Monday, August 13, 2012


Well!  So this is the "morality" that the Republican Party embraces.  This is the writer whose books Paul Ryan insists that his staff read when they come to work for him.  The video is a 7-minute excerpt from an interview of Rand by Mike Wallace in 1957 which runs to nearly 30 minutes.  I watched it all and found Rand's words and manner to be chilling.  First of all, Rand's darting eyes and body language are strange, indeed.  She is unable to look at Wallace for any length of time, and she seems to be shrinking back from him during the interview.

Rand's "morality" favors the rational self-interest of the thinkers who never allow emotion to influence their conclusions.  Selfishness rules, and altruism has no place in Rand's "morality".  If the policies of  laissez-faire are in force, then the common good will result.  Greed, which is as evident today as ever it was throughout history, the desire to accumulate more and more money and goods at the expense of those less fortunate, seems not to be noted at all.  By simply leaving rational achievers to their own devices, without constraints, Rand and her disciples believe that all deserving people will benefit...somehow.  By magic?  As for the undeserving, who knows what becomes of them in Rand's morality?

This one interview sheds much light on where the far right, who have now become middle-of-the roaders in the Republican Party, get their ideas.  What I don't understand is how a person who subscribes to Rand's "morality" can claim, at the same time, to be an observant Christian, Jew, or Mormon.  Objectivism is in direct opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to the teachings in the Hebrew Testament on mercy and justice.

Paul Ryan is Roman Catholic, and I have to wonder if he reads the church's teachings on social justice as assiduously as he reads Ayn Rand.
In an unusually pointed correspondence, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged lawmakers to consider the moral implications of their actions as they prepared to vote on the Ryan budget.

"We join with other Christian leaders in calling for a 'circle of protection' around our brothers and sisters at home and abroad who are poor and vulnerable," the bishops wrote in the spring. They said the "moral measure" of the debate "is not which party wins or which powerful interests prevail, but rather how those who are jobless, hungry, homeless or poor are treated." 


And he [Ryan] pushed back at those who criticized him for abandoning the Catholic principle of "preferential option for the poor and vulnerable." 

"Simply put, I do not believe that the preferential option for the poor means a preferential option for big government," he said.
There you have it from Ryan, the Pericles of Janesville.  (H/T to Charles Pierce.)

The entire 30 minute interview is here at YouTube.



Story behind the song:

Jon Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson were booked for a Piano Guys show in Hawaii. How could we resist filming our next video in the land of Aloha -- beautiful beaches, green mountains, and fresh pineapple?? We went to our Founders and Facebook fans to ask what song they wanted us to play there. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was the nearly-unanimous response. But you know how we are ... we couldn't "just" do this tune by in the studio we found a made-in-heaven matchup in the timeless melody from the Shaker Hymn "Simple Gifts" written in the 1800's (also used by Aaron Copland in his Ballet "Appalachian Spring"). We feel it's an especially appropriate mash-up because of our profound love and respect for the Hawaiian culture -- a people who are so good at finding happiness in simplicity. As you probably could hear we borrowed a lot of ideas from Iz's version which has become the stuff of legend. This arrangement is, in part, a tribute to him.
The Piano Guys at YouTube.

These guys play amazing music using the instruments in surprising ways.  And to think I'd never heard of them until Blue Eyed Ennis sent me the link.  Thanks BEE.  (What a nice acronym.)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Gov. Bobby Jindal praised Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s running mate choice Saturday and dismissed speculation that he is angling for a cabinet post.

Jindal frequently joined Romney on the campaign trail and had emerged as a possible vice presidential candidate. The governor made appearances for Romney in Louisiana, Ohio, Utah, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Colorado.

“Don’t mistake my motives here. I have been traveling all over the country and been campaigning for and with Gov. Romney because it is crucial that he wins, and that we make Barack Obama a one-term president. As for me — why would a guy with the best job in the world be looking for another one?” he said.
Why, indeed, Governor?  I have a question for you.  Why, if you have the best job in the world, do you spend so little time, you know, actually doing it?  Why are you absent from the state so often?  The governor's advisor, Timmy Teepell, says Jindal will be campaigning for Romney next week, because he believes Romney's election is vital to the interests of Louisiana.
“He loves being governor. He’s going to be governor until the very last day of his second term. None of that’s changed,” Teepell said.
Hmm.  What about the days in between?  Do they protest too much?

Saturday, August 11, 2012


                          I LOVE COOKING WITH WINE
                     Sometimes I even put it in the food.                                                    

Thanks to Frank.


Almighty and most merciful God, we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget: the homeless and the destitute, the old and the sick, and all who have none to care for them. Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit, and to turn their sorrow into joy. Grant this, Father, for the love of your Son, who for our sake became poor, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
From The Daily Office.


Rep. Paul Ryan will be named Mitt Romney's running mate on Saturday, ending weeks of speculation about the No. 2 slot on the GOP ticket.

Ryan, 42, is best known as the chairman of the House Budget Committee and author of a dramatic plan to overhaul Medicare, the government-run health insurance program for senior citizens.

Ryan, a House member since 1999, has proposed to overhaul both Medicare and Medicaid, the programs that have been a hallmark of the nation's compact to provide health care to senior citizens and the poor. Under his plan, Medicare would be run by private insurers while Medicaid would be turned over to the states.

Ryan's budget plan has been widely criticized by President Obama and his fellow Democrats, who contend it would "end Medicare as we know it." Obama has called Ryan's plan "thinly veiled social Darwinism."
Romney has been described as the candidate without policies.  With his choice of Ryan, may we assume that Ryan's policies will be Romney's policies?  Ryan's plans for the country are specific, and detailed.  With prescience, The New Yorker recently published a lengthy profile of Ryan. What stands out in my memory from reading the profile is that Ryan wants to avoid any movement in the direction of a European type of government.

Friday, August 10, 2012


He has a tattoo of his right hand on his left hand so that “my right hand knows what my left hand is doing.”

"Shouts & Murmurs" - Bob Odenkirk in The New Yorker