Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fox News, Folks - Unbelievable!

Go, Shepherd Smith! Smith uses one of my (mostly) banned words, but I allow it because of the genuine outrage that provoked his righteous use of the word.

H/T to Digby via Oyster.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In The Mail

Good news! The economic recovery bill that President Obama signed into law in Frbruary 2009 provides for a one-time payment of $250 to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries.

Yay! Grandpère and I will rush out immediately and spend the money on riotous living, thus making our contribution to the economic recovery.

Only one teensy worry. We're concerned that GP may have to pay his money back, because he does not collect a SS check. He spent the greater part of his working life employed by the State of Louisiana, and he did not pay into the SS system for enough years to be eligible.

In truth, I'll use mine to help pay for my expensive trip to England.

Hard Times For Log Cabin Republicans

From Newsweek:

In the 2008 election, 4 percent of the voters identified themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, according to a CNN poll, and 27 percent of them voted for John McCain—numbers that seem to indicate a healthy space in politics for the Log Cabin Republicans, the party's most visible gay organization. But as its annual convention in Washington wraps up this week, the LCR is running on fumes: it currently has no full-time employees—its executive-director position has been vacant since January—and this year's convention had to be run by consultants from local chapters. "The Log Cabin Republicans are not in any sort of danger right now," says Charles Moran, head of the Los Angeles LCR chapter, who also brushed off the void at the top. "We're not just going to accept anyone who applies. In fact, we can wait: like the GOP is trying to refashion itself, Log Cabin is looking to do the same."

So much for inclusivity. No wonder they're "running on fumes".

Seriously, I have never understood why a GLTB person would choose to be a Republican. An Independent, maybe, but not a Republican. I knew two Republican gay men, but talking politics with them was taboo. At least one of them has now registered as an Independent.

The percentages are startling, too. 4% of voters self-identify as gay, but of that 4% a hefty 27% voted for McCain. That is surprising. The gay McCain supporters seemed to take voting quite seriously.

Announcement From Louisiana

From the parish bulletin of St. John's Episcopal Church, Thibodaux, Louisiana, on April 19, 2009:


The consecration for the 11th Bishop of Louisiana will be held on Saturday, May 8, 2010. The Presiding Bishop will be the chief consecrator, and she will the consecration during a formal Pastoral Visitation to the Diocese of Louisiana from May 6th through May 9th.

It seems a long time away, but it's not too early to plan, and especially not too early to pray for the election of our new bishop.

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for the Diocese of Louisiana, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p. 818)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New BBQ Grill/Pit

Now this is a BBQ guaranteed to get everyone's attention.....

I think it should be towed with the barrel facing backwards...

then you wouldn't have to worry about anyone tailgating you!....

I don't know for sure but my guess is the owner is from

Texas !!!!!!

It's all Doug's fault. He made me do it.

A Tender Story Of A Dog's Devotion

The Sculptress JOEL works on the statue of Ruswarp, a devoted dog who stayed by his dead master's side for 11 weeks devoted dog who stayed by his dead master's side for 11 weeks on a remote mountainside in winter is being recognised with a statue in his honour.

From the Telegraph comes a story that would have our dear leader blubbering like a girlie:

In a tale reminiscent of Greyfriars Bobby, border collie Ruswarp stuck by the side of owner Graham Nuttall after he got into trouble walking on 20 January 1990.

A week-long search found nothing, while missing person posters and leaflets also failed to produce any sightings.

But on 7 April walker David Clarke found the body by a mountain stream. Next to him was Ruswarp, who had stood guard over his master through snow and rain. The 14-year-old dog was so weak he had to be carried off the mountain.

Despite being cared for by a local vet he died shortly after attending Mr Nuttall's funeral.

Take note of the breed of this heroic dog. Ruswarp was a border collie.

Thanks to Lapin for sending me this lovely story.

Crossposted at OCICBOV and Wounded Bird.

A Note From Roseann

Oh happy happy, joy joy. I am back in the hospital. St. Vincent's

I went to dialysis yesterday and everything was fine except I felt slightly irritable. Just that indefinable grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr on the inside. Got home and laid down on the couch. The second my head hit the pillow I was out. Then I woke up when Gary got up for work and I had 102.5 temp. So I'm getting the usual protocol of antibiotics, anti-emetics blah blah blah.

The nurses here are so nice and I'm such a familiar face I get teased, "oh no, not you again" and we joke around. Gary stayed with me until 4 and then he had to get to work. By the time he came back and 10 we were both worn out. I can never sleep the first night I'm here so now I'm super sleepy but I know I won't be able to rest until Gary leaves for work.

These little infections just pop up now and then. They are somehow related to my dialysis catheter and we've been lucky that Dr. K can find the right antibiotics quickly. He is getting worried though that it is going to start becoming resistant.

I’m looking at this as just another thing leading me to St. Louis.

Love and hugs, Roseann

I marvel at Roseann's courage. May the love of God heal her in body, mind, and spirit. May God give strength to Roseann and Gary during this difficult time, and may God's peace that passes understanding keep their minds and hearts in Christ Jesus.

Thanks to Sue for sending Roseann's note.

Monday, April 20, 2009

From The Episcopal Diocese Of Louisiana

Preparing for Our Next Bishop -

We want to hear from you!

As many of you are aware, we have begun the lengthy process that will lead to the election of the Eleventh Bishop of Louisiana. The Episcopate Committee, which oversees the initial stages, would like to hear from you and has asked that all members (lay and ordained) of the diocese participate in a short survey. (Click Here) The survey will be available until April 30th.

This survey was created to give members of the diocese an opportunity to voice their opinion about both the current state of affairs in the diocese and the qualities that we are looking for in our next chief pastor. Soon, information will be sent out about a series of Community Forums across the diocese to be held in early May. These Forums (for lay persons only) will provide an additional opportunity for all to voice their concerns. Please be honest and take the time to participate in the process. The committee thanks you for your time and asks for your prayers in this time of discernment.

Yours in Christ,

The Episcopate Committee

Those of you in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana who want your voice to be heard on the qualities that you would like to see in the new bishop, please fill out the survey on the diocesan website by April 30. That's only ten days away.

I ask for prayers for the election from those within the diocese and without.

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for the Diocese of Louisiana, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p. 818)

Please Pray For Roseann And Barbara

Afternoon Mimi,

I have an update on Roseann. She's on her way to St. Vincent's Hospital with and fever of 103.


Oh, no!


Barbara wrote me today after her visit to the Surgeon and apparently the Radiologist.

She says,"I went today for the surgeon to 'release' me - the stitches will dissolve - he said it looked good.

The radiologist was even more pleased with the incision and the amount to tumor removed. There were 2 lumps - one marble sized, one like a green pea. He also removed the biopsy 'scars' that were looking bad - not infected, just bad. So anyway, this Thursday I have a CT scan in preparation for radiation. They will make the 'cast' on Thursday too. The cast keeps you in the same position for each treatment. The radiologist said he might start the radiation next week too. So by May 2 or so, i'll start to have an idea how the chemo makes me feel. Hard to tell until it gets going ... The radiation - again it might be any number of treatments before the 'bad' stuff begins...

Please have everyone on both sides of the pond, keep praying... It is working so far."

Speaking for me, I think just knowing others are praying for, thinking of one is a great treatment.


Barbara is Susan S.' sister, who has a recurrence of breast cancer.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants Roseann and Barbara the help of your power, that their sicknesses may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

NOM - "Gathering Storm"

From Frank Rich in the New York Times:

WHAT would happen if you crossed that creepy 1960s horror classic “The Village of the Damned” with the Broadway staple “A Chorus Line”? You don’t need to use your imagination. It’s there waiting for you on YouTube under the title “Gathering Storm”: a 60-second ad presenting homosexuality as a national threat second only to terrorism.

Nice, isn't it? Well, funny anyway.

Far from terrifying anyone, “Gathering Storm” has become, unsurprisingly, an Internet camp classic. On YouTube the original video must compete with countless homemade parodies it has inspired since first turning up some 10 days ago. None may top Stephen Colbert’s on Thursday night, in which lightning from “the homo storm” strikes an Arkansas teacher, turning him gay. A “New Jersey pastor” whose church has been “turned into an Abercrombie & Fitch” declares that he likes gay people, “but only as hilarious best friends in TV and movies.”

NOM is the National Organization for Marriage. "NOM, NOM, NOM." A good mantra, don't you think. Try it out. It works.

As the polls attest, the majority of Americans who support civil unions for gay couples has been steadily growing. Younger voters are fine with marriage. Generational changeover will seal the deal. Crunching all the numbers, the poll maven Nate Silver sees same-sex marriage achieving majority support “at some point in the 2010s.”

Iowa and Vermont were the tipping point because they struck down the right’s two major arguments against marriage equality. The unanimous ruling of the seven-member Iowa Supreme Court proved that the issue is not merely a bicoastal fad. The decision, written by Mark Cady, a Republican appointee, was particularly articulate in explaining that a state’s legalization of same-sex marriage has no effect on marriage as practiced by religions. “The only difference,” the judge wrote, is that “civil marriage will now take on a new meaning that reflects a more complete understanding of equal protection of the law.”

Well, I'm glad the judge explained that so clearly. Maybe the folks amongst us who didn't get it, will now have their eyes opened.

The battle is won. The question is no longer "if", but "when". That's not a great consolation for gays in other states who want to get married now, but it should, at the very least, give hope to all of us in favor of full equality in marriage laws. It's coming. Maybe not soon enough, but it's coming.

As marital equality haltingly but inexorably spreads state by state for gay Americans in the years to come, Utah will hardly be in the lead to follow Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and Vermont. But the fact that it too is taking its first steps down that road is extraordinary. It is justice, not a storm, that is gathering. Only those who have spread the poisons of bigotry and fear have any reason to be afraid.

UPDATE: As suggested by IT in the comments, here are two videos which rebut the video above, one humorous and one factual. The humorous video is effective, as is Colbert's, and the other is useful for talking points against the lies in the original video.

From Daily Kos.

From The Friends of Jake.

As to the original, I think "res ipsa loquitur", "the thing speaks for itself", applies, as its nonsense is so obvious. Of course, I could be wrong.