Wednesday, August 4, 2010


From The Lead:

According to the ruling by Judge Vaughn R Walker, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California:

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples.

Good news, indeed. One battle won, but the fight is not over.

For more information and quotes, check out The Friends of Jake.


  1. Thank you Judge Walker!!!

    The fight will be won - the question is when. At least, I can see no reason why this should not be so, and not in the too distant future.

  2. Truly, good news! And an astute observation by Judge Walker. That was indeed the intent, to enshrine the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples. I am glad he spoke plainly.

  3. It is stayed, pending motions regarding appeal. Of course.

    Next stop, the 9th circuit. Then the Supreme Court.

    More quote over at my place.

  4. IT is the go-to person on this story. Check out The Friends of Jake

  5. What is interesting is that this is the trial court. So the judge is the determiner of facts and that aspect cannot be appealed.

    So, unless someone can come up with a basis for a compelling interest, I think prop 8 is dead.


  6. Jim, I didn't know that. From what I've read, the pro-Prop 8 lawyers didn't put forth much effort to make their case.

  7. Findings of fact will be given consideration. The findings of law will be the subject of appeal.

  8. Excellent and not before time. Common sense and justice prevail.

  9. Too bad progress does not move in a continuing forward motion. Well, I can dream. Still, the ruling is good news.

  10. One person slams 7 million people . . . and an entire biblical mandate . . . and you celebrate . . .

    . . . Just keeping a scorecard . . .

    (I know you slam people who disagree with you, so I intentionally do not sign . . . keep my post censored if you will, "judge" it to be irrational, though the facts still are in your way.)

  11. Anonymous, if you know I don't like anonymous posts, and you do it anyway, you censor yourself. Make up a name. You don't have to give your real name. I'll let this comment stand, but no more unless you sign.

    It's true. Sometimes judges rule against popular opinion. In this case, I'm glad they did for the sake of justice and equality. As to the Bible, that's your opinion.

    Score away. Is your comment a threat?


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