Thursday, July 16, 2009

Me And My Friends At GC2009


Caminante and me.

We met in front of the convention center and talked for a while, and then it was nearly lunch time, so we ate together in the cafeteria at the center, but only after Caminante bought two gorgeous stoles from a booth selling handicrafts from indigenous craftsmen and craftswomen from Panama. Perhaps she will post pictures. What a joy to meet her in real life. I bought a lovely wee basket, woven out of narrow strips of palm, which I will photograph and post later. Caminante has good pictures of the convention posted at her blog.


Prior Aelred, me, and Ann.

Prior Aelred, of St. Gregory's Abbey in Michigan, and I have been virtual friends for years now, and it was a great pleasure to meet him in person. He says he's an introvert, but he managed to get in a few words. I was talking to him at the bar in the Hilton, when my bishop, Charles Jenkins, walked up. After Bp. Jenkins left, I asked the good Prior if he thought my reputation with Bp. Jenkins was enhanced or diminished by being seen with him. Like the good monk that he is, he answered me with a question of his own, but unfortunately I can't remember what his question was. Sorry.

As for my friend Ann, I can't say enough about her kindness to me in Anaheim. From the beginning, she took me under her wing, showed me how to get around, and generally took care of me. We have been virtual friends for years now, too, and it was a joy to finally meet her in person. We shared quite a few meals together, and despite her duties as a delegate at the convention, we had a good bit of time to talk and get to know each other better.

Margaret, Caminante, and me, a true rogues gallery. Picture lifted from Caminante's blog.

Margaret and I ate dinner together one evening, and she was quite kind to me also, despite her serious duties as a volunteer at the convention. We sat together at the Integrity Eucharist, up front and center, due to the kindness of Holy Foolishness. As blog friends go, Margaret and I are fairly recent, but once again, it was a real pleasure to meet her in person. She invited me to lunch with her and some of her friends from California after the Sunday Eucharist, but we lost each other in the crowd, and I did not have her cell phone number, so we never met up for the meal. I hope she and her friends did not wait long for me, and I'm sorry that we did not have the chance to share the meal.


The cool dude Jake and me - last, but most certainly not least.

On my first night at the convention, I saw Jake outside the Hilton and called out to him. Yelled is more like it, because he didn't hear me the first two times I called his name. His name is Terry, but throughout our conversation, I slipped and called him Jake several times. I can't help it. He's more Jake than Terry to me. He came in with me to the lobby, and we spent quite a while talking there. It was great to see him again. We met in real life for the first time in New York at our very first bloggers reunion. Jake's blog is the grandfather of many of our blogs, because we first "met" in the comments at "Father Jake Stops the World".

I admire him so much, because he is a true evangelist in a way that I can't be. He wants everyone to have the joy of a relationship with God such as he has, and he is not shy about sharing with others. I, on the other hand, usually wait for the other person to bring up the subject. I hope that he starts up his blog again. It was a treasure, and I'm honored that I was once a minor player there.

As Jake stood up to leave, Tobias and his beloved James stopped by, so we chatted with them for a few minutes.


  1. Mimi, have you not come across Father Terry's new blog, 'Father T. listens to the world'?

  2. Tim, of course! My link under the picture goes there. It's not the same as the old Jake's blog. Jake knows that. Don't forget that he works at headquarters now, and he's a bit more constrained than at his old blog.

  3. I'm very sorry we didn't get a picture with you. I regret not having a camera with me...

  4. Thank you Mimi, it's good to put faces to names.

  5. Been looking forward to these for days. Well worth the wait.

  6. IT, I'm sorry we don't have a picture, too. I had a camera, but I was so much in the moment, enjoying my time with you and BP, that I didn't think about pictures.

    Amelia, the best part of the trip for me was meeting people for the first time and seeing old friends again.

    Lapin, I have more.

    In the picture with Prior Aelred and Ann, they appear to be holding me up. I look terrible - either exhausted or drunk, and I was neither.

  7. Well, there's no accountin' for taste - I much prefer Father T's new blog!!!

  8. You do get about. Good on you! More blogging friends met.

  9. Where are the pictures of the wimmins kissing? I hear the real mens like that kind of thing.

  10. You look like you've had a wonderful time, Mimi, you're completely in your element! I bet you charmed them all, just like you did when you came to England earlier this year.
    Thanks for posting the photos!

  11. DP, I feel the years pressing upon me. Do it now, or perhaps never.

    KJ, the kiss did not happen. Elizabeth could not join us a Louie's Bar. Well, love, you're not a real manly man, so I know you are not overly disappointed. It's the dear lesbians amongst us who will be truly devastated.

  12. It was so great to meet you! Sorry we didn't get to talk more, but I'll let you know next time I visit the Gulf Coast.

  13. Mary! It was good to meet you, too. Yes, I wish we'd had more time to visit with each other. By all means, let me know when you're in the neighborhood.

  14. Mimi, I love the pictures. I was so happy to know you were in Anaheim, meeting up with people and keeping an eye on the proceedings. While I was represented officially by the Maryland delegation including our fine diocesan bishop, I considered you my unofficial rep. Despite, or maybe because of, your lack of official standing in the Convention, I figured that if things really got out of hand you would be there to restore order. (You are, surely, a fellow member of the Churchlady Handbag Brigade?)

  15. Mary Clara, thank you! I am a member of the Brigade. I had my extra large handbag with me, and I was good to go, if the need arose.

  16. I am so jealous! I am following on the streaming video as much as I can, but it is just not quite the same.

    Keep up the pictures and stories!

  17. We could have been a bit more creative in our ideas for posing for the pictures, however, it's quite true that we all love each other.

  18. Great pictures, Mimi. It was so good to have you with us. I'm DYING to know how you experienced the sessions you witnessed in the HOB or HOB, the IntegrityUSA Eucharist or what you thought of the EWC Breakfast, and any other 'event' you were able to attend.

    Guess I've given you quite an assignment, eh? Sorry. It's just that I'd love to see and know what you saw.

  19. Elizabeth, you have given me quite an assignment. I wrote briefly about the Integrity Eucharist, not enough, surely, and I'll try to finish the assignment. It was one of the high points of my time at the convention.


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