On the post card Jeff says of Social Security:
Jeff will not change the retirement age for any worker nearing retirement.
To save social security for future generations Jeff will shore up the system by making changes without raising taxes; changes that will not jeopardize benefits of current retirees or workers within the system.
The explanation of Jeff's views on Social Security in his mailing is vague and deceptive. See the shadowy elderly couple pictured in the post card? The mailing is targeted to the elders amongst us and is intended to reassure us that nothing will change for us. And, if nothing changes for us, why should we be concerned about anyone else? I'm all right, Jeff, and that's all that counts, right?
Here's Jeff Landry's plan from his
Protecting Social Security and Medicare
Social Security and Medicare is a promise that was made to our seniors who paid into the system for many, many years.
Our seniors built the Nation we enjoy today. As your Congressman, I will not allow the current liberal administration to default on its promises to the greatest generation. I believe our nation must keep its promises.
I will not ignore threats to the solvency of Social Security or Medicare. I also understand that there is a need for a modernized secured retirement system that gives more freedom to today’s workers. A system that workers can use to build secure wealth and prosperity for their retirement and their posterity. As a member of Congress, I will work to ensure that all Americans have an opportunity for a secure retirement.
Simply put, I will protect Social Security and Medicare and help ensure we have a strong retirement system in our nation for decades to come.
Now we have a bit more detail about Jeff's position on the issue. In the end, Jeff's plan will result in the destruction of Social Security as we know it. It will put an end to mandatory contributions by employers and employees to the Social Security Trust Fund.
Jeff gives no details that I could find on his website on how he would protect Medicare. I sent an email to Jeff asking for details, but I have not yet heard back.
From Jeff's
biographical information on his website:
Jeff, along with his family, participated in Louisiana Tea Party taxpayer rallies and he served as a Delegate to the Republican State Convention and served on the Party’s Platform Committee where he helped write the Party’s conservative platform.
How thrilling!