Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Einstein's Theory

Einstein was born March 14, 1879. He would be 129 if he were alive today. Few people remember that the Nobel Prize winner married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage dissolved in 1919. At the time he stated that he was attracted to Elsa because she was so well-endowed.

He postulated that if you are attracted to women with large breasts, the attraction is even stronger if there is a DNA connection.

This came to be known as...

Einstein's Theory of "Relative Titty "

Oh, quit groaning! I don't write this shit....
I receive it from my warped friends and then send it on to you, another warped friend.

From my warped friend, Doug. I AM NOT WARPED!

I've been good for too long. The wicked me has been in check for several days due to spending so much time in the company of clergy and bishops, and I needed to give that part of me a little rope (to hang itself?). I've heard this one before, too, so you don't have to tell me if you did. It made me laugh out loud again, so into a post it goes.

The good me says not to include the picture that came with the joke.

Reminder: The Episcopal Church Is More Than The US

The picture shows the flags of the countries of the delegates present in the House of Deputies. I tried to find a list of the countries, but I could not.

Here's a list of dioceses from outside the US:

Churches in Europe
Dominican Republic
Ecuador -- Central
Ecuador -- Litoral
Virgin Islands

Louie Crew has a list of all the deputations at the convention.

Thanks to Leigh for the information.

Join With "Disney Be Faithful"

From Elizabeth at Telling Secrets:

This afternoon at 4:30, I will join hundreds of other Episcopalians here at Convention as well as other religious leaders from the area in supporting the Prayer Vigil and March organized by the group "Disney Be Faithful," representing 2150 employees of the three Disneyland Hotels: Paradise Pier, Grand Californian and Disneyland Hotel.

When I signed up to march last Monday, I was approached by one of the organizers with a request I agreed to but I'm still processing.

"Mother," he said (as I winced), "would you stay with us at the end of the march? We're asking some of the clergy to anoint the workers, and it would be wonderful to have you with us."

"You may not be aware, Mother," he said politely, "that for the workers, this Prayer Vigil and March is a big risk. We need to be anointed for the work of justice, after this event, so that we will find the strength to go back to our jobs. Just a little sign from God that He will continue to be with us after the support of this event."

"We know you have probably not brought your oils with you to this place, so we will have some for you. Will you help us? It would mean so much to some of us for a woman to anoint us for the work of justice."

"Anointed for justice."

Elizabeth mentioned the request to me and asked me what I thought, and I said, "Elizabeth, it's a lovely idea. Do it." And I'm so very pleased that she said, "Yes". Please join with the group in spirit and in prayer.

My God fill them with the Holy Spirit. My God give them strength and courage. May God protect them from all harm during and after their march and vigil.

That's 4:30 PST.

"Bonne fĂȘte de Bastille!"

Image stolen from Paul the BB.

Further celebratory posts at

Counterlight's Peculiars

Noble Wolf

Ellie Finlay

Helping Us Stay Together

Indeed, those of us who rejoice in D025 owe much to Dr. Williams for helping to move forward the passage of the resolution. Without his scoldings and other contributions to the discussions, the resolution may not have passed both houses at GC09. In any case, I'm quite sure that the votes would not have been so very lopsided.

Picture and caption courtesy of MadPriest. Bravo, Jonathan!

Notes On D025 From Around The Intertubes

From Richard Helmer at The Lead:

If you’re starting to notice a thread here, so am I. We have reached a epochal boundary at the General Convention of The Episcopal Church where, at last, who we are is being articulated and revealed to not only ourselves, but to the greater world. D025’s passage in the House of Deputies on Sunday afternoon was a turning point. C061 on Monday continued the fuller recognition of our identity expressed in our diversity of many individuals coming together as the Body of Christ through one baptism.

But the centrality of this thread today was revealed to me by a piece of paper that made its way to our deputation table shortly before we recessed for the evening. On it was the message that the House of Bishops, by over a 2-to-1 margin, had concurred on resolution D025 with minimal amendment. Many of us were, quite honestly, astonished. We had expected some consternation from the HoB, at least an effort to make major amendments to D025, or perhaps a straight no vote on the resolution to show the Anglican Communion how many of our bishops were willing to hold the line, even over and against their larger, senior House.

So it was not simply another day at General Convention. It was an extraordinary day, a watershed day, a epochal boundary in our evolving life as The Episcopal Church. . .a day of resurrection for many of our brothers and sisters and all of us together called by Christ to new life.

From Fr. Christian at GAFCON:

On D025:

And whatever this else means one thing is certain; a letter and three digits prove the Church has taken one small step into the future, but one giant leap closer to God.

Lisa at My Manner of Life is eating crow, as I am. I am still surprised and delighted by the vote in both houses.

I have been dubious, even depressed and hopeless that the Bishops would concur with D025. I didn't believe D025 had a chance of passing the House of Bishops. They proved me wrong … quickly … and by a 99 to 45 margin. I am astonished and nearly speechless.

As I have said to some of you, I know I have to eat a lot of crow now. I was miserably wrong about the Bishops. It never occurred to me that they would concur with this resolution at all -- much less by such a wide margin. But I am delighted. So … I will try to find some crow, and recipes for well-served crow, suggestions for appropriate side dishes, etc. I will happily do so.

Lisa is accepting recipes for cooking crow.

I may add updates throughout the day.

Thanks Be To God For D025!

Only early this morning did I learn of the passage of Resolution D025 by the House of Bishops. I join in rejoicing with all of you who believe that the bishops did the right thing, and I thank those bishops who voted to concur. I left Anaheim on the wrong day and missed sharing the joy of those present at GC2009, but I share the joy of all of us in the Episcopal Church who are pleased "that the 76th General Convention affirm that God has called and may call such individuals, to any ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church which call is tested through our discernment processes acting in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church...."

From what I heard in conversations with the members of the House of Deputies and others of us who were present at the convention, there was no consensus that the House of Bishops would concur in the resolution passed by the HOD or do so without introducing amendments that would not pass muster in the HOD. Maybe I was talking to the wrong people, but the mood of the HOB was not clear to many of us there before the discussion and vote, at least up until Sunday evening.

My heart is full, and I pray for all of those who are distressed by the passage of the resolution, that God give them the peace that passes understanding, and that they come to realize that its passage is a matter of justice for all the baptized in the Episcopal Church and that no one in the church has, as Bishop Barbara Harris said, "a half-assed baptism". As Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire stated, "it's time for us to stand up and be the church God is calling us to be," to which I can only respond, "Amen, amen, and amen!

Pace, Archbishop Rowan Williams.

UPDATE: From an editorial in the Times Online:

But Dr Williams’s appeal for restraint is ultimately untenable. It cannot override a simple and direct acknowledgment that homosexual clergy, including bishops, belong in the Church.

Dr Williams should state that principle, even aware of its divisiveness.

Yes. It's way past time for Dr Williams to do just that.

H/T to The Lead.

Prayers Please

From Roseann:


Well, I'm on another roller coaster ride. My blood pressure has dropped so low that dialysis isn't working. My arms are swollen to twice their size and I'm having respiratory and heart issues. I'm going to have another dialysis tomorrow where they just pull off fluid. My nephrologist is really concerned but being at home makes me feel better than being in the hospital. Gary is having a hard time with all this because I keep spiraling downward. Please keep him in your prayers.

From Doxy:

Today is the day that my BIL, Jim, has his MRI to see what, if anything,the chemo/radiation has done to his brain tumor. I will be bold enough to ask again for prayers for Jim and Ruthie.

From Doorman Priest:

Greetings all,
I heard this morning from the church's Examinations Committee. They wish to meet with me on 2nd October. (Oh, THAT soon?) This is not of itself a bad thing: there is always such a meeting following the completion of training and it may lead to the finalisation of an ordination date. I have not had my essay returned (again) so I think I can assume that it was, together with various reports and references, acceptable.

However, I have learnt not to raise my hopes and do not necessarily assume that this will be a formality. I wouldn't at all be surprised to be given other tasks to complete before any discussion about ordination. I have also been given no clue as to the format of this meeting.

I would appreciate your continued prayers.

My niece, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy a few weeks ago, had lymph node surgery yesterday. All lymph nodes were clear of cancer. Thanks be to God!

I'm Home! Just One Simple Mixed Connection

Hi folks. Thanks be to God, I made it home safely with no missed flight connections this time, but with a grand mix-up with GrandpĂšre at the airport in New Orleans. We were at different places in the airport, and HE DIDN'T HAVE HIS CELL PHONE WITH HIM!!! After waiting an hour, I took a taxi to my daughter's house in New Orleans. GP finally went to his vehicle and got his cell phone, but HE DIDN'T KNOW MY CELL PHONE NUMBER!!! He called my son in Thibodaux to get my number. When he reached me, I was getting out of a taxi at my daughter's house. GP met me there, and we came home.

My trip was wonderful. I am tired, and I'm going to bed now. Good night, my sweets. Rather, good morning.

The comments function is now open.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scenes From The Ingegrity Eucharist

The Integrity Eucharist was lovely, indeed. My thanks to Holy Foolishness for my third row seat. When I asked her how she managed to get me the perfect seat, she said, "I worked my ass off all day to prepare for this service, and I wanted you have good seat." Holy Foolishness, from my heart, I thank you for your kindness.

What a wonderful service it was. Bishop Harris' sermon was outstanding. She's a little woman, but she's a force. Near the end of the service, when Bishop Gene called all the clergy who were "out" to gather around the altar, I saw many tears around the large room where 1200 people were gathered.

Thanks to Paul (A.) for the use of his computer.