Friday, April 1, 2011


Thanks to Lapin for the link.


  1. Izzie told me not to waste my money. She prefers to sit on a human chair with her front paws on the table. She also would like me to serve her dinner on a proper plate with the human food arranged as it is for the two-footed species. Happy April 1.

  2. Izzie is one smart girl. Her momma should listen to her.

  3. Well I did on not buying the hundstol. (BTW that's a great April Fool joke) However, the battle about no dogs at the table I think I won some years back. An since she can no longer jump up on chairs without my assistance I do believe that rule still holds.

  4. Speaking of dogs: didja hear about the dog floating in the ocean off Japan, 3 weeks after the tsunami, that was rescued? (Aw, look at that face!)

  5. My chows, long since gone to join the choir invisibule, were trained from an early age, thanks to extensive childhood experience of bar-stools, to sit at table. Excellent manners. Ate only when fed and fed delicately from up-turned forks and dessert-spoons. Would that pointers were a tenth as couth.

  6. Amelia, I had nothing. I'm grateful to Lapin for supplying my need.

    JCF, what a sweet story. Thanks for the link.

    Lapin, is your dogs-at-table story April Fool?

  7. Lapin, I left my comment over there.

  8. So I saw. Just added this one - same bar, same dog - to that page.

  9. Boo and Doc say, "Where is the kotstol?" Not that they would need one since I spend a great deal of time trying to keep Doc from getting on the table.

  10. I see possibilities in the hundstol. It would make the doggie feel like one of us without actually being one of us, sort of like little humans - with us, but not quite.

  11. Emmett would be outta that thing in seconds!

  12. Diana would be out quickly, too, but our Rusty the Wonder Dog (now gamboling in heavenly pastures) may have stayed put.


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