Monday, March 21, 2011


I've always thought death was a lot like
Christmas, he said. I can't wait to find
out if being good the whole time was
worth it.

Yes. :-)

From StoryPeople.



Our azaleas are at different stages of blooming, some in full bloom, some just beginning to produce buds, and some fading.


The Indian hawthorne is in full bloom, while the dwarf azaleas in the background are beginning to fade. The dwarf azaleas bloom several times a year, usually with a display around Christmas, which is lovely.


As you see, this bush is just about covered with flowers.


St Francis points to the lovely azalea blooms - or perhaps he points to the birdie. Who can tell?


Our shrimp plant is not the greatest beauty in our garden, but the hummingbirds like to visit, so we must keep it going.


Diana lolls in the yard guarding, but not eating, her dog bone. Diana, we don't want your bone. Truly.

As regular readers know, Diana lost one diseased eye through an accident, but she was already nearly blind in the eye. Her remaining eye is clouded over, and she doesn't see well out of it. In addition, she suffers from arthritis and is going deaf. Poor old girl. Old age is not for sissies.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Mark Harris at Preludium preached a fine sermon for Lent II titled "God in the midst of death and destruction".

The Tweet summary:
Spirit filled and freed up, we Jesus people know that God loves the world fully and accept God’s love as the be all and end all of life.

Read the rest at Mark's blog. It's excellent.



The band that won the Grammy playing this afternoon at the Bayou Swamp Stomp Festival at Nicholls State University here in Thibodaux


The band again


The dancers


A couple who danced really well


Chubby Carrier and moi

Chubby knows to hold up his CD because he wants to sell you a copy of his latest "Zydeco Junkie".


Randy Ellis and moi

Randy is a local boy who went to school with my daughter, Alison, and played with her in the Thibodaux High School Band.

You may order the CD from the band's website or the MP3 album from MadPriest's Amazon widget on his right sidebar.


...for all involved as we continue the selection process for priests-in-charge for four parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. The Q&A sessions yesterday went quite well. I'm pleased that we are blessed with a slate of excellent candidates from which we and the candidates will choose the best church/candidate matches. I thank you all for your prayers thus far.
Lord, look upon the congregations St. John's in Thibodaux, St. Margaret's in Baton Rouge, St. Mary's in Franklin, and Christ Episcopal Church in Slidell. So guide the hearts and minds of our leadership teams, Bishop Morris, Canon Mark, the participating candidates for Holy Orders, and all those participating in the Clergy and Congregational Development Program, so that we may come to prepare and strengthen each other in our respective ministries. Make us all thankful of Your many blessings, faithful to Your Holy Word, and mindful that we are working to your honor and glory. Amen.

I confess that when I first became part of the selection process for a priest-in-charge, I did not quite realize the solemnity of the responsibility, which I now do, and it's awesome (in the old sense of the word). However, I am convinced that erring humans that we are, the Spirit of the living God guides us in the process.
Omnia vestra in caritate fiant. (Let all that you do be done in love.)

Soli Deo gloria. (Glory to God alone.)


...or even if you didn't, enjoy.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.


JCF said...

I just heard:

Cathy went home to God this evening.

My heart is heavy...but I'm relieved she's free of pain.

Light eternal grant unto her O Lord...

May Cathy rest in peace and rise in glory.

May God give comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to all who love Cathy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


From Live Science:
Thanks to a fluke of orbital mechanics that brings the moon closer to Earth than that it has been in more than 18 years, the biggest full moon of 2011 will occur on Saturday, leading some observers to dub it a "supermoon."

On Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, the moon will arrive at its closest point to the Earth in 2011: a distance of 221,565 miles (356,575 kilometers) away. And only 50 minutes earlier, the moon will officially be full.

At its peak, the supermoon of March may appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than lesser full moons (when the moon is at its farthest from Earth), weather permitting. Yet to the casual observer, it may be hard to tell the difference.

Great moon ball shines bright
Journeys on dark night's ceiling
Sun's light brings to earth

Image from

Thanks to Doug for the link to the story.

Friday, March 18, 2011


From Sally Boyd--- prayers continuing. ----

Begin forward message:

This is the latest news from her husband, Mike:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
8:18 p.m.

AILEEN TALKED!! Sunday her therapists, knowing I have to take the boys back to Rapid, started working early that morning, so that by the time we get there to say our good byes, she spoke!!!!! She said "Hi Mike" "mom" and "boys"! It took SOO much strain and effort and sounded like a 90 year old smoker, but who cares!! Everyone in the room cried, even the therapists! I love this place!

Aileen is amazing. She is working and fighting so hard. Yes, we have a long way to go, but she is just the girl to do it. She is stronger than any ten men! I dare anyone to say different! God, prayers from each and everyone of you, and the will of a mom. Nothing could be stronger! Thank you all!

Oh my! What wonderful news! Thanks be to God and to all who care for Aileen and pray for her. May Aileen's recovery continue until she is restored to full health and strength.

From JCF:
I just spoke w/ Cathy's sister.

They're preparing to bring Cathy home to a room in her (other) sister's place, in hospice care.

As I know from relatively recent experience w/ my mom, being AT HOME is the way To Go.

Please keep Cathy and her family in your prayers...

JCF, at home is the place to go, if possible. May Cathy go gentle, without pain or distress, into the loving arms of Jesus.

From the other Cathy in England:
In the meantime, I haven't got a temperature, but I have got a really weird cold. In addition to all of the usual symptoms it has given me sharp, nagging pain and nasty pressure first in the left ear (yesterday), then in the right (today). Now when I whistle I can hear two separate notes at the same time, one a semitone higher than the other, and everyone on the telly has got two voices, like bad lipsyncing. Prayers please? ...

O Father, heal our friend Cathy from her cold and restore her speedily to full health and strength, in Jesus' name, amen.


A drive-in, no less.

From Lapin.