Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Amurkans" Bash the Brits!

A lovely gift, just for me, from TheMe at Conscientisation:

US seniors bash Brits in memory test Enlarge photo

The trans-Atlantic gap, as measured in a "memory and awareness test," amounted to a decade of aging, according to the survey of 8,299 Americans and 5,276 Britons over 65.

75-year-olds in the US, in other words, scored far better than their sun-starved age peers, and equalled the performance of Brits 10 years younger, according to the study, published in London-based journal BMC Geriatrics.

Take THAT British pride! Of course, TheMe considers the study tainted and biased because it was conducted by an "Amurkan" university, as he puts it. But, I ask you, "Who exhibits bias in this instance?" The University of Michigan conducted the study. Michigan ain't no fourth rate bible college, you know.


The tests measured instant and delayed recall of a series of ten common nouns such as "tree", "village," "baby," etc. Participants were also asked what day, date, month and year it was.

I can tell you right off the top of my head the day, date, month, and year, and I do so know what a tree, a village, a baby, and etc. are. So there.

TheMe, when you reach my age, you'll be fortunate if you're one of the FEW Brits who can do that.

Cri du Cœur From Fran

Fran needs to find a home for Skittles, the Jack Russell pictured above, in the Albany or central New York state area. See her blog FranIAm for the story.

"Let The Earth Bear Witness"

Mike Scott, his wife Janette and Waterboys’ webmaster Ian Barratt have created a 3-minute video titled LET THE EARTH BEAR WITNESS in tribute to the Iranian protesters. The film shows fantastic images of the uprising in Iran to a soundtrack of a split-new Waterboys with a lyric by the great Irish poet WB Yeats. Says Mike: "Let The Earth Bear Witness is inspired by the amazing scenes of hundreds of thousands of Iranian people standing up for their rights and freedom. I took the words from two old Yeats poems, in which he was writing about Irish freedom fighters. But his words apply to any freedom fighters, anytime, anywhere in the world."

Warning: Contains scenes that are bloody and graphic.

H/T to MadPriest at Of course, I Could Be Wrong.

Please Pray For Roseann

From Sue:


I've just received a message from Roseann stating, she is on her way to the hospital, because blood cultures that were drawn were positive for bacteria. she will get IV antibiotics and she expects that to be done in the ER.

I hope you have a wonderful time in Anaheim.

Blessings to you,

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant Roseann, and give your power of healing to those who minister to her needs, that she may be strengthened in her weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p.459)

Ann Made Me Do It

For a good many years, I've wanted to attend General Convention of the Episcopal Church, but I never followed through with a plan. A couple of weeks ago, I read about the gathering of bloggers at Bar Louie on Friday evening and felt so very jealous. I checked plane fares and hotels, going back and forth about whether I'd go over a period of a good many days. I will. I won't. I WILL! It's a great self-indulgence, but will I be better off waiting three more years to attend? I'm getting to the point of, "I want to do this before I die," and I may not have years and years ahead of me to do these things.

Someone spoke of a button for those who would be meeting, and Ann suggested the one pictured above. I asked her not to include my blog, but she did it anyway. The truth of it is, although I don't think my blog belongs on the button, the button is what pushed me over the line to make the reservations, so, God willing, I'll be in Anaheim at Louie's Bar on Friday night, raising a glass with the rest of them.

My blog name is on the button. What could I do? It was out of my hands, right? I had no choice.

Once I'm in Anaheim, I have no plans beyond going to Bar Louie on Friday night. I'm assuming that things will evolve after I get there. Maybe I'll see if there is a need for last-minute volunteers. I don't want to plan ahead too much, because if I commit now, something better may come up later. Hmmm. Shallow. If nothing develops, I may spend the whole time in Bar Louie. I'm bound to meet up with interesting people there.

So, to all of you who will be there on Friday, I'll see you at Louie's and around in Anaheim.

Update from the comments:

Lapinbizarre said...

"wotthehell wotthehell toujours gai I always say, there's life in the old girl yet." Mehitabel the Cat


UPDATE: IT wants to know if you will be in Anaheim. Check in at Friends of Jake and leave a word in the comments.

I Couldn't Take The Green

Sorry, folks, I couldn't look at the green any longer. I stand with the Iranian protesters in their struggle, and I made my statement, but I could no longer stand looking at the green background.

"Put A Ribbon In Your Hair"

Petty Witter at Pen and Paper posted advice from an article in a 1958 issue of Good Housekeeping titled "The Good Wife's Guide". It's hilarious. What's sad is that women held themselves to those standards. I tried to follow some of it myself.

* Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal (especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed.

* Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot of work weary people.

There's more, much more. I bought into the meal advice for over 20 years, and then I quit that job. After that, we either ate salads and sandwiches, ate out, or Grandpère cooked. I'd had enough.

Petty's dear Hubby, aka Themethatisme, provided her with the material for the post.

Update from the comments:

airedale said...

When I first married a good friend advised me that if I spoiled my husband enough that I wouldn't have to worry about another woman stealing him because they wouldn't be able to stand him. So I did it.
Within the first year I realized what an awful mistake I had made - He was so spoiled I couldn't stand him!!!!! All the following years were spend undoing what I had done in the first year.

Well said, Airdale! I fixed your wee typo.

Friday, June 26, 2009

"A New Church Is Born!"

Ruth Gledhill's guest blogger at the Times Online is none other than - Tah-dah! - Canon Dr. Chris Sugden reporting on the ACNA gathering in Texas.

Chris writes: 'Many will be quick to find fault with the launch of the Anglican Church in North America, a church representing a Sunday attendance of 69,000 Anglicans in 23 dioceses across the USA and Canada.

'It will to all intents and purposes be the 39th province of the Anglican Communion.

'Many orthodox clergy and congregations who have resisted TEC’s practice and direction have been driven out of their churches and buildings. Some individual church members have been sued for upwards of half a million dollars.

'What were the faithful bishops and clergy who cared deeply for their people and the teaching of the faith to do?

Driven out of their churches? Puh-leeze! How about walked away voluntarily with property that was not theirs that the courts subsequently ordered them to return to the proper owners?

Visitors from the Church of England included Bishop John Ellison, assistant bishop in the Diocese of Winchester. Greetings were read from the Bishops of Rochester, Winchester, Chester and Chichester.

The Church of England bishops roost for a brief spell in Texas before their return home to roost in England. I saw this coming, and I tried to warn the Archbishop of Canterbury, even as he scolded and lectured us in the Episcopal Church about how to be a proper church, but he would not listen. I said over and over again, "Archbishop Williams, take care. The chickens will go home to roost!"

See Pluralist Speaks on the FoCA gathering in London beginning July 6.

Note: Baby Blue Online live-blogged the ACNA gathering.

"Straight Outta Compline"

The BCP Boys with their number one single, now for the first time in this delightful rap video. Lyrics: "Straight outta compline! Thinkin about goin to bed Gotta say my prayers til the day I'm dea..."

H/T to Jim Naughton at The Lead at the Episcopal Café.

Cross-posted at OCICBOV.

Limbaugh - Sanford's Affair Is Obama's Fault

From TPM:

"This is almost like, 'I don't give a damn, the country's going to Hell in a handbasket, I just want out of here,'" said Limbaugh. "He [Sanford] had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to South Carolina. He didn't want any part of it. He lost the battle. He said, 'What the Hell. I mean, I'm -- the federal government's taking over -- what the Hell, I want to enjoy life.'"

Rush, this is news? All of us know that everything, EVERYTHING! that happens now, is Obama's fault. I guess your radio show is over. Nothing left to say.