Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Tomorrow afternoon, Roger (Lapinbizarre) and Becky will say good-bye to each other.

From Roger:

Just off the phone with the vet's office. Have bitten the bullet and am taking Becky in at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. She hasn't eaten for two days and has only eaten spasmodically for the past week. Far thinner now, with bones protruding all over the place. I know more about the articulation of the collar bones and hips of a moving quadruped than I ever wanted to learn under these conditions. She drinks still and still does her walks, looking for kitties in all the usual places, but slower every day, so there's life in the old girl yet (Archie!). I don't believe that I'm doing her any great favours keeping her alive, but between guilt at killing something that depends on me this deeply; love of her, and the formed by her still-continuing deep affection for me, I'm quite unhappy about it.

In May 2008, I posted the story of how Becky came to live with Roger, followed by the sad news a short time later that Becky had lung cancer. The good news is that, although at the time of diagnosis Becky was given only a few months to live, she and Roger had far more time together than anyone expected - two and a half years.

Pilgrim God
who journeys with us
through the joys and shadows
of this world

be with us
in our sorrow
and feel our pain;

help us to accept
the mystery of death
without bitterness
but with hope.

Among the shadows
of this world,
amid the turmoil of life
and the fear of death

you stand alongside us,
always blessing, always giving
arms always outstretched.

For this we know:
every living thing is yours
and returns to you.

As we ponder this mystery
we give you thanks
for the life of Becky
and we now commit her
into your loving hands.

Gentle God:
fragile is your world,
delicate are your creatures,
and costly is your love
which bears and redeems us all.

Andrew Linzey, Animal Rites: Liturgies of Animal Care.

Pray for Becky and Roger.

UPDATE: Do you believe in the power of prayer? Here's the latest update on Becky from Roger:

Maybe your powerful prayer is working. She was wretched and panting all night, but this morning she perked up when I dressed and was ready, tail wagging, to walk. I decided to take her, gently, to the dog park for one last time. Out there she showed a fair amount of her old spirit and activity, and when she tired she sat by me, gazing up. A couple of old dog hands out there - one a professional breeder for 30 years - said "That dog's not ready to go yet". Brought her home, weary, and she headed for that back gate, wanting another walk. Upstairs, she turned up her nose at liver, yet again, but, to my surprise, scarfed down a couple of sausages (Italian; mild; onion), followed by a pound of raw ground beef. So I called the vet's office, who also said "she's not ready yet, we'll cancel".

So there we are. She's pulled another, albeit short-term, of her Lazarus jobs.

Lying peacefully, apparently contentedly, at my feet, as I write.

I don't know what to say, except that Becky is God's miracle dog.


  1. I am so sorry to read this. Lapin and Becky are in my prayers.

  2. Aw. Becky is a beauty.

    I know she will enjoy her golden tail.


    {{{Becky's Pack}}}

  3. Becky is utterly beautiful. She's in my prayers for a peaceful passing, and so is Roger. Alas. Always so sad. But at least she had a wonderful last couple of years, thanks to a generous human being.

  4. Dearly wish I'd had longer with her - quite a bit of the earlier half our time together was spent wearing the rough edges off one another - but our time together was far happier than her earlier life as a hunting dog had been (for starters, I never shot her). She has been, as you can see from the scan, a very joyful little dog. Thank you all for your third round of concern for her.

  5. Peace to Becky & Roger and thank you Mimi for that beautiful prayer.

  6. Oh my. I feel as though I know Becky. This is so sad.

  7. I am so sorry to hear it, Roger. You and Becky will be in my prayers.

  8. Re Becky's recovery: hurrah!! That's good news. May it last and go on lasting.

  9. Basking in the sun on the front porch and hootin' & hollerin' when a dog she dislikes walks by. Go figure.

  10. Yay, Becky! (I just wish I could pet her---and feed her!---myself).

    Becky looks like a hunting dog, but I'm not quite sure what kind (kinds)? Pointer? Setter? Hound? (She sure is beautiful!)

  11. English pointer, JCF. Just walked her, and she has the spring back in her step and has been "pointing" birds & kitties.

    “Reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated.”

  12. Yesterday I was crying for Becky, and today I'm laughing at her taste for sausage (Italian; mild; onion) and raw ground beef. That Becky is a treat.

  13. Aren't onions toxic to dogs and cats?

  14. Onions are toxic to dogs. The toxicity is dose dependent, so the bigger the animal, the more onion need be consumed to cause a toxicity. Onion toxicity causes a Heinz body anemia. Heinz bodies are small bubble-like projections which protrude from a red blood cell and can be seen when the cells are stained. This "bubble" is a weak spot in the red blood cell and, therefore, the cell has a decreased life-span and ruptures prematurely.

    Whiteycat, not really a problem for Becky, I expect, since the toxic effect takes place over a period of time. I know our Diana has had bits of onion in leftover food, from time to time, and it hasn't hurt her.

  15. Not to my dogs, whiteycat - at least when cooked (the onions, not the dogs). Early in the week I made stock from the remains of a roast duck, adding an onion and a couple of carrots with it, and Bella, my largest dog, ate the vegetables, once the stock had cooled.

    There was very little onion in the sausages and they were cooked.

    Used the stock as the base for a leek, potato & county ham soup. Good!

  16. If any of you are in the neighbourhood, there's some left. Y'all come on by.

    [Turning into a food thread, are we?]

    wv "patooki". Meaningless, but sounds pretty 70's.

  17. Prayers and shouts of Joy for Becky and her human ;-)


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