Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Memo To Bishops: Catholics Not Listening

From Fr. Thomas J. Reese, S. J. in the Washington Post:

During the 2008 presidential campaign, there was a steady drumbeat of opposition to Barack Obama from some U.S. Catholic bishops, which only increased after his election. But despite the attention these attacks received in the media and on Internet blogs, polls show that the Catholic people are not listening.

In the presidential election, Catholics voted for Obama, and Hispanic Catholics, who are a growing percentage of U.S. Catholics, gave him around two-thirds of their vote. Since the election, Obama has continued to do as well if not better with Catholics in the polls.

Fr. Reese hazards a guess as to why the people are not listening.

I think part of the problem is that the bishops stopped listening and teaching and started ordering and condemning. With an educated laity it no longer works to simply say, "it is the teaching of the church." This is the equivalent of a parent shouting, "Because I said so."

The bishops must persuade and convince with arguments not by turning up the volume. When they resort to commanding and threatening punishments, people are turned off. Banning speakers, denying Communion, silencing theologians is a sign of weakness not strength. Censorship and violations of academic freedom come across as admissions that their arguments are not convincing and therefore the opposition must be silenced.

And the coup de grâce:

The bishops will also be embarrassed when Pope Benedict welcomes President Obama at the Vatican, or are all these people going to tell the Pope that he cannot talk to a pro-choice President?

Some might say that the bishops are more Catholic than the pope, but I would never say that.

Do read the entire editorial. It is quite good. If I did the "Brick of the Day Award", I'd give it to Fr. Reese. I will anyway. Fr. Thomas J. Reese, S. J. is my "Brick of the Day".

(H/T to MadPriest for the "Brick of the Day" idea.)

Is it time for another Mass of Reparation? This one will be for Georgetown University, where Fr. Reese is Senior Fellow at Woodstock Theological Center.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.

Roseann - Update

Dear Mimi and MP,

I just received a one line statement from Roseann saying she is still in the hospital, because she seems to be getting worse. She asked me to call Gary and I'll do that later on in the day.


I'm so sorry to hear this news. Pray, pray, pray, my friends.

To ACC: Please Vote "No" On RCDC

We learn from the Episcopal Café that the Anglican Communion Deputy Secretary General Gregory Cameron, when questioned about the meaning of "church" in the Ridley Cambridge Draft Covenant now being considered by the Anglican Consultative Council, answered that "church" means "province" or the national church. However, he added that so long as the constitution and canons of the national church do not forbid it, he believes that individual dioceses may sign on to the RCDC, if the ACC passes it. The Joint Standing Committee of the ACC recommends passing the Covenant as is, without revision, all or nothing. I hope and pray that the vote by the ACC is against passing RCDC.

Tobias Haller says:

...[This Covenant] is a step backwards, and will prove to be a tool for division and fragmentation, rather than an instrument towards unity. Unless we all just sign up and get on with our lives, allowing it to serve its symbolic function with no real power over any of those who sign it.

Exactly. In addition, I fear that if RCDC passes, it will be used to exclude and punish. That's not my idea of a Covenant. I go back to my original question. Why do we need a Covenant at all?

We have the New Covenant of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Anglican Communion, we have the the Creeds, the Baptismal Covenant, the Book of Common Prayer for our common worship, the Instruments of Communion, and the bonds of affection which link together the various autonomous churches of the Communion.

It's true that the bonds of affection are strained at the moment, but will a coercive, exclusionary, and what I fear will come to be a punitive Covenant improve relations amongst the member churches of the Communion? I think not.

As Michael Russell says in the comments at the Episcopal Café, "Please ACC drown the whole thing or give it to a new committee."

St. Francis de la Sissies

You may have seen this around the tubes, but if you haven't, do watch. It's delightful. Enjoy again if you've seen it already.

Thanks to Lapin.

From Ann On Her Grandson

Thanks for all the prayers --- the doctor said the breath holding is nothing to worry about and that he might occasionally have a seizure as a result - - scary but not serious -- -they gave him a brain scan - all is well with that. He will have an eeg but the doctor does not think it will show anything either. He will out grow it.



Good news.

Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Tonight, as I walked, I noticed that the night was bright, even away from the street lights. The reason: the sky is clear, and 90.3% of the moon is visible, and it was right above me. Time to throw up post the haiku again.

Waxing gibbous moon
The words themselves a poem
Turning full moon soon

Grandmère Mimi - 2005

"Night", "bright", "light", "right" - all in a few short lines. That's got to mean something. But what?

It's A Dog's Life

Oops! I forgot to give Doug his due credit.

Happy Birthday, Gayle!

Today is my sister Gayle's birthday and also the 3rd anniversary of her memorial service after she died of pancreatic cancer. The picture above is a favorite of both my brother-in-law, Frank, and me.

In Gayle's honor, a wealthy friend set up The Dillenkoffer Endowment.

The Dillenkoffer Endowment was formed to support gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered teens with college tuition grants in Kansas and Missouri.

Gay teens across the country continue to face personal and academic challenges unlike those faced by their straight classmates. In addition to challenges at school, many face rejection by their families and the community at large as well as religious persecution. Even violence is not uncommon. Statistics show gay teens are more likely to abuse substances, drop out of school, run away from home, be involved in prostitution and attempt suicide.

The Dillenkoffer Endowment's mission is to:

* recognize and reward gay teens who are able to succeed in the face of personal and academic challenges;

* help them achieve even greater success through higher education; and

* provide them with the tools to be role models to others as they become young adults.

If you would like to learn more about the endowment or make a donation, click on the link above or scroll down and click on the dark blue plaque on the right sidebar.

Earlier today, I nearly fell out of my chair when I read the words below from the Lectionary reading from Wisdom. They are so right and true for me today.

But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment will ever touch them.
In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died,
and their departure was thought to be a disaster,
and their going from us to be their destruction;
but they are at peace.
For though in the sight of others they were punished,
their hope is full of immortality.
Having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good,
because God tested them and found them worthy of himself;
like gold in the furnace he tried them,
and like a sacrificial burnt-offering he accepted them.
In the time of their visitation they will shine forth,
and will run like sparks through the stubble.

Wisdom 3:1-9

Below is a picture of Gayle at a party in her tuxedo-like outfit. By chance, we both bought very similar outfits of this type some years ago. She loved a party and liked the idea that the Mexican-Americans and Mexicans (along with a good many folks of non-Mexican heritage) in the US celebrated on her birthday. Today Grandpère and I will celebrate her life at a Cinco de Mayo party at a local Mexican Restaurant.

Latest On Roseann

Hi Mimi,

I was chatting with Roseann on Face Book this morning and while she has been diagnosed with double pneumonia, she sounded good and was very upbeat.

She is hoping to go home tomorrow and will have home health nurses coming to her 3 times a day. It is either that, or a rehab hospital, so she chose home with hubby, wiener dogs, and kitties. It is important for her to get out of the hospital before she can acquire any more hospital bugs.

She sends her love, and thanks everyone for their supporting and sustaining prayers.


Let's pray that Roseann recovers from the pneumonia, gets to go home, and that she stays upbeat.

Prayer Request From Ann

Prayers that we stay centered while the 1 year old grandson gets tested for why he had a seizure yesterday. He has been a breath-holder when he cries -- holding it until he passes out. Yesterday it ended in a seizure - so off to Children's Hospital to see if this is a new thing or just more of the other. Ann

One of my sons was a breath-holder, and when he'd turn blue and pass out, it was frightening, but he never had a seizure, which is surely even more frightening.

Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p. 458)

God, Father of mercies, give comfort, consolation, and your peace that passes understanding to guard the minds and hearts of this child's family, especially his parents and grandparents. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, in unity with the Holy Spirit. Amen.