Thursday, March 25, 2010


Via the miracle of email, I received a message from Casanova Donahue saying that he wants to meet me. At least, he's up front about his intentions.

Oh, and I won the British lottery again, so let the requests for money for good causes roll in.


  1. Well, all my financial woes would be over if ouly I'd relent and give out my bank account number to all of those fine Christian widows in Ghana that need my help to transfer their late husband's millions of dollars into the U.S.

  2. Forgive the typo, I was trembling in anticipation of my commission on all those millions.

  3. Well Mimi, some people just have all the luck!

  4. Well, I am no longer on anyone's list of help with financial conversion of foreign money. I do however get letters from certain politicians asking for the odd dollar. Thank God they aren't the conservative kind. So, Mimi, when you get your windfall, please remember to allot a portion to help those who are running in the fall elections and beyond! I don't ask for myself, but for the poor and needy pols.

  5. Susan S - it's very sad how politicians struggle in life.

  6. Susan, how noble of you not to ask anything for yourself.


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