Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014


My thoughts and feelings about Mother's Day are, at best, ambivalent. On the one hand, I'm enormously grateful to my mother, my grandmother, and my aunt for the love and support all three gave me throughout their lives.

On the other hand, the cynic in me says the gift and greeting card holiday was promoted by merchants who want to sell their goods.

In my family, I prefer the celebration to be very low-key, with no gifts that can't be consumed in one way or another since I'm trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to rid our house of stuff.

To mothers (and all parents and all who care for children in any way): You will never get it exactly right, so forget about achieving perfection, love the children, and do the best you can.

The camellia is for everyone to enjoy.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I didn't listen to her because she was my 
mother & wouldn't know anything until 
I was much older.
From StoryPeople.


Monday, May 9, 2011


The mothers are mother and daughter.

Yesterday, a group of us ate at Mimi's Restaurant - again! - where we had a delicious brunch. As you already know if you read Wounded Bird regularly, I love to eat at Mimi's, which is, unfortunately, not one of my franchises.

The Bald Men's Club.

The photo shows my two sons and Grandpère. One of my sons says the bald pates are due to bad genes. Not mine! The men stand on the levee at Rivertown in Kenner, Louisiana, looking at the high water of the Mississippi River - water which will rise higher. More on that later.

About Mothers Day...for women who have lost a child, for women who wanted children but couldn't conceive, the words "Happy Mothers Day!" may be painful to hear. Then, too, the words may seem to exclude the many who love and care for children to whom they did not give birth, but to whom they give life. So...I didn't make a big deal of the day on my blog.

May God bless all who care for children.