sorry, Mimi, but I find these words to be incredibly patronising. The message seems to be, 'You aren't prayerful or thoughtful unless you arrive at the same conclusion I do'. I know you better than to think that's what you actually mean, but that's the way it comes across.

    Is it not, in fact, possible that Tom Wright and Rowan Williams have prayed and thought a great deal about these issues over the past decade? Is it not possible that, rather than being motivated by hate or conceit or the lust for power, as many at the progressive end of the spectrum constantly allege, they have simply read the same scriptures you read and come to different conclusions? And because, as pastors, they think that accurate information about what constitutes faithful Christina discipleship is not a trivial matter, they try to persuade others of their case.

    Well, what of it? So do you. So do all who have an opinion about these matters. I suspect that the vast majority of them pray and think about their opinions. I know I do. Lord have mercy on us and lead us into the truth.

  5. Since most of us tend to react in the moment, and not always to our credit, we are generally in need of prayer. This would apply to the two gentlemen in question as well.

  6. Tim, I'm sorry you find my statement to be patronizing, but I have a right to my opinion. The responses came so quickly that they could hardly have had time to think and pray very much about the votes unless God had told them ahead of time what the outcome would be. I was surely surprised myself by the vote from the House of Bishops. Perhaps they had inside information?

    And FYI, Tom Wright did not have the right information before he published in the Times, and he got many things wrong in his piece. Frankly, I'm surprised that you did not pick up the faulty logic in his article.

    And Tim, I find your words to me to be incredibly patronizing. Even when we disagree, I try very hard not to make it personal between you and me.

    In the name of heaven, what's wrong with praying for them?

  7. Amelia, I do that myself on occasion, often to my regret, but, fortunately, I am not quoted in newspapers and on TV all over the world. Both men are public figures and must be aware that their remarks will be weighed and either praised or criticized.

  8. Mimi, good point about public figures. So many have "foot in mouth" disease and those two are not immune.

  9. My apologies. Patronising was the last thing I was intending to be.

  10. Apology accepted, Tim. We move on. :o)

  11. I like Kirkepiscatoid's prayer for those with whom we disagree:

    "Bless them. Change me."

    And so I pray...


  12. Doxy, I like Kirke's prayer, too. It's quite appropriate for many occasions.

  13. The ABC: I don't understand what he's about either, and I say that as a long-term Anglican watcher.

  14. DP, if you, the long-time Anglican watcher, don't understand, then I'm in excellent company.

  15. But it is personal, Mimi. It was made personal by Williams and Wright when they told us that we were either too stupid or too deep in our own disgusting vices to be able to arrive at our own prayerful and well-reasoned, God-led decisions!

    What could be more deeply personal than to tell all of us, de facto, that we are hearing the Devil and ignoring God within ourselves? I've tried an experiment for years now, and the results have been consistent: when I use exactly the same arguments and reasoning against the orthodites they use against us - SURPRISE!! It's personal to them.

    The problem is that Williams and Wright both are no theologians. They simply regurgitate what's was taught them in seminary - fine if you're an MBA, not so great for a DD. There's no life in their words.

  16. What Erika said! And yes prayer is appropriate.


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