Tuesday, September 28, 2010


From Philly.com

WASHINGTON - The income gap between the richest and poorest Americans grew last year to its widest amount on record as young adults and children in particular struggled to stay afloat in the recession.

The top-earning 20 percent of Americans - those making more than $100,000 each year - received 49.4 percent of all income generated in the U.S., compared with the 3.4 percent earned by those below the poverty line, according to newly released census figures. That ratio of 14.5-to-1 was an increase from 13.6 in 2008 and nearly double a low of 7.69 in 1968.

A different measure, the international Gini index, found U.S. income inequality at its highest level since the Census Bureau began tracking household income in 1967. The U.S. also has the greatest disparity among Western industrialized nations.
(My emphasis)

An -GfK Poll this month found that by 54 percent to 44 percent, most Americans support raising taxes on the highest U.S. earners. Still, many congressional Democrats have expressed wariness about provoking the 44 percent minority so close to Election Day.

"We're pretty good about not talking about income inequality," Danziger said.

My, my, we ARE good at sticking our heads in the sand and keeping them there when the subject of income inequality comes up. You'd think that the Democrats running for office would feel pressed to spell out policies for reducing the income gap between the rich and the poor. You'd think that they'd promote policies for restoring the numbers of the disappearing middle class. You'd think that these matters would be major talking points in their campaigns, but if you thought that, you'd be wrong.


From Borowitz Report:

Democrats to Employ Man Who Played Obama During 2008 Campaign

Would Hit Campaign Trail in Place of President

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – With just a month remaining until the crucial midterm elections, worried Democrats have decided to reach out to the man who played Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign, Democratic Party officials confirmed today.

“We were sitting around thinking of who we could put out there on the campaign trail to get people energized again,” said party chairman Tim Kaine. “And then I was like, what about that guy who played Obama in ’08? He was amazing!”

Read the rest at Borowitz's website.

The Obama of 2008 was ever the man of our dreams. Too many of us left-leaners loaded onto him all our expectations of our dream Democratic candidate, which he never was. He was center-right then, and he's center-right today.

Nevertheless, 4 or 8 more years of the likes of Bush or worse would have brought the country ever closer to becoming a banana republic, with the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer, and the middle class squeezed to fit in a bathtub, with governmental functions squeezed down to the same size. Good-bye Social Security. Good-bye Medicare. Good-bye to any programs that benefitted anyone but the rich and corporate classes.

Very likely we would have found another war to fight to keep the military-industrial complex fed. Iran, perhaps?

And now we are facing the possibility of the loss of a functional majority in both houses of Congress and perhaps even an actual Republican majority in one or both houses. We are in a fix, my friends. We cannot afford complacency.


From the Houston Chronicle:

Asher Brown's worn-out tennis shoes still sit in the living room of his Cypress-area home while his student progress report — filled with straight A's — rests on the coffee table.

The eighth-grader killed himself last week. He shot himself in the head after enduring what his mother and stepfather say was constant harassment from four other students at Hamilton Middle School in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

Brown, his family said, was "bullied to death" — picked on for his small size, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes. Kids also accused him of being gay, some of them performing mock gay acts on him in his physical education class, his mother and stepfather said.

The 13-year-old's parents said they had complained about the bullying to Hamilton Middle School officials during the past 18 months, but claimed their concerns fell on deaf ears.

When will school authorities begin to take the bullying and abuse seriously? How many kids will have to die before the members of our communities take note and force those authorities to implement policies to prevent such tragedies from happening?

Cy Fair ISD officials said Monday that they never received any complaints from Brown's parents before the suicide about the way the boy was being treated at school.

School district spokeswoman Kelli Durham said no students, school employees or the boy's parents ever reported that he was being bullied.

That statement infuriated the Truongs, who accused the school district of protecting the bullies and their parents.

In an opinion piece in the Chronicle, gay dad, Barry Baxter, writes:

There’s a great deal of outrage directed at the students who bullied Asher consistently during his two years at Hamilton, and rightly so. There’s additional focus on a school administration that Asher’s parents and others say looks the other way when students suffer abuse at the hands of their peers. That scrutiny must continue.

But there’s an even broader and more insidious force at work in our country when it comes to gay teen suicide. Granted, gay rights may be inching slowly forward in the court system, but that progress has contributed greatly to unprecedented levels of self-esteem battering rhetoric in the media and from the pulpit.

Yes, the bullies and their despicable behavior are responsible for Asher’s death. But so is the toxic, virulently anti-gay environment that continues to swirl around all of our children.

And when will the rest of the people in the country take responsibility for contributing to the toxic environment in which LGTB persons are forced to live and that drives so many young people to take their lives?

May Asher Brown rest in peace and rise in glory.

May God give comfort, consolation, and peace to Asher's parents and to all who love him.

May God have mercy on us all!

H/T to Timothy Kincaid at Box Turtle Bulletin.


Last night, I received this email from Mark Brunson, who often comments here at Wounded Bird:

My older cat, Katzie, has had to have emergency care - x-rays and catheterization. His urethra blocked and he couldn't urinate and was in great pain. This has happened before, and the vet has confirmed that this is likely to happen throughout the rest of his life, off and on, and it may require surgery - a long name with "cysto" in it somewhere - to basically transform his urinary tract into a female's urinary tract, opening the ureters wider to allow the crystals in the urine to flow out.

As of now, he's home, having been catheterized and cleared. He's not showing any signs of pain, but also hasn't urinated since he got home, so, naturally, I'm worried.

The difficulty is the cost of the care - for the past two-day stay, it comes to $281. I've been able to pay most of it, but it's coming out of the money saved for my property tax, which will be due December 20. The full surgery will cost (an additional) $400. I'm writing the two of you because you have far wider readership than I could hope for, and are more forthright and, well, crusading than I am. I wind up apologizing for having bothered everyone by living and saying "You know, don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll be fine." But I won't be fine this time. This is serious, and I need folks in my corner. I've checked around - our priest is out of country, and he's the one with the discretionary fund, though it's tiny. There are no charities (I'm aware of) who have anything right now, and nothing for someone's pet care. I'm now, officially, pulling in $217.50 a week, which is the legal requirement that I be left with in my pay after garnishment, being minimum wage X 30.

I have a PayPal account now through this email address. I'll take any help anyone can give, if you'll raise the rallying cry. Even a few bucks helps.

Thanks, in advance, for anything - prayers, advice, whatever.



Mark's email address where you can make PayPal donations is:


Mark said further that if you email him, he will provide the name of the veterinarian who is caring for Katzie, who will verify his story.

Mark has internet access only at his workplace, where he works as the night auditor.

I believe all that Mark says is true, otherwise I would not post this request. Thank you for your help.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Bishop Alan Wilson, who is Bishop of Buckingham in the Church of England, writes in his latest blog post titled, Why So Crypto?, about openness v. secrecy:

Before leaving the question of politics, I have been wondering why some of the English have such a fascination with secrecy, and such a horror of public discussion? What’s wrong with vigorous public discussion of points of difference?

Why so much crypto and secrecy?

The Bible is full of open disputation. In Galatians Peter and Paul have a technicolor public row. In the Acts various apostles fall out with each other and take their separate ways. In the gospels disciples vie with one another in front of all the others (or at any rate their mothers do) for hot spots in the Kingdom of Heaven.

All this is done without shame, or any particular feeling that it would have been very much better if the elite had stitched everything up behind closed doors. The only attempt to do this (the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15) was a brilliant day out, but its conclusions didn't last five minutes — soon enough Christians were eating non-kosher food anyway, and Peter and Paul arguing as forcibly as ever.

I strongly urge you to read the entire post. The post is instructive to all in positions of power who must make choices between openness and secrecy. Of course, privacy is sometimes necessary, but in cases where it is not, where the major reason for disallowing public discussion is so as not to be seen in dispute, then rethinking is in order.

Bishop Alan's post is as applicable to our own hierarchy in the Episcopal Church as it is to the leadership in the Church of England.

The kitschy gremlin gargoyle pictured at the head of the post is lifted from Bishop Alan's post.


What follows is a picture-essay, with not many words, of photos from the boat ride which Cathy and I took out of Portree harbor on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.


The ever-changing views were lovely, and my pictures are far better than I'd dreamed.


We moved over the water and, as the sky changed color, the water and the rocks changed color.


The sky began to capture more of my interest...


...and even more.


The combination of the sky and the reflection on the water...I'm running out of words. I said that the post would be a picture essay, didn't I?


Bright blue skies mixed with clouds from one direction, and, from another, only low clouds with no sky visible.


And didn't I say ever-changing?


This photo blows me away. I'm deeply grateful that the sky caught my attention.

Does looking at the pictures from the boat ride give me more pleasure than the boat ride itself? Surely not! But I'm having a grand time with this post.

Cathy took photos on the ride, too, and she captured pictures of wildlife with her better camera, which I was not able to do with mine. I extend my public offer to Cathy to send me whichever of her photos that she chooses, with or without commentary, and I will publish them in another post.



Flight is but preparative. The sight
Is deep and infinite,
Ah me! 'tis all the glory, love, light, space,
Joy, beauty and variety
That doth adorn the Godhead's dwelling-place;
'Tis all that eye can see.
Even trades themselves seen in celestial light,
And cares and sins and woes are bright.

Order the beauty even of beauty is,
It is the rule of bliss,
The very life and form and cause of pleasure;
Which if we do not understand,
Ten thousand heaps of vain confused treasure
Will but oppress the land.
In blessedness itself we that shall miss,
Being blind, which is the cause of bliss.

First then behold the world as thine, and well
Note that where thou dost dwell.
See all the beauty of the spacious case,
Lift up thy pleas'd and ravisht eyes,
Admire the glory of the Heavenly place
And all its blessings prize.
That sight well seen thy spirit shall prepare,
The first makes all the other rare.

Men's woes shall be but foils unto thy bliss,
Thou once enjoying this:
Trades shall adorn and beautify the earth,
Their ignorance shall make thee bright;
Were not their griefs Democritus his mirth?
Their faults shall keep thee right:
All shall be thine, because they all conspire
To feed and make thy glory higher.

To see a glorious fountain and an end,
To see all creatures tend
To thy advancement, and so sweetly close
In thy repose: to see them shine
In use, in worth, in service, and even foes
Among the rest made thine:
To see all these unite at once in thee
Is to behold felicity.

To see the fountain is a blessed thing,
It is to see the King
Of Glory face to face: but yet the end,
The glorious, wondrous end is more;
And yet the fountain there we comprehend,
The spring we there adore:
For in the end the fountain best is shown,
As by effects the cause is known.

From one, to one, in one to see all things,
To see the King of Kings
But once in two; to see His endless treasures
Made all mine own, myself the end
Of all his labours! 'Tis the life of pleasures!
To see myself His friend!
Who all things finds conjoined in Him alone,
Sees and enjoys the Holy One.

Thomas Traherne - (1637-1674)

From Poets.org:

Thomas Traherne, the son of a shoemaker, was born in 1637 in Hereford, England. He received his education from the University of Oxford and was ordained as an Anglican clergyman in 1660. Traherne first served in a parish near Credenhill and later became the chaplain to Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.

Further biographical information and a brief description of Traherne's works may be found at the links above and below.

Traherne's work was personally influential on the thought of such notables as Thomas Merton, Dorothy Sayers, Elizabeth Jennings and C. S. Lewis, who called Centuries of Meditations "almost the most beautiful book in English."

From Wikipedia.


St. John's Episcopal Church

From Margaret at Leave It Lay Where Jesus Flang It:

The Episcopal Church was born today in 1785 --in Philadelphia... What a terrifying and exhilarating time those post-Revolutionary war years must have been --establishing and experimenting with new governmental forms --and in the church, we became autonomous from the Church of England. (Well --at least that's the myth...) And, some clergy concluded that their ordination vows required them to remain loyal to the crown and the bishops who ordained them, and they fled to places where the crown and their bishops still ruled.

And, of course, you should click on over to Margaret's blog and read the rest. She speaks her thoughts on matters of authoriteh and more.

I thank God for the Episcopal Church, warts and all, where I found a home after 60-plus years in another denomination. At the very first service I attended at St. John's Episcopal Church, after several months in the wilderness, I felt as though I had come home.


Surprise performance of AGAO's Opera Choir "Premier Ensemble" in Café Iruña of Pamplona, Spain. Celebration of the "European Opera Days 2010".

Organized by the " Asociación Gayarre Amigos de la Ópera de Navarra " (AGAO) www.agao.es

Collaborates: Pamplona 2016

Doug strikes again. Enjoy!


14. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'

15. The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

16. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

17. A backward poet writes inverse.

18. In a democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes.

19. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.

20. If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you'd be in Seine.

21. A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says, “I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.”

22. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says “Dam!”

23. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.

24. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, “I've lost my electron.” The other says “Are you sure?” The first replies, “Yes, I'm positive.”

25. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.

26. There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.

The end.

Again, don't blame me, blame Doug. And yes, I've seen some of these before, too.