Thursday, April 28, 2011


From Jane Redmont at Facebook:
Friends of Göran Koch-Swahne: Göran was away from FB for 10-12 days. Turns out he was in hospital w/ combination of very bad flu & double(-sided) pneumonia. He lost 12 kilos & he was already pretty skinny to begin with. Spoke w/him via msg last night but now he has been taken back to hospital early this a.m. It doesn't sound good. Please send prayers & healing thoughts.

Göran is quite thin. 12 kilos is a lot of weight loss for him.
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Göran the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thanks to susan s. for letting me know.


From ABCNews:
An Afghan Air Corps pilot, angered by an argument with nine American trainers at Kabul airport, pulled a gun on the Americans, disarmed them and methodically killed them, officials said today.

The shooter then apparently shot and killed himself.

The Afghan military said the gunman was a 20 year veteran of the Afghan Air Corps who had gotten in an argument with the American trainers during a meeting in a conference room at the Afghan Air Force headquarters.

The dead included eight U.S military personnel and one American contractor. Five Afghan soldiers were also injured in the shooting, said Bahader.

It was the deadliest incident so far of an Afghan ally turning against his coalition partners, officials said. This is the seventh time this year that coalition soldiers or Afghan security forces have been killed by either members of the Afghan security force or insurgents impersonating them.

What the hell is the goal of the US and its coalition partners in Afghanistan? We are engaged in a war seemingly without end at great expense in lives and money. The British tried to get control of Afghanistan and failed. The Russians tried and failed, at the expense of the collapse of their empire. Why can't we learn from history? We should have destroyed the Taliban's training camps after the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center and then left the country.

Here we are 10 years later having lost 2436 lives, probably not counting those mentioned above, with numbers more wounded, and having spent a total of $455.4 billion, and what have we gained?


Response to the Anglican Covenant

General Convention Deputation

Diocese of Michigan

The Deputies and Alternates to the 77th General Convention met on March 10 to consider the Anglican Covenant and the accompanying Study Guide. Our response to the proposed Covenant comes in seven parts:

Our first response to the Anglican Covenant is to affirm fellowship and communion.

Such unity as these words imply is our highest good and perhaps our greatest blessing. We uphold, stand for, honor and thank God for communion.

Our second response is to ask how we can newly enter into a relationship in which we already stand and have been enjoying for some time. Just as one would not ask people long married to enter into a newly-written contract of marriage, nor ask members of a family suddenly to enter into a contract of kinship, neither can we understand why or how we could suddenly attempt to do so among our sister and brother Anglicans around the world. We believe the effort is redundant, and indeed, perhaps even dishonors the reality in which we live.

Our third response is to question the appropriateness of “Covenant” as a model for eccelesial relations. To quote from materials prepared by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, “’Covenant” implies a superior who offers the covenant and a subordinate who accepts it. So God extends the covenant to Israel and Israel is bound to the terms of God's covenant. As applied to the relationship between God and Israel and between Christ and the Church this implication is foundational.” Because “Covenant” implies a hierarchical relationship, the term is inappropriate when used to describe the network of relationships between co-equal and autonomous national churches.

Our fourth response is to suggest that the Covenant document creates an international bureaucratic superstructure whose existence is at odds with the longstanding autonomy of national churches. To give juridical, disciplinary authority to super-national bodies contradicts the foundational impulses that led to the establishment of the Church of England in the sixteenth century. We believe that the Constitution of the Anglican Consultative Council already serves as a warrant for fellowship, communion, and ministry between the churches of the Anglican Communion.

Our fifth response is to affirm the vocation of the Episcopal Church in the full inclusion of all its members in all orders of ministry and the full access of all its members to its sacramental rites. Since 1979, the Episcopal Church’s baptismal covenant has included a promise to, among other things, “respect the dignity of every human being.”

Our sixth response is to express our fervent hope that the Anglican Covenant process may be an occasion to refocus our national and international energies on mission and ministry. The challenges facing us together and severally are profound. We believe that energy expended on the disciplinary processes outlined in section four would be better spent in proactive ministry to the poor, the oppressed, and those who have yet to hear the Gospel.

Our seventh and final response is to reaffirm that we are in relationship already with one another, quite apart from signing or not signing a document. Are we not the Body of Christ, and individually members of it? As the eye cannot say to the ear, "I have no need of you", nor the hand to the foot, neither can we deny what is our heritage, reality, hope, and destiny. The Covenant that binds us together is the mutuality of our ministry and accountability conferred in Baptism. The Baptismal Covenant that binds us together is no imperfect human creation. The Baptismal Covenant by which we are bound one to another is the one, perfect, eternal covenant given us by God in Christ. On that covenant we delight to stand; in that communion, second to none, we are proud to serve.

For these and other reasons, we recommend against adoption of the Anglican Covenant by the Episcopal Church.

Whoo-hoo! Keep them noes a-comin'. I especially like that the deputation called attention to the fact that relationships already exist and their analogies to asking married couples and family members to enter into a contract when bonds are already present. The proposed Anglican Covenant is daft in so many ways.

Note: As of today, the statement is not yet posted at the website of the Diocese of Michigan.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The picture of my sister Gayle was taken on the grounds of the Tower of London during our trip to England in the 1990s. We were headed to visit the Norman chapel inside the White Tower. I stopped to take a picture, and Gayle walked on. Today is the fifth anniversary of my sister's passing. With courage, she fought off lymphoma 17 years before she died from pancreatic cancer. I still miss her. For me, the picture is a stunning metaphor for Gayle's walk away from all of us who love her.

Please pray for her husband, Frank and her three children, two grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Please pray for me and for her many friends who still miss her. She was a wonderful person. She loved to joke and laugh, and she loved a good party. She was a good wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She was a good sister and a good friend to me.

This past Holy Week, I've been unusually sad, and I've wondered why. I take the week to heart, but usually not as much as this year. Then, on Monday, it dawned on me that in the days before the anniversary of Gayle's passing, I grieve each year, even when I'm not consciously aware that the anniversary approaches. Holy Week coincided with the period before the anniversary. Aha!

Why Couldn't You Stay?

You walked away; you left us
Bereft, bereaved.
How could you go?
It wasn't your doing,
I know, I know.
Yet, how could you go?

Two years passed and gone,
Slipped away.
After you left, I'd think
I'll call her; I'll email.
Oh no! None of that!
You won't answer.

Now I know you're gone.
No thoughts of visits to come,
Seeing your face, hearing your voice,
The sound of your laughter.
Sadness lingers, emptiness remains.
Why couldn't you stay?

June Butler - 04-27-08

Note: Reposted from last year with editing.


Noli Me Tangere (Cell 1) - 1440-42 - Fresco
Convento di San Marco, Florence

John 20:11-18
But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ She said to them, ‘They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.’ When she had said this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are you looking?’ Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, ‘Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni!’ (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, ‘Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” ’ Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord’; and she told them that he had said these things to her.
Above is another beautiful fresco from San Marco by the holy Fra Angelico. The painting is lovely, but the blond Jesus is a bit of a distraction. I looked at other paintings of Jesus by the good brother, and in some his hair is reddish, in others blond, and in several crucifixion paintings Jesus has dark hair - all by the same artist.

I meant the post to be in a meditative vein, but I'm afraid it's not turning out as I intended. My musings on Jesus' blondness may be inspired by a link Ann V sent to me several days ago to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald in which the writer speaks of the tendency to portray Jesus as good-looking and mostly just like us in appearance. Justine Toh says:
Any representation of Jesus reveals the values of the times and places in which it was produced. When I think of Jesus, he's conventionally attractive. He has longish brown curly hair; he's tall, lily-skinned and dewy-eyed. For a carpenter, he's curiously light on muscle. He bears a striking resemblance to the late singer Jeff Buckley.
All right, then. Toh goes on:
Christ is almost never portrayed in less than appealing terms due to the age-old assumption that looks equal worth. In this context, Jesus's beauty is more symbolic than physical, or his outward beauty is a sign of his inward goodness.
The appearance of the Jesus of my imagination is somewhat vague, indistinct. He's definitely good-looking, with longish, dark brown, wavy hair. Over the years Jesus' complexion has darkened to appear more realistically like the person of the Middle-East that he is. Jeff Buckley wouldn't be far off the mark, but with browner skin.

Fra Angelico was born in Fiesole in Tuscany, but he traveled further south to Rome and other areas of Italy in his painting career. What did the people around him look like? Why the blond and red-haired portrayals of Jesus?

Below is "Christ the Saviour" (Pantokrator), a 6th-century encaustic icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai from the Wikipedia article titled "Race of Jesus". Images of Jesus from as early as the 3rd century in the catacombs in Rome are shown in the article.

I've roamed and rambled away from the subject of the painting, Mary Magdalene as the first to see Jesus after the Resurrection, when Jesus tells her, "Don't cling to me, but go tell my brothers." Mary is often shown with red hair in paintings. A woman, not one of the male apostles, saw the risen Christ first. I expect there are those who would prefer that this story was left out of the Gospel, but there it is. Mary, who followed Jesus and ministered to him throughout his public life, Mary and the other women, including Mary the mother, who stayed with Jesus even after his male followers fled upon his arrest, who stayed with Jesus to his crucifixion and death. It is a right and good thing that Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus.
Almighty God, whose blessed Son restored Mary Magdalene to health of body and mind, and called her to be a witness of his resurrection: Mercifully grant that by your grace we may be healed of all our infirmities and know you in the power of his endless life; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Image from the Web Gallery of Art.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Don't put eggs to boil on the stove and leave the room to become absorbed in another task, namely typing a blog post on the computer. As I'm typing away, I hear a pop sound. I'm home alone, and Diana is outside. What can be popping? Why an egg! The water was all boiled away, and one of the three eggs split open and popped right out of the pot, which was well burned on the bottom. I quickly removed the pot with the two eggs and put them under cold water.

Hurriedly, before Grandpère came home and decided to have me put away, I scoured the pot, removed the burned sections from two of the eggs, and ate them to destroy the evidence. They tasted good with only a slight smoky flavor to them, which was not at all unpleasant. The least charred egg, I put in the fridge to eat later. GP will probably discover the egg with its bit of blackened shell and ask me what happened, but, by then, time will have passed, and nothing terrible is likely to result when I tell him.


A friend from long time passing sent me the following:
The year is 2016 and the United States has just elected the first woman, a Louisiana State University graduate, as President of the United States, Susan Boudreaux.

A few days after the election the president-elect calls her father and says, 'So, Dad, I assume you will be coming to my inauguration?' 'I don't think so. It's a 30 hour drive, your mother isn't as young as she used to be, and my arthritis is acting up again.' 'Don't worry about it Dad, I'll send Air Force One to pick you up and take you home. And a limousine will pick you up at your door.'

'I don't know. Everybody will be so fancy. What would your mother wear?' Oh Dad, replies Susan, 'I'll make sure she has a wonderful gown custom-made by the best designer in New York .' 'Honey,' Dad complains, 'you know I can't eat those rich foods you and your friends like to eat.' The President-to-be responds, 'Don't worry Dad. The entire affair is going to be handled by the best caterer in New York , I’ll ensure your meals are salt free Dad, I really want you to come.

So Dad reluctantly agrees and on January 20, 2017, Susan Boudreaux is being sworn in as President of the United States . In the front row sits the new president's Dad and Mom. Dad noticing the senator sitting next to him leans over and whispers, 'You see that woman over there with her hand on the Bible, becoming President of the United States .

The Senator whispers back, 'Yes I do.'

Dad says proudly, ‘Her brother played football at LSU.’

One teensy, weensy caveat: what Boudreaux worth his salt can't eat the "rich" food in Washington DC?


From David@Montreal:
beloved Giants
Christos anesti! Alethos anesti!
Risen indeed!

as early as it may be in the Easter season, it's one which already seems to be bringing prayer requests and personal stories into my life on every side, so of course i thought and gave thanks for each one of you- individually, once again mindful of the great blessing of being able to share the trust these individuals have placed in us to carry them in our hearts and uphold them in prayer and practice.

for F, a young man who within the last 24 was grieviously assaulted and raped. D was discovered by one of ours- an awesome priest who was in the ER for another one of ours, when F heard them talking and called through the curtain, asking if one of them might be priest. my dear sister writes of finding F 'totally undone, physically and spiritually.'

for Kirstin and the ongoing Good Friday she is living with multiple cancers at Barefoot and Laughing (By Mimi: Kirstin posted again just this morning.)

for dear Joel, who has been hospitalized yet again in Virginia, and for his beloved, my cherished sister margaret

for my cherished cousin Frank, who spent this Easter bed-bound and breathing-compromised, but in great spirits nonetheless when he phoned Mam Easter afternoon

for Jacques, who continues to make incredible recovery from a pancreatic cancer which was 'supposed' to have killed him last December

for Scott M. and his mother- Scott is only 19 and is terrfied and staggering under a bi-polar diagnosis just last week.

for Timothy S, one of God's walking wounded and challenged, and his Mom

for a cherised sister called to priesthood who appear to be experiencing a mother of a dark night

for David H, a pastor, currently finding himself in exile from his denomination

for Doreen G. walking the path of alzheimers and about to celebrate another birthday

travel mercies for a truly beloved brother, Paul, with Bill in Italy this Eastertide

for Anne undergoing cancer and her sister Jane, both in CA; and their parents Bob and Isobel here in Montreal

for Daniella,

for the repose of Mary P, and her family

for the repose of dear Rosemary; for David her husband and two sons experiencing their first Easter without their incredible mom

for the people of Syria and Lybia- not only for the overthrow of their tyrants and the healing of Lybian and Syrian life, but that the leaders in the West will have the grace and wisdom to know that something transformatively larger is going on within Islam and that the West can aid and support but not take control if Islam is to truly grow up.

having just caught up with the blogs of several of my online siblings in Christ I'm also calling down blessings on m, J, B, J, E&B, M& P, G& M, P&B, F&M, E&D, J&T, J&+M and would urge you all to give yourself a real treat and visit Elizabeth's blog for the story of the bubblegum Easter Egg. One day Ms. Conroy and I will actually meet, and I swear Montreal will never be the same by the time the two of us have finished with it!

thank-you again my beloved Giants of prayer and practice. as one beloved sister reminded me today, 'we know God, is good Easter is longer than Lent!'

love always-always Love


Prayers from me for all, David.

Monday, April 25, 2011


In my post dated a couple of weeks ago titled "And Why Not?", on the bloggers and makers of birettas at Domus Birettarum, Lapin made a request in the comments:
How about a biretta in the exclusive Ratfinger Tartan?

Team DB responded:
Dear Lapinbizarre,

Please see our blog on Tuesday in Holy Week. You may well find what you are looking for, with a little speculation about where it might be worn...

Best wishes,

Team DB

Team DB came through on Tuesday as promised, but I've not had time to link until now. And there it is below, the tartan biretta in all its splendor. I hope Team DB doesn't mind that I copied their picture. Who knows but that a prospective customer for the tartan biretta may land on my blog site? Please read their speculation on where the biretta may be worn.

And if Team DB will indulge me with a copy of one more picture of a biretta which I think is gorgeous....

I simply could not resist stealing the photo of the white biretta with the black pom-pom pictured below. The biretta is rich, with the stark contrast of black on white. See the suggested use for the biretta.

Has the team ever conceived of or created a black biretta with a white tassel?


From it's margaret at Facebook:
Poor Joel is back in the hospital again... he went in for a 9am appt --regular doctor appt kinda thang --they called at 2 saying he was being admitted through the ER. Buck drove me down (because Joel had driven himself there) --I am back now to collect some things to make him comfortable and keep him happy. I'll post more when I know more. Prayers gratefully accepted.

Oh no! Margaret's post on her blog this morning was so full of joy.
Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant Joel, and give your power of healing to those who minister to his needs, that he may be strengthened in his weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Father, comfort Margaret, and fill her with strength, courage, and your peace that passes understanding to keep her heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Update from Margaret at Facebook:
Thank you all. Joel is on the cardiac ward --they think he was having a heart attack!!! Well --at least he did it at the hospital. He is stable and comfortable and, well, pissed. I'll put money on it that they run one of those scopes up to his heart to see if he has any blockage that a stint will fix --the alternative theory is that the meds he is on for the MG are taking their toll.... poor guy. But he is in good spirits --keep those prayers a-comin'! (Mr. Witty and I are settling in for lean cuisine pizza and a non-alcoholic beer --such is life! LOL!)