Wednesday, March 30, 2011


See The Satirical Christian on the "Ecclesiastical Dominos" method of getting sufficient votes in Church of England to adopt the Anglican Covenant:
Take the Anglican Covenant, for instance. It is clear that many people in the Church of England are deeply suspicious of it. In the debate in General Synod last November many voices raised deep misgivings about it, even among the House of Bishops. In fact, enough people were sufficiently concerned to mean that if the vote was taken purely on what people thought, it would probably have been chucked out there and then.

Nooo! I don't want to take the daft covenant, and in many cases the people in the Church of England, from bishops, through clergy, to the laity don't want to take the covenant. But read the Satirical Christian's view of how the Archbishop of Canterbury and his allies in favor of the adoption of the covenant will get it done by playing ecclesiastical dominoes.

Photo from Wikipedia.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Over the weekend, I discovered that one of my upper left molars was cracked. I left it alone and tried to remember not to chew on that side, because I was not in pain, and I didn't want to make an emergency visit to the dentist unless it was absolutely necessary. Yesterday, I made an appointment and went in this morning. My heart sank as the dentist said he may have to do a root canal, along with placement of a crown.

I've never had a root canal in my life, and I am such a baby about dental work, probably because, as a child, the dentist drilled and filled my cavities with NO NOVOCAINE! As soon as I sat in the chair, I tensed up and proceeded to take the white-knuckle, death grip on the arm of the chair. Then, as my long-time family dentist injected novocaine, let it take effect, began to poke around in my mouth, he spoke the anxiety-inducing words, "Oh-oh, I may have to do a root canal and a crown." I thought, "Oh shit! But if it must be, it must be."

Then I prayed, "Lord, be with me. Holy Mary, pray for me. All angels and saints, intercede for me." The dentist drilled a bit and pulled out the broken bit of tooth. Then he took an x-ray, drilled more, looked at the x-ray, and said I would need only the crown and no root canal. Yay!

"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Holy Mary! Thank you, all angels and saints!" - not spoken aloud, because I couldn't talk with the drill working away in my mouth. Good news, indeed, that I would need less rather than more work, but the drilling to prepare the tooth for a crown, was an ordeal, at least for Baby Me. When the work was done and the temporary crown in place, I rose from the chair in great relief. The worst was over. The placement of the permanent crown would be quick and easy in comparison.

I felt a little woozy and wondered if novocaine affects the brain or if the wooziness was the result of the ordeal that every dental visit is for me, even just cleaning. I drove home carefully, thinking that as soon as I reached home, I'd crawl into bed and go to sleep. Fortunately, home is not far from the dentist's office. And here I am typing and not asleep.

UPDATE: I edited the post a bit, to remove repetitions and bad writing, done under the influence when I first posted.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.

Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly.

Better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent.

Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.

It takes many nails to build a crib, but one screw to fill it.

Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.

Man who eats many prunes get good run for money.

Grandpère and I had good laughs as we went through the list, but - Alas! - we jointly decided that I had to exercise a little censorship. I run a clean joint here.

Don't blame us. Blame Doug.


Adorables all.

Thanks to Doug.


Advanced Style: Age and Beauty on

Love it!

H/T to Ann Fontaine.


Of course I want to save the world, she
said, but I was hoping to do it from the
comfort of my regular life.

From StoryPeople.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Andrej Kurti performs Bach's Allemanda from Partita in D Minor

Andrej Kurti performs Bach's Giga from Partita in D Minor

Kurti performed in the Music at St John's program here in Thibodaux this afternoon. He played the whole of Bach's Partita beautifully. The entire program is shown below

Not only is Kurti an amazing musician, but he is a delightful person and quite good-looking. He speaks with animation and expression and gestures often as he speaks. A brief biography from Kurti's website is below:
Andrej Kurti was born in 1971 in Belgrade, Serbia, where he completed his elementary and high school education in the studio of Professor Djula Tesenji.He continued his studies in Moscow "Tchaikovsky" Conservatory in studios of professors Levon Ambartsumian and Zorya Schikmurzaeva.

Kurti finished his graduate studies in the University of Georgia, where he received doctorate degree in violin performance.

He was a recipient of five first prizes in competitions in Yugoslavia, four first prizes in competitions in Georgia and Florida, and a finalist of the MTNA (Music Teacher National Association) Competition in 1998. In 2000, Kurti became a recording artist for classical label Blue Griffin Recordings, for which he later recorded Six Sonatas for Violin Solo by Eugene Ysaye, op.27. These Sonatas were the topic for his doctoral dissertation.In 2004, Kurti became a professor of violin at Northwestern State University of Louisiana, where he teaches students from several countries.He appeared as a soloist with many symphony orchestras in the United States, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Greece, and Russia. He also appeared as a chamber performer in Spain, France, Latvia, Canada, and South Korea.

The high quality of musicianship of those who perform in our music program surprises me time and again, as I'm quite sure the organization cannot afford to pay them a large fee.


Yes indeed! Daily Kos now has an Anglican presence.
Welcome to Anglican Kossacks, a group for Anglican/Episcopalian Kossacks to discuss developments in the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada as well as issues related to social justice and church polity. Open to all, regardless of religious affiliation. Some of our diaries are action, informative or historical diaries and others are meditative and prayerful. We, like the Episcopal Church, welcome you! Thank you for joining us.
Commonmass administers the website. Check it out!

Thanks to Ann V. for the link.


The first pope was married. I think we should have a feast day for Peter's mother-in-law.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Watch over thy child, Katharine, O Lord, as her days increase; bless and guide her wherever she may be. Strengthen her when she stands; comfort her when discouraged or sorrowful; raise her up if she fall; and in her heart may thy peace which passeth understanding abide all the days of her life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

H/T to Torey Lightcap at The Lead.