Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Help Pass The Matthew Shepard Act

I just watched a really powerful online video that I think you should see. Judy Shepard talks about losing her son Matthew to anti-gay hate violence and her ten-year fight for a federal hate crimes law that would honor his memory.

The House just passed the bill and we need the Senate to act soon. The right wing is spreading absurd lies, claiming it would send pastors to jail for giving anti-gay sermons. We need to fight back with the truth, and we don't have much time.

Please watch the video, and write your senators.

Thank you.

Sent by a reader.

UPDATE: Here's a video of Rep. Virginia Foxx on the floor of the US House showing an example of the push-back by those in opposition to the bill.

Until just a few minutes ago, there were no comments to this post, and I hoped that you were writing to your senators, even though you were not commenting here. When Fr. Bob's comment came in, I was in the act of watching the Foxx video, which includes a correction to her statements by Media Matters.

If you have not sent your letter to your senators, I'm nagging you to do it right now.


Some of you may remember that a couple of years ago, a group of us headed to New Orleans to gut a ruined house. When portions of the levee along the London Avenue Canal collapsed in the aftermath of Katrina, many homes in the Gentilly area of New Orleans flooded. We called ourselves the First Draft Krewe, because ScoutPrime and Athenae at First Draft organized the group who went to work at 1773 Sere Street under the direction of ACORN, which has overseen the reconstruction of 3,500 houses in New Orleans.

Our job was to strip the house down to the bare bones, removing all the inside materials which were rotted, mildewed, and ruined. The house had been completely submerged by the floodwaters. Trust me: it's a shit job, but we wanted to do our small part to help the folks in New Orleans come back.

When we (they really, because I could not do the heavy lifting) got to the kitchen, it was in terrible shape. Cockroaches and termites abounded in huge numbers. Many of us believed the house would be demolished in the end, because of the sorry condition of the kitchen. So why were we doing the difficult and dirty task?

The folks next door, who were well on their way to restoring their house, were quite grateful to have the mess next to them cleaned up. That was reason enough, and you never know. You do the assigned task without too much thinking and questioning because the folks at ACORN, who know what they're about, send you there.

The picture above shows the First Draft Krewe along with our partners, a fine group of students from Elon University, at the end of our work day. As you see, the pile of trash removed from the house is taller and wider than our rather large group.

Now the hero of this post is blogger Sinfonian, who recently returned to 1773 Sere Street to check it out. Pictured below is the termite- and roach-infested kitchen as it looks today.

I could hardly believe what I saw in the picture. Check out the house today at Blast Off!, Sinfonian's blog, at the link above. His story of the return visit and the other pictures of the house are simply amazing. (Links no longer active, alas.)

Thank you, Sinfonian, for taking the trouble and telling us the story.  Hugs and kisses to you. What a beautiful, happy ending - for a change. It seems as if I've been hearing way too much bad news.

Here's my post on our work day.

H/T to ScoutPrime for alerting me to the story.


Many of us over 50, WAY over 50, or on the way to 50 are quite confused about how we should present ourselves.

We're unsure about the kind of image we are projecting and whether or not we are correct as we try to conform to current fashion.

In spite of what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together and should be avoided:

1. A nose ring and bifocals

2.. Spiked hair and bald spots

3. A pierced tongue and dentures

4. Miniskirts and support hose

5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads

6. Speedo's and cellulite

7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar

8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor

9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge

10. Pierced nipples that hang below the waist

11. Bikinis and liver spots.

12. Short shorts and varicose veins.

13. Inline skates and a walker..

And the ultimate 'Bad Taste' in fashion for the older folks....

14. Thongs and Depends.

Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind when
you shop.

Don't blame me. Blame Ann and Doug, who sent slightly different versions.

Posted without the picture that Doug sent along. Sorry, Doug, I couldn't take it, and my readers should thank me for not inflicting it on them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Roseann - "...It Does Not Look Good"

I'm so very sad about the latest news from Roseann. Pray for Roseann and Gary and call if you'd like. I'm sorry, but I can't say more either.

From Sue:

Mimi, here is the latest from Roseann. Sorry I can't write any more.


From Roseann:

This is the latest and I'm sorry to say it does not look good. I think I told you that the blood cultures came back positive and I know I told you about the persistent nausea. The really scary thing is now I am wasting. I am losing muscle mass at an alarming rate.

Dr. K told me I can eat whatever I want. I told him I wouldn't get anywhere trying to eat hospital food so he said forget hospital food and eat what I like, when I want. Gary is going to have Whole Foods fix me some shrimp cocktail, filet with hollandaise sauce, and chocolate mousse for dinner. My goal will be to eat at least a third of that tonight.

I've been with people who were wasting from AIDS and it is not pretty. Please pray that we can get this under control. It seems like things were looking up but now, not so much.

My phone number here at the hospital is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I would like for anyone to call me even to just say hi. Anyone from OCICBW or Common Round. If I can't talk for some reason I'll be honest and ask for a call back later. Our phone number at home is XXX-XXX-XXXX if you want to call Gary.

I'm very, very lonely and depressed and so is Gary. At least he gets to go to work and see his friends there but truth be told, we both are at a point where we want to just sit and cry. The dogs have even given up on trying to get Gary to play hedgehog. (all toys are named hedgehog)

Sorry to be such a downer but that is just where we are right now.

Love, R

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Roseann the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Note: If you'd like to have the phone numbers, you may email me, and if I know who you are, I will send them to you. I will take great care in giving out the numbers, as will MadPriest, who also has the numbers.

UPDATE: After I pulled myself together, and inspired by MadPriest, who had already called Roseann, I called her, too. It was wonderful to hear her voice. Roseann has great courage and determination. She does not give up, and we must not give up either. She loves her doctor, which is a huge plus, as she and Gary are at one with him regarding the care that she is receiving. Thanks be to God.

Another Notch In The Barrel

Today, I'm going to meet Ginny S., whose name you may have seen in our part of the blogosphere. The count of real-life friends that I've made through blogs grows and grows. I'm looking forward to meeting Ginny, because we have both lived in New Orleans and in Hammond, Louisiana. The two of us loved New Orleans, but neither of us felt very much at home in Hammond.

Grandpère and I lived in Hammond for five years, and I had three babies while we lived there. Imagine! My children are all natives of Hammond. What were the folks in Hammond thinking with the babies coming thick and fast? We finally caught on that I didn't have to have babies that often. We were slow learners.

Please Pray For Tigger

Tigger is my son's cat. He is old and has an inoperable tumor or polyp growing in his head that puts pressure on his brain. Some days, he doesn't walk at all, and some days he tries and manages a few steps before he falls. His appetite is still good, but he must be hand-fed soft food.

On Wednesday, my grandchildren will come to be with their dad, and when they're together they will have a decision to make. Is it time? What about Tig's quality of life?

The children love Tigger. Each day when she gets home from school my granddaughter goes straight to hand-feed Tig. Whatever they decide, it's tough on all of them right now, including poor Tig.

Monday, April 27, 2009

No Email Today

I can't respond to any emails today. Something has crashed on my computer

and the mouse is missing.

Thanks to Doug.

Hubble Photos - Extraordinary

Evil Eyes

Look at all of them. They're magnificent.

From the Telegraph.

Thanks to Lapin.

Roseann Is Very Sick And Depressed

From Roseann:

Today at 12:23pm

I'm really sick hon. The blood cultures show all kinds of bacteria. They're going to have to remove my catheter nd put in a new one. I'll wrote more later. I'm so depressed and sick right now.

From Sue, with the caveat that she is 1200 miles away:

Mimi, This has become a terribly serious situation for Roseann, and by removing the catheter, and she didn't say which catheter, will help, but she is going to be on antibiotics for a while. I'm concerned for her depression.

I have no words except, please pray.

Gayle - Anniversary Of Year Three

Why Couldn't You Stay?

You walked away; you left us
Bereft, bereaved.
How could you go?
It wasn't your doing,
I know, I know.
Yet, how could you go?

Two years passed and gone,
Slipped away.
After you'd left, I'd think
I'll call her; I'll email.
Oh no! None of that!
You won't answer.

Now I know you're gone.
No thoughts of visits to come,
Seeing your face, hearing your voice,
The sound of your laughter.
Sadness lingers, emptiness remains.
Why couldn't you stay?

Grandmère Mimi - 04-27-08

Yesterday was the second anniversary of the death of my sister, Gayle, from pancreatic cancer. I still miss her. The picture above was taken on the grounds of the Tower of London during a trip we made together. I stopped to take a picture of the Norman chapel Chapel Royal shown in the center. Gayle walked on and I caught her in the picture. For her memorial service, we searched for pictures to include in a small display, and I found this one - Gayle walking away from all of us who loved her. I have it framed and on my mantle. For me, it says it all.

Reposted from last year. Another year has gone by, but it's no easier. I still miss her quite a lot. All the same words apply, except that another year has passed.