Thursday, February 24, 2011


Fox News' Shep Smith talking with Juan Williams about the situation in Wisconsin: "Bust the unions; it's over."..."To pretend that this is about a fiscal crisis is baloney."

This is Fox News, folks!


From the introduction to the Study Guide to the Anglican Communion Covenant:
In December 2009 the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion sent the text of The Anglican Communion Covenant to all the member churches of the Anglican Communion, asking that they consider it for adoption according to their own internal procedures. It is hoped that there will be wide consultation within those churches, so that Anglicans around the world will have an opportunity to understand and rejoice in the commitment which the churches are being asked to make. (My emphasis)

So. Anglicans around the world are to rejoice in the commitment to the covenant even before they undertake to study the text of the covenant to see if its implementation WOULD BE A GOOD THING FOR THE AC! I'm sorry to shout, but I thought studies were to be impartial, with the conclusion left open to come AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE STUDY! Oops! There I am shouting again.

Alan Perry, a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, who blogs at Insert Catchy Blog Title Here, riffs off the crazy-making study guide which accompanies the daft covenant and introduces sanity into the discussion. Please read his post. Thank you.


Click on the cartoon for the larger view of this fine example of MadPriest's brilliance.

(MadPriest insists that the description of the cartoon includes "brilliance" or "brilliant" as a condition for its use.)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


From Jude at First Draft:

Well, this is news from Madison, WI, but not about the protests and such.

I started the day with breakfast with a fellow state worker parasite. We went to a local diner to do something silly like spend money on goods and services that would help stimulate the local economy.

As is my wont, I ordered a cup of coffee with breakfast.

Yes. That's right. I'm in goddamn Wisconsin, and I get a cup that says "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God." And it's got a goddamn Confederate battle flag on it. That's a cup that's just bound to piss me off.

Read the rest of the story over there. You won't be sorry.


Leonard is an old man. Well, so what? I am an old lady. In fact, I believe we are the same age. The video is from a few years ago, but not so very many. Leonard has not lost his magic touch. What a gorgeous and romantic song! And the violin!


From Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin:
The Justice Department today announced that they will no longer defend the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” in two lawsuits that had recently been filed in Federal District Court challenging the law.

In a letter sent to House speaker John Boehner, Attorney General Eric Holder wrote that Section 3 of the statute which bars the federal government from recognizing legal marriages of same-sex couples is a violation of the equal protection clause of the Fifth Amendment. Holder wrote that in response the the lawsuit which had been filed recently (Windsor v. United States, No. 1:10-cv-8435 (S.D.N.Y.); Pedersen v. OPM, No. 3:10-cv-1750 (D. Conn.).

Good news, indeed! I don't have the kind of mind to understand the legal twists and turns, but I'm pleased that the US Justice department will no longer defend the indefensible.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


From the comments at MadPriest's post "UPDATE ON OUR FRIENDS IN NEW ZEALAND":

Brian R said:
Thanks, yes I was even further south on Stewart island (the third very small island of NZ). I am driving my sister and her husband around. Thankfully we had decided not to go to Christchurch this trip. It is very upsetting, the nation is in a state of shock. The loss of the cathedral is terrible but the loss of life (now 75) is far worse. Glad to hear Bosco and family are safe, also Alcibiades family.


Feb. 23 I go into Ochsner for a catheter ablation to cure focal atrial tachycardia (rapid heart beat caused by a spot in one of my atria, which fires off odd electrical impulses). The doc will put a catheter up one of my arteries and into the right atrium, locate the pesky spot (if possible), and zap it out of existence. He assured me the procedure was “low risk”—only 1 % die.


Pray that Ormonde is in the 99% (I know he will be!) and that the procedure will be successful in stopping the atrial tachycardia.
Almighty God our heavenly Father, graciously comfort your servant Ormonde in his illness, and bless the means made use of for his cure. Fill his heart with confidence that, though at times he may be afraid, he yet may put his trust in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ormonde blogs at Through the Dust.

UPDATE: Ormonde Plater says:
I'm back, released from the hospital, and the good doc zapped not one but two bad spots. Thanks for the prayers, everybody.

Excellent news, Ormonde. Prayers of thanksgiving. Thanks for letting us know.


From MYMMedia:
On February 10th , 2011, The interfaith council lead by the "Standing on the Side of Love" campaign, gathered together religious leaders of many faiths and denominations; from episcopal, to Catholics, to Jewish, to Southern Baptist and many others.

All spoke from a perspective as to why they feel their faith should support marriage equality for same-sex couples.

this is father joe Palacios comments from the Catholic perspective.

MYM-Media was asked on behalf of the "Standing on the Side of Love" campaign to document the groups ongoing efforts to end marriage discrimination in Maryland and broaden the public discussion regarding the roll of faith in this civil rights issue.

Thanks to Wade.


Earlier I posted a prayer request for Olga, Fran's sister-in-law, who is gravely ill. Fran appealed for a kind-hearted dog-lover to make a home for Olga's Jack Russell, Skittles. Renz, of Renz in the Woods, offered to take Skittles, but a relay of drivers is needed to get Skittles near enough to Renz for him to pick her up. Check out the details at the link let him know if you can help with transporting Skittles.

The dog pictured is not Skittles, just a picture of a Jack Russell in the event you're not familiar with the breed.

Mimi, thank you so much for spreading the word, I am quite happy to report that we have a complete route put together for Saturday, so please simply pray for Skittles for a safe journey.

All right! Prayers for all for a safe journey and prayers for Renz and Skittles that it will be love at first sight.


From Fr Jonathan Grieser, rector of, Grace Church, located on the square in Madison, Wisconsin, the site of the demonstrations for worker's rights:
The response to us opening our doors has been overwhelming. As a gesture it seems to have struck a chord in the community, and to some degree, more widely. There are concerns about security but welcoming people in, giving them space to warm up, reflect, and pray, is being hospitable.

Some might say to open our doors in such a way is to take a political stand on one side or another. To me, it’s being church. Because of our location, anything we do or don’t do, could be interpreted as taking a stand. Keeping the place buttoned up while 30,000 people are protesting outside our doors, sends a powerful message about who and what Grace Church is....

Read the rest at the blog, especially his commentary on the Evening Prayer service.

You may also want to read Fr Jonathan's sermon from this past Sunday.