Tuesday, May 11, 2010


"Reflection in a Pool" by Walter Anderson.

For many years Walter Anderson, painted scenes of wildlife and plant life on the coast of Mississippi and especially on Horn Island, off the coast. Horn Island is part of the Gulf Coast National Seashore.

Georgianne Nienaber at The Huffington Post writes of the danger from the oil gushing from the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico to the the Audubon Bird Sanctuary on Dauphin Island and to the Gulf Coast National Seashore, located in Florida and Mississippi.

Reports indicate the river of oil is moving closer, and Dauphin Island, Alabama is experiencing odor at this writing. The Audubon Bird Sanctuary is located here. Dauphin Island is the safety net used by birds as they migrate north from South America. It is a sanctuary of rest and rejuvenation for them, or it was so.

Horn Island and Ships Island, parts of the Gulf Islands National Seashore are also in danger. Horn Island is famous for its long white beaches and is home to alligators, ospreys, pelicans, ducks, tern, herons, and other migratory birds. Reuters News Service and the Coast Guard report that booms have been placed on the east and west tips of Horn Island. Whether they will hold is anyone's guess. Booms did not hold off the Birdsfoot Delta in Louisiana's waters.

This is a very personal attempt by this writer to explain the beauty of this area. I have been around the world and have never experienced a place of such peace, beauty, and rejuvenation. I can understand why the natural world uses the Gulf Coast as a place of refuge.

I think the best way to convey the importance of this natural area and what stands to be lost is to offer this video by roots writer Caroline Herring. The disclosure I must offer is that Caroline is a friend of mine. Her tribute to Walter Anderson is also a beautiful hymn to the endangered Gulf Coast.

The last I heard from Georgianne, she was off to Haiti again, and she requested prayers.


  1. Prayers for her and for my friend Casey

  2. Thanks for the video - amazing.

  3. I used to ride my bike by Shearwater Pottery. Ocean Springs is one of the few places I've lived to which I would return--the Gulf Coast is such an amazing place, yet no one in power seems to care about it except as a place to exploit.

    Also I have this Caroline Herring CD as a download from iTunes. It is amazing.

  4. Ann, I posted a list of prayer requests which included your friend Casey.

    Anderson's paintings are wonderful. My doctor's office is decorated with prints of the artist's paintings.

    Laurelew, I have Herring singing "Fair and Tender Ladies" on Congo's Angels, a CD honoring the women of Congo.

    When we visited the Gulf National Seashore in Florida, it was so sad to see what the shore once was, compared to the long line of high-rise condos and hotels just down the road. I remember Gulf Shores, Alabama, when there was nothing there. We went often when we lived in Mobile over 40 years ago.

  5. Hi Mimi,

    Back from Haiti and it is still in dire straits. Thanks for the prayers. I think they may have worked a small miracle. I will send you the link (s)

    Good news for Caroline Herring fans. Garrison Keillor issued personal invite for her to be on Prairie Home Companion May 22. She will sing 2 duets with him and 2 songs on her own. We are all pretty excited



  6. Georgianne, I'm glad you're home safe. Poor Haiti and its people. It's going to be a long haul.

    That's wonderful news about Caroline.

  7. May 24, 2010 Halcyon days here on the gulf coast. The far end of Dauphin Island, after the cut, is wild and beautiful---red-billed shearwaters with white and black wings circling visitors, guarding their nests. No oil yet. The Walter Anderson Museum in Ocean Springs is worth visiting. Thanks to the ladies working there today, showing visitors around. The little room preserved from the cottage is amazing. It felt like looking around at the interior of a man's mind. The colors fly off of every object like he could see the energy---similar to starry night, but ten-fold.


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