Tuesday, October 19, 2010


On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools. RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.

Posted by IT at The Friends of Jake.


Tomorrow afternoon, Roger (Lapinbizarre) and Becky will say good-bye to each other.

From Roger:

Just off the phone with the vet's office. Have bitten the bullet and am taking Becky in at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. She hasn't eaten for two days and has only eaten spasmodically for the past week. Far thinner now, with bones protruding all over the place. I know more about the articulation of the collar bones and hips of a moving quadruped than I ever wanted to learn under these conditions. She drinks still and still does her walks, looking for kitties in all the usual places, but slower every day, so there's life in the old girl yet (Archie!). I don't believe that I'm doing her any great favours keeping her alive, but between guilt at killing something that depends on me this deeply; love of her, and the formed by her still-continuing deep affection for me, I'm quite unhappy about it.

In May 2008, I posted the story of how Becky came to live with Roger, followed by the sad news a short time later that Becky had lung cancer. The good news is that, although at the time of diagnosis Becky was given only a few months to live, she and Roger had far more time together than anyone expected - two and a half years.

Pilgrim God
who journeys with us
through the joys and shadows
of this world

be with us
in our sorrow
and feel our pain;

help us to accept
the mystery of death
without bitterness
but with hope.

Among the shadows
of this world,
amid the turmoil of life
and the fear of death

you stand alongside us,
always blessing, always giving
arms always outstretched.

For this we know:
every living thing is yours
and returns to you.

As we ponder this mystery
we give you thanks
for the life of Becky
and we now commit her
into your loving hands.

Gentle God:
fragile is your world,
delicate are your creatures,
and costly is your love
which bears and redeems us all.

Andrew Linzey, Animal Rites: Liturgies of Animal Care.

Pray for Becky and Roger.

UPDATE: Do you believe in the power of prayer? Here's the latest update on Becky from Roger:

Maybe your powerful prayer is working. She was wretched and panting all night, but this morning she perked up when I dressed and was ready, tail wagging, to walk. I decided to take her, gently, to the dog park for one last time. Out there she showed a fair amount of her old spirit and activity, and when she tired she sat by me, gazing up. A couple of old dog hands out there - one a professional breeder for 30 years - said "That dog's not ready to go yet". Brought her home, weary, and she headed for that back gate, wanting another walk. Upstairs, she turned up her nose at liver, yet again, but, to my surprise, scarfed down a couple of sausages (Italian; mild; onion), followed by a pound of raw ground beef. So I called the vet's office, who also said "she's not ready yet, we'll cancel".

So there we are. She's pulled another, albeit short-term, of her Lazarus jobs.

Lying peacefully, apparently contentedly, at my feet, as I write.

I don't know what to say, except that Becky is God's miracle dog.


Happy Birthday to You, dance performed by Chipmunks Alvin, Theodore and Simon; music is taken from different videos and of course the Chipmunks are not singing this song by themselves. This video was intended for all who would appreciate amateur video makers :)

May you have many more Blessed and Happy Birthdays, my dear Cathy.

UPDATE: Wait! Below is a picture of the gift of a CD from Cathy, which just now arrived in the mail for me on HER birthday. How lovely! And all I gave Cathy was a blog post. Shame on me! The music is gorgeous!

The package is addressed to Miss Mimi Butler.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Cathy. I love it.


From Viv Groskop at the Guardian:

On our wedding day we virtually ran back down the aisle the second the ceremony ended. "I thought you were going to trip up, you were in a such a hurry," I remember one guest saying. Why the rush? Because it wasn't really a wedding at all, but a blessing – and throughout the ceremony the vicar had not let us forget it.

My husband had been married before and, in the Church of England, remarriage is at the vicar's discretion. Our vicar had decided against it. Throughout the ceremony he referred repeatedly and pointedly to "new beginnings" as opposed to just "beginnings". He insisted that there be no exchange of rings, because we were, technically, already man and wife. (We went to a registry office five days earlier.) I spent most of the ceremony fiddling with my headdress because I had been told that I shouldn't be wearing a veil (too bridal for a blessing). It was only at the last minute that the vicar relented and allowed my father to walk me down the aisle. And did I mention that it was not a beginning but a new beginning? I can still remember seeing, out of the corner of my eye, friends and family in the congregation cringing.

It seems to me that a grudging "blessing" is an oxymoron. Either you bless with your whole heart, or there is no blessing. Can you guess who was the vicar who gave Viv and her husband the "blessing" with a grudge attached? Why none other than the Rev. Stephen Bould of St Peter, Folkestone, who announced that he would leave the Church of England to join a Roman Catholic ordinariate. Amongst his parting words are:

"It is a battle we are fighting now. Let's fight it with flair, imagination and spirit."

Battle metaphors abound amongst the dissatisfied in the Episcopal Church and in the Church of England.

Back to Viv:

Ten years on I'm disillusioned.... I would like to see the Church of England be more inclusive not only towards women priests but towards people like me – people who rarely attend church, often question their faith, but who are, essentially, supportive of the church. It's not as if you'd ever be turned away from a service, but there is a clear message on high days and holidays. Always the hopeful raised eyebrow: are you coming back on a regular basis or not? How serious are you? In today's Christian Britain you are either atheist or God Squad. There's no inbetween.

Bitter fruit, indeed.

I'm curious as to whether the bishops and priests who announced that they will take up Rome's offer have stopped presiding at the Eucharist. Do the clergy headed for Rome believe that their orders are presently valid and will suddenly become invalid once they cross the Tiber? According to Roman rules, the Church of England clergy will become humble lay folk, or, at best, seminarians, until they are screened and re-ordained. Just a thought.

Thanks to Cathy for the link.


From Jesus and Mo.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Being Gay Isn’t Voluntary (get this on a tee in US store, get this on a tee in European store, make your own tee with this or get this on a postcard)

From Wordboner.

Thanks to Lapin.


"Mister Gasman", a parody of "Mr. Sandman", as performed by The Laryngospasms at the 2008 AORN Congress at the Anaheim Convention Center. Come visit us online at www.Laryngospasms.com!!

The members of The Laringospasms are all certified nurse anesthetists. Wouldn't you like to have them put you to sleep?


On the post card Jeff says of Social Security:

Jeff will not change the retirement age for any worker nearing retirement.

To save social security for future generations Jeff will shore up the system by making changes without raising taxes; changes that will not jeopardize benefits of current retirees or workers within the system.

The explanation of Jeff's views on Social Security in his mailing is vague and deceptive. See the shadowy elderly couple pictured in the post card? The mailing is targeted to the elders amongst us and is intended to reassure us that nothing will change for us. And, if nothing changes for us, why should we be concerned about anyone else? I'm all right, Jeff, and that's all that counts, right?

Here's Jeff Landry's plan from his website:

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

Social Security and Medicare is a promise that was made to our seniors who paid into the system for many, many years.

Our seniors built the Nation we enjoy today. As your Congressman, I will not allow the current liberal administration to default on its promises to the greatest generation. I believe our nation must keep its promises.

I will not ignore threats to the solvency of Social Security or Medicare. I also understand that there is a need for a modernized secured retirement system that gives more freedom to today’s workers. A system that workers can use to build secure wealth and prosperity for their retirement and their posterity. As a member of Congress, I will work to ensure that all Americans have an opportunity for a secure retirement.

Simply put, I will protect Social Security and Medicare and help ensure we have a strong retirement system in our nation for decades to come.

Now we have a bit more detail about Jeff's position on the issue. In the end, Jeff's plan will result in the destruction of Social Security as we know it. It will put an end to mandatory contributions by employers and employees to the Social Security Trust Fund.

Jeff gives no details that I could find on his website on how he would protect Medicare. I sent an email to Jeff asking for details, but I have not yet heard back.

From Jeff's biographical information on his website:

Jeff, along with his family, participated in Louisiana Tea Party taxpayer rallies and he served as a Delegate to the Republican State Convention and served on the Party’s Platform Committee where he helped write the Party’s conservative platform.

How thrilling!


What if we all got along & people loved
each other & sang songs about peace?
he said. Would that be a good world? & I
said I didn't know about that, but it
would be a good summer camp & he
looked at me & shook his head & said,
It's no wonder you're leaving us with
such a mess.

From StoryPeople.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Thanks to Ann V., who directed me to a new (to me) blog, Faith and Theology. Ann sent the link to the post titled Twelve point guide for ripostes to militant atheists, by Kim Fabricius.

A couple of samples to entice you to read the rest of the ripostes at the link:

—Your faith is unreasonable.

—Your reason is unreasonable – and you have such faith in your scepticism.


—The Gospels contain inconsistencies A, B, and C.

—You forgot X, Y, and Z.

While meandering around the website, I found a marvelous post by Ben Meyers, titled On writing: thirteen theses. It's enough to give a blogger pause, nearly enough to cause a blogger to cease and desist, but not quite. However, reading the theses will perhaps cause me to think rather more seriously about what I write and to give additional attention to editing and deleting - and that would be before I hit the publish button. I joke that my motto is "Publish first; edit after", but making a joke of mistakes is a poor excuse for not writing a satisfactory post before publishing.

Excerpts from the theses:

2. Kinds of writing. There are four kinds of writing: bad, mediocre, good, and great. The difference between bad writing and mediocre writing is discipline. The difference between mediocre writing and good writing is editing. The difference between good writing and great writing is miracle.


3. Writing and editing. T. S. Eliot once observed that good writers do not necessarily write better than others, but are better critics and editors. Good writers cull the overpopulated paragraphs of their work. Like a farmer protecting the livestock, the writer lovingly separates whatever is sickly and infirm – and then loads the gun.


There you have it. Read the rest and weep. I know I did.