Tuesday, September 27, 2011


A man went to Africa to do some game hunting. While there, he hired a boy to accompany him as his guide. Soon, a large flock of birds flew overhead and the hunter took aim.

The guide grabbed his arm and said "Oh,no! These are foo birds and to shoot one means terrible things will happen to you! The man figured that was only a superstition of the locals and shot one down. Then the rest of the flock returned and pooped all over him.

He hollered at the boy, "I must have some water right away to wash this mess off."

The boy said "Oh no! To wash the crap of the foo bird off means sudden death immediately!"

Again the hunter ignored his advice, found water and got cleaned off.

Sure enough he dropped dead then and there.

The moral of this story is "If the foo shits, wear it."
The joke above, which I heard many years ago, is one of my favorites of all time. Of course, it's best when you first hear it. I've told it many times, but not everyone thinks it's funny. Since I heard the joke, I hardly ever say, 'If the shoe fits....'


  1. The foo quite often does shit, I find.

  2. Who else but Cathy, the bird lover, would say such a thing? Where is it that you encounter the foo bird?

  3. IT, what is the science behind your statement? ;-)

  4. Is this another offering from Paul (A.)? Just wondering.

  5. whiteycat, this one is mine, all mine. I didn't make it up, but I've carried it with me for a long, long time.

  6. Thank the Lord you never heard the one about how the Oranutan got its name.

  7. This made me laugh out loud, really and genuinely. THANK YOU!!

  8. The foo bird is encountered in life every day, Mimi :)


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