Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Latest In Ecclesiastical Computers

While you wait for me to decide whether I will post on the Archbishop of Canterbury's most recent letter, you can amuse yourself by exploring the full wonders of the latest in ecclesiastical computers at Datamancer. There are lots more pictures and a full explanation of all the features of the computer.

Thanks to Paul (A.) for the link.

Fr. Christian Says, "Stop It. Now."

Over at his blog, GAFCON, Fr. Christian has wise words for the members of the Anglican Communion. He nearly made me cry, and that NEVER happens over there. I'm usually falling out of my chair laughing. He says:

Lately I’ve been coming across more and more people threatening to leave the Anglican Communion if xyz doesn’t happen. The particular xyz bugging them varies; some are convinced their parish will grow tenfold if a bishop in the North-eastern U.S. resigns, while others feel victimised by a centuries-old colonial conspiracy preventing them from being proclaimed Archbishop of Canterbury, but their response to the bee in their bonnet is always the same ultimatum – “play my way or I’m going”.

That's wrong, says the wise Fr. Christian.

The first reason is straightforward: I took my vows of ordination because God called me to be a Priest in the Anglican Communion, and as confirmation of that He first convinced a Vocational Assessment panel and their Bishop. Like Evangelical Eric you might find that a mysterious act on the Almighty’s part, and to tell the truth even I wonder about it from time to time, but none of this changes the end result one little bit: I’m here because God called me to be here. If I’d have been predisposed to praise bands and fluorescent ties God would doubtless have called me to another denomination, and you’d call me Pastor Troll instead of Father Christian. Or perhaps if I’d have had a predilection for Jesuits and doing creepy things with the deceased the call would have come from across the Tiber. But instead I was called to be here, and here I am.

The second reason is just as simple: the Communion is a family, not a business, sporting club or lodge. Whether we like it or not, part of belonging to our church involves accepting each other as brothers and sisters, and uncles and aunts. You might think I’m a wicked old parody who’s not even very funny, and I might think you’re living proof of the dictum that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing – but we’re no less called to be part of the same family as you and that terrible uncle who’s always “rearranging himself” and can never remember he already told that same fart joke last Christmas. When it was no less inappropriate. Or the Great-Aunt who discusses her rectal fistula over the chocolate mousse. And little Dwayne, who was “only kidding” when he broke into your car looking for cash.

Families don't talk about walking away when times get tough. I've quoted a good portion of his post, (which I hope that he does not mind my doing) but you should click the link and read it in its entirety. It's quite good.

If Dogs Could Talk...

If you wanted a bunny, then why didn't you just buy one?

I wish your husband had taken me with him when he left.

What is wrong with you. Seriously. Did you not get enough love as a child? Is your world so completely devoid of meaning that you think dressing me as a flower is a form of care taking?

I hope the house gets robbed tonight. And when it does, you know what? I'm not even going to bark, because FLOWERS can't bark!

Oy vey. If only Moses would have left in that 11th Commandment:

'Thou shall not desecrate one's pet.'

Thanks to Lapin.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What's This?

On Saturday, Grandpère and I stopped to see my daughter and her family on the way home from the Rising Tide Conference. When we visit the homes of our children, GP has a habit of tidying up when things are not as he believes they should be. As we were sitting in the living room talking, he was picking up lint from the rug. (I'm laughing as I write this.) He moved on to wondering what was under the sofa cushions, and then he got up and took the cushions off. Surprise! There was stuff under the cushions besides the bones of the sofa.

He picked the items up, and once the surface was clear, he began reaching into the crevices at the back and sides, all the while exclaiming at what he found there. "Look at this! How long has it been since you cleaned here?" The picture above is of all that he found which could not be vacuumed up. If you click on the picture and look at the enlarged view, you will see coins, pens, pencils, toys, papers, dust bunnies, and all manner of things.

If he visited your house, he would restrain himself from tidying up, but with our children, he will not. And they let him do it. I have my daughter's permission to post the picture. She thought the whole funny episode was worth a blog post. GP encouraged me to take the picture, because I believe he thought it would shame her, but that was not the case. There you have it. Another peek into the inner sanctum of craziness in which our family operates.

Rising Tide III - A Big Thank You

Thank you to all who had a hand in the planning and preparation of the Rising Tide III Conference. It was definitely the best yet. The keynote speaker, the moderators and panelists, and the food were all excellent. Your hard work is greatly appreciated by this New Orleanian living in exile. All in all, it was a wonderful day.

Maitri Live-Blogging At Rising Tide III

If you're interested in a fuller account of the conference, Maitri, at Maitri Vatul Blog did a terrific job of live-blogging on Saturday. The story starts here, and then you move on up to read the later posts.

I'll probably be posting more about the conference and New Orleans.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


...and now EVERYONE has one. That's not fair. From the Times-Picayune:
Gregory "Boobie" Toefield sears memories into flesh every day.

Just across the Industrial Canal, one of his Aart Accent Tat-2 facilities sits on St. Claude Avenue, lime-green facade partly overgrown with plywood boards, prim floral curtains peeking out over black bars. Inside, hunks of fiberglass are piled on a chair that looks like it belongs in a dentist's office.

Latest reopening estimate: 2010. Maybe.
Good thing I got mine in Kansas City.

But wait!
In fact, at Aart Accent's other store -- an undamaged orange building at the edge of the Quarter, decorated with a rainbow of gremlins and jesters -- Toefield does a brisk trade in New Orleans tattoos.

What's keeping these tattoo parlors in business, artists agree, is fleur de lis madness. Before Katrina, tattooists averaged a New Orleans tattoo or two a month, usually during Saints season. These days, Freaky Tiki does about 25 fleur de lis tattoos per week, and Toefield said he'll do a dozen a day near Mardi Gras time.

"We're doing nothing but fleur de lis," said Louis "Screwie Louie" McDowell of Brad's West Bank Tattoos in Marrero. "Everyone and their brother has to have one."
Arrggh! Shocking, just shocking! I don't like that at all. Well, I should have known. It's a no-brainer, really. Oh well. What's done is done.

Wait again! It gets worse!
And the tattoo parlors report more old folks -- Jones of Freaky Tiki recently tattooed a 75-year-old woman -- and first-timers than ever before.
Older than I am! Am I to be left with nothing to crow about? And it's a trend. More old folks! I don't want to be trendy.

Well, I console myself that the fleur-de-lis is still pretty rare in my little town, and it may be well be unique amongst the population of 73+ year old women here.

My tattoo looks better than the picture shows.

"Of Course, I Could Be On Vacation" Up Again

MadPriest is off on another holiday again. How many weeks of holidays do the English get? As a consequence, Of Course, I Could Be On Vacation is up and running again with its Krazy Krewe of Kontributors. Check out the hilarity (and occasional serious post) over there.

John Barry - Rising Tide Conference III

The New Orleans Times-Picayune carried a short account of John Barry's talk at the conference.

OK, the reporter calls it the "Riding Tide Conference", and it was not about a bit about surfing, but I suppose that's quibbling.

Local bloggers and online activists can play an important role in quashing false impressions about Hurricane Katrina and spreading accurate information about flood protection, coastal erosion and New Orleans' national importance as an economic hub, author John Barry said Saturday.

Among the messages Barry urged the Internet activists to spread is that if New Orleans were "wiped completely off the map," the rest of America would go into shock, with grain exports and foreign imports decimated and oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico reduced enough to hurt everyone.

"It's not just the Port of New Orleans" that benefits from ships that call at New Orleans, Barry said. "It's all the cities (upriver) that New Orleans makes into a port."

He also encouraged bloggers to stress that "practically the entire country" has contributed to the deterioration of Louisiana's coastal wetlands.

Dams for producing electricity in North and South Dakota prevent sediment from moving down the Mississippi River to build up wetlands in Louisiana. 10,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines run through the Louisiana marshlands. The pipelines have contributed greatly to land loss. Louisiana produces a large portion of the oil and gas used in the US today, one fourth, I believe. Were the oil and gas wells, the pipelines, and the refineries in Louisiana put out of business, the rest of country would suffer greatly.

It may be hard for folks from other parts of the country to understand that what happens in Louisiana is not simply a local issue. Purely out of self-interest, if for no other reason, attention must be paid.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Rising Tide Conference

Tomorrow, Grandpère and I will be in New Orleans at the Rising Tide III Conference. John Barry the author off Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America will be keynote speaker at the Conference this year.

According to Oyster, at Your Right Hand Thief, lagniappe will include:

...Lee "hurting the recovery" Zurik, a catered lunch from J'Anita's, and the opportunity to see Dangerblond explode and forcefully put someone in his/her place, which has become a yearly tradition.

Dangerblond is a force. You don't want to mess with her.

Many of the bloggers will be blogging the conference from their laptops, but since I don't have a laptop, I will not. Sometimes it's good just to listen.

Au revoir, mes amis. Jusqu'à demain soir.