So, the Dean of St Albans has been "blocked" from becoming the next Bishop of Southwark. Really? Well, the Telegraph has confidently told us so – so we might as well remove our brains and take their word for it. Or not.
What is amazing about this whole story is not just the shameful behaviour of the leaker (who has sworn an oath of confidentiality), but the credulity of many people who have responded (look, for example, at Thinking Anglicans) is depressing. They have accepted the details and language of the story without thinking. And, predictably, the usual suspects from the extremes of the Church were ready with their quotes of indignation and threat.
Well, despite the fact that the bishop did not name me as one who caused him to feel depressed, (almost certainly not having read my posts!) I feel culpable in a you-know-who-you-are sort of way, having devoted three posts to the subject.
In my defense, as I said to Cathy who sent me the link to Bishop Baines column:
Of course, I understand the need for confidentiality during the the process, weeding out those who don't measure up in the background checks, etc. But once the shortlist is decided, why the secrecy? Bishop Baines says because that's what the procedures are in the CofE. But if the names were made public, there would be no need for leaks. What's wrong with suggestions that more transparency might be a good thing?
Bishop Baines then goes on to give quite a helpful explanation of the process of choosing bishops in the Church of England.
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, head of the English Church, and primus inter pares of the Anglican Communion, has no compunctions about interfering in the internal affairs of the Episcopal Church by lecturing our bishops on how to be bishops nor about warning our church as to which of our candidates for bishop are suitable to be elected and given consents. Why then should it matter if a lowly pew warmer from across the pond, with no power whatsoever to make it happen, suggests a bit more transparency and a bit less secrecy in the procedures for choosing bishops in the Church of England?
Nick Baines is Suffragan Bishop of Croydon in the Diocese of Southwark.