Monday, June 9, 2014


A student shows up at the end of a young professor's office hours.  She hurriedly glances up and down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly in front of his chair.

"Professor, I need to pass this exam," she says, "I would do anything in order to pass the course."  She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, and gazes meaningfully into his eyes. "I mean," she whispers, "I would do anything . . . . " 

He returns her gaze, "Anything?"


His voice softens, "Anything?"

"Anything," she repeats again.

His voice turns to a whisper. "Would you . . .  study?"

(Thanks or blame to Paul A.)


  1. Paul (A.) has not lost his touch! Thanks for the laugh!

    1. whiteycat, a person on Facebook thought the joke was sexist and out of line. I don't see it. I'm old enough to have faced sexist behavior more than once, and I thought the joke was funny.

    2. Not sexist . . . but joke would be SO much *hotter* if the professor was also female!

      JCF (sometime adjunct professor), completely unbiased...

    3. JCF, I takes them as they comes.

  2. Funny, and yet it cuts sort of close.

    I have been that professor, albeit at a much lower adjunct instructor level. The look on the student's face was priceless. I wondered after the student flounced out of my (shared) office how many times her approach might have worked?

    1. I suppose most funny jokes cut close to something or other, but if I'd thought the joke was out of line, I would not have posted it.


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