Monday, May 9, 2011


The mothers are mother and daughter.

Yesterday, a group of us ate at Mimi's Restaurant - again! - where we had a delicious brunch. As you already know if you read Wounded Bird regularly, I love to eat at Mimi's, which is, unfortunately, not one of my franchises.

The Bald Men's Club.

The photo shows my two sons and Grandpère. One of my sons says the bald pates are due to bad genes. Not mine! The men stand on the levee at Rivertown in Kenner, Louisiana, looking at the high water of the Mississippi River - water which will rise higher. More on that later.

About Mothers Day...for women who have lost a child, for women who wanted children but couldn't conceive, the words "Happy Mothers Day!" may be painful to hear. Then, too, the words may seem to exclude the many who love and care for children to whom they did not give birth, but to whom they give life. So...I didn't make a big deal of the day on my blog.

May God bless all who care for children.


  1. Dear Grandmere Mimi-
    As one of those women for whom Mother's Day is painful (because I was not able to bring 2 pregnancies to fruition, and because my beloved mother is dead), all I can say is thank you for your sympathy. Most people do not understand my tears when they greet me on Mother's Day.
    And thank you for your wonderful and compassionate blog all the time.

  2. Belle Minge, my sympathy to you, m'dear. Thank you for calling to my attention two situations which I did not mention and which may also cause sadness on Mothers Day.

    And thank you for your most kind words about my blog.

  3. And God bless you --and hope you had a wonderful day Grandmere!

  4. margaret, thank you. I had a lovely day.

  5. Happy (belated) Mother's Day, Mimi (and all).


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