Wednesday, April 7, 2010


March 2010

My dear brothers in Christ:

I write you because of developments in The Episcopal Church, about which you will soon hear and read. As you all know, the Diocese of Los Angeles elected two suffragan bishops in December, and the consent process for those bishops has been ongoing since then. One of those bishops-elect is a woman in a partnered same-sex relationship.

At this point, she has received consent from a majority of the bishops with jurisdiction, and a majority of the standing committees of this Church. According to our canons, I must now take order for her consecration. I will do so, and anticipate that both bishops-elect will be consecrated at the same service on 15 May. It has been my practice, since I took office, to preside at the consecration of new bishops, and I intend to do so in this case as well.

It may help you to know that our House of Bishops will continue to discuss these issues at our meeting later this month. The papers we discuss will be available publicly following that meeting, and we will endeavor to see that you receive copies. I would encourage you to engage in conversation any bishops whom you know in this Church, particularly those you came to know at Lambeth, whether in Bible study or Indaba groups.

Know that this is not the decision of one person, or a small group of people. It represents the mind of a majority of elected leaders in The Episcopal Church, lay, clergy, and bishops, who have carefully considered the opinions and feelings of other members of the Anglican Communion as well as the decades-long conversations within this Church. It represents a prayerful and thoughtful decision, made in good faith that this Church is ‘working out its salvation in fear and trembling, believing that God is at work in us’ (Philippians 2:12-13).

I ask your prayers for this Church, for the Diocese of Los Angeles, and for the members of the Anglican Communion. This part of the Body of Christ has abundant work to do, and God’s mission needs us all.

If you have questions about this decision or process, I would encourage you to contact me. I would be glad to talk with you.

I pray that your ministry may continue to be a transformative blessing to many. I remain

Your servant in Christ,

Katharine Jefferts Schori

There it is, fellows. A good letter, yes?

I smiled at the PB's "My dear brothers in Christ" greeting. No need for sisters to be included in the greeting, because PB Katharine is unique in the whole of the Anglican Communion. Perhaps one day, in the not-too-distant future, just as Bishop Gene Robinson will no longer be the sole bishop in TEC in an open, same-sex relationship after Bishop-elect Mary Glasspool is consecrated, Bishop Katharine will not be the sole female Primate in the AC.

H/T to Diocese of East Tennessee via John Chilton at The Lead.


Doug Blanchard - "Jesus Appears at Emmaus"

Then he said to them, "Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?" Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.

As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, "Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over. "So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?"

Luke 24:25-32

Preface for Wednesday in Easter Week:

O God, whose blessed Son did manifest himself to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open, we pray thee, the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p. 223

Last year during Lent and Easter, Doug gave me permission to use a number of his paintings here at Wounded Bird. The painting above is one in a series of paintings titled "The Passion of Christ". Doug blogs as Counterlight at Counterlight's Peculiars. I hope that my permission to use his painting extends through this year. The more I look at Doug's paintings, the more I like them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Bishops Mark Lawrence of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina and William Love of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany are members of the Communion Partners, bishops and clergy who, to one degree or another, have one foot in and one foot out of the Episcopal, or if their feet are still planted in the Episcopal Church, they are not happy campers. One wonders if either or both bishops will, in the not-so-distant future, decide to bolt to ACNA, where, in their heart of hearts, it seems they long to be.

The Episcopalians in the two dioceses who are rather more loyal to the Episcopal Church than their bishops, feel a lack of pastoral care from the heads of their dioceses and have banded together to support each other and the Episcopal Church.

From the website of Episcopal Forum of South Carolina:

The mission of the Episcopal Forum in the Diocese of South Carolina is to preserve unity with diversity in the Diocese and within The Episcopal Church through the inclusion of a broad range of Scriptural understandings and by upholding the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the democratic actions of its Conventions and elected leaders.

Openly Episcopal in Albany states:

Our goal will be to raise the visibility of The Episcopal Church throughout the diocese, and encourage our parishes and leadership to remain Episcopal in Albany.

Fr. Frank Wade, who teaches in the doctoral program at Virginia Theological Seminary, recently spoke to the Episcopal Forum in South Carolina on why he is "enthusiastically Episcopalian". Here's a snippet from Fr. Wade's speech:

If I were to see our Church in a specific Gospel story, I would suggest the Road to Emmaus. In that account two people were walking from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus on Easter Day. They were fully aware of the crucifixion and had heard rumors of the resurrection. They were dong their best to figure it all out. During their conversation, Jesus, unrecognized, joined them and guided their discussion to a deeper understanding. At the conclusion of their journey they had a meal and it is said that they recognized the Lord in that great Eucharistic phrase "the breaking of the bread." I would suggest that our Church is still on the Emmaus road, confident that when we are in conversation our Lord joins us and deepens our understanding.

I know you want to read the entire speech.

I've read and quoted enough of the whining, self-pitying, and sanctimonious words of Bishop Mark Lawrence to recognize Fr. Wade's words as a breath of fresh air blowing across Charleston on the day he spoke.

Openly Episcopal in Albany, will have the privilege of a visit from Fr. Wade to St Paul's Church in Albany on April 10. If you're nearby, I'd recommend that you go. Details below.

What: Communion, Covenant, Conversation: Being Episcopalian and Anglican
Who: The Rev. Dr. Frank Wade, presenter
Where: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 21 Hackett Blvd., Albany
When: Saturday, April 10, 2:00 PM

For further information, call 518-453-3657

NOTE: If you have difficulty accessing PDF files, the text of Fr. Wade's speech in Charleston is also available at Openly Episcopal.


Remember Constance McMillen, who wanted to take her girl friend to the prom at Itawamba High School in Fulton, Mississippi? Box Turtle Bulletin has the latest word on the story, which has an unbelievably cruel ending.

McMillen tells The Advocate that a parent-organized prom happened behind her back — she and her date were sent to a Friday night event at a country club in Fulton, Miss., that attracted only five other students. Her school principal and teachers served as chaperones, but clearly there wasn’t much to keep an eye on.

“They had two proms and I was only invited to one of them,” McMillen says. “The one that I went to had seven people there, and everyone went to the other one I wasn’t invited to.”

Last week McMillen asked one of the students organizing the prom for details about the event, and was directed to the country club. “It hurts my feelings,” McMillen says.

To add more cruelty to the situation, the fake prom was apparently meant to be the “freak” prom. In addition to Constance and her girlfriend, two others with learning disabilities, were among the five others who were there. Meanwhile, the rest of the class attended the real prom which was held at a secret location.

How can the students and parents who participated in this cruel hoax live with themselves? I wonder how many are church-going "Christians".

UPDATE: See Oyster's post at Your Right Hand Thief. Oh yeah!


A famous industrial efficiency expert concluded his lecture with a note of caution: "You don't want to try these techniques at home."

"Why not?" asked somebody from the audience.

"For years I watched my wife's routine at breakfast," the expert explained. "She made lots of trips between the refrigerator, stove, table, and cabinets, more often than not carrying only a single item at a time. One day I asked her, 'Hon, why don't you try carrying several things at once?'"

"Did it save time?" the person in the audience asked.

"Actually, yes," replied the expert. "Previously, it would take her twenty minutes to make breakfast. Now I do it in seven."

Thanks to Paul (A.), who is still despondent because I didn't use his April Fool's Day joke. I hope that my use of his joke here cheers him up.

Monday, April 5, 2010


From TPM:

Conservative activists, presidential hopefuls and Republican officials descend on New Orleans Thursday for the 3-day Southern Republican Leadership Conference -- the first big test of 2012 mettle since President Obama scored his health care victory. It's also the first major GOP event in a city devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which contributed to the end of Republican rule in Washington.

From Sarah Palin to Mike Pence the Republicans who may challenge Obama two years from now will attempt to win over conservatives at one of the premiere events for the GOP. Just about everyone considering a bid will appear, except former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who is finishing out his book tour. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will address the conference via video. Pawlenty is opting to attend a welcome-home ceremony for soldiers returning from Iraq instead.

Below is the list of Republican hopefuls who will grace New Orleans with their awesome presences.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA)
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR)
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA)
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)
Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK)

Ta-dah! A star-studded event, surely. Shall I make my reservations? Ah, but they're coming Thursday, so it's probably too late to reserve one of the best rooms.

I say bring it on, guys. Bring your money with you, and spend, spend, spend like there's no tomorrow. Lots of - ah - interesting entertainment, you know. New Orleans needs your bucks.

Another potential candidate, Liz Cheney, will appear.

The conference opens Thursday morning and the first big speaking events will be that night when Mary Matalin, Cheney, Newt Gingrich and JC Watts address the crowd. Friday kicks off the big show, with Palin, Jindal and Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaking in the afternoon. Saturday afternoon will feature Pawlenty's video address, Paul, Pence, Santorum, RNC Chairman Michael Steele and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.

And our governor, Bobby Jindal, will not simply have a night with the stars, he will BE one of the stars.


1. Joshua at Sic Deus Lixet Mundum. Joshua is not only a new blogger but a new Episcopalian. He was received into the Episcopal Church on Ash Wednesday. Welcome into the fold, Joshua.

2. Laurie and Mary at Dirty Sexy Ministry. What to say about Laurie and Mary? The two young women are Episcopal priests, from Louisiana, of all places!!! and they are quite naughty, as you would never guess by the name of their blog.

3. Episcopal Bear at - well, um - Episcopal Bear. EB left the following comment at Wounded Bird:

Psst! Grandmère Mimi?

Off topic, but wanted to let you know that I've shamelessly swiped your "Windsor Compliance" statement. Crediting you as the source, of course!

Check out Episcopal Bear, my new blog & contribution to Teh Librul Wing of Teh Episcopal Blogosphere.

New Bloggers, hear me. Now that I've linked to your blogs, you'd best keep writing, so I won't need to do a retraction of my recommendations. I hate it when I have to do that.


From the AP via the Times-Picayune:

It was the Catholic calendar's holiest moment — the Mass celebrating the resurrection of Christ. But with Pope Benedict XVI accused of failing to protect children from abusive priests, Easter Sunday also was a high-profile opportunity to play defense.

"Holy Father, on your side are the people of God," Cardinal Angelo Sodano told the pontiff, whom victims of clergy sexual abuse accuse of helping to shape and perpetuate a climate of cover-up. Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, dismissed those claims as "petty gossip."

The ringing tribute at the start of a Mass attended by tens of thousands in St. Peter's Square marked an unusual departure from the Vatican's Easter rituals, infusing the tradition-steeped religious ceremony with an air of a papal pep rally.

Dressed in gold robes and shielded from a cool drizzle by a canopy, Benedict looked weary during much of the Mass, the highlight of a heavy Holy Week schedule. But as he listened intently to Sodano's paean, a smile broke across the pope's face, and when the cardinal finished speaking, Benedict rose from his chair in front of the altar to embrace him.

"[A]n air of a pep rally"? I suppose the characterization will be labeled as more persecution by the media.

Jewish leaders, and even some top Catholic churchmen, were angered after Benedict's personal preacher, in a Good Friday sermon, likened the growing accusations against the pope to the campaign of anti-Semitic violence that culminated in the Holocaust.

The preacher, the Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa, told Corriere della Sera daily in an interview Sunday that he had no intention "of hurting the sensibilities of the Jews and of the victims of pedophilia," expressed regret and asked for forgiveness.

He was quoted as saying that the pope wasn't aware of what the sermon would say beforehand, and that no Vatican officials read the text before the Good Friday service.

The apology satisfied one Jewish leader, Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants.

"Now that he has apologized and the Vatican has distanced itself from those remarks, the matter is closed," Steinberg said in a statement.

Since Fr Cantalamessa apologized, I won't say more about the matter, either.

Meanwhile back in Anglicanland comes another apology.

From the BBC:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed his "deep sorrow" for any difficulties caused by his comments about the Catholic Church in Ireland.

His claim that the Church had lost all credibility because of its handling of child abuse by priests was criticised by both Catholic and Anglican clergy.

The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, said he was "stunned".

Dr Rowan Williams later telephoned Archbishop Martin to insist he meant no offence to the Irish Catholic Church.

BBC religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said Dr Williams' words represented unusually damning criticism from the leader of another Church.

Did Archbishop Williams speak anything but the truth? It seems to me that he had nothing for which to apologize. Once again, the ABC waffles and ends up pleasing no one.


I will always remember the day the sun
shone dark on your hair & I forgot
where we were & kissed you lightly on
the nose & suddenly there was no more


Not the best quality picture or sound, but the best I could find of the original performance of the song by Mary Hopkin. There's another with sound quality that's a bit better, but the video is so terribly out of sync that it makes me crazy.

From StoryPeople.

Sunday, April 4, 2010





79,000,000 people are engaged in sex - right now.


58,000,000 are kissing.


37,000,000 are relaxing after having sex.


1 odd person is reading this blog.


Doug strikes again!