Monday, September 5, 2011


Why we even bother any longer to pay lip service by setting aside a day to honor those who work, I can't say. The workers, those who are lucky enough to have jobs, have been trampled upon time and again here in these United States. Thus the national day of honor seems ever more hypocritical each year when it rolls around. Who amongst the powerful gives a shit about the workers? Let them stand up and be counted and show us by deeds and not just by empty words.

The power of unions as a political force, except for the public employee unions, has been emasculated by laws which weakened them and allowed the giant global corporations to have their way. Even now, politicians are working overtime to destroy any power that the public service unions retain. So the Woody Guthrie video and the prayers for workers and for the unemployed that follow are all I have for you today, my readers. I'm flying on a wing and a prayer in the hope that, despite all evidence to the contrary, things will get better.

Almighty God, you have so linked our lives one with another that all we do affects, for good or ill, all other lives: So guide us in the work we do, that we may do it not for self alone, but for the common good; and, as we seek a proper return for our own labor, make us mindful of the rightful aspirations of other workers, and arouse our concern for those who are out of work; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we remember before you those who suffer want and anxiety from lack of work. Guide the people of this land so to use our public and private wealth that all may find suitable and fulfilling employment, and receive just payment for their labor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Joel is in the hospital in the cardiac ward, and he has other chronic and serious health issues. If you follow their story at Margaret's blog, Leave It Lay Where Jesus Flang It, Margaret lost her job; they are now trying to sell their house; and today is their 30th wedding anniversary. Margaret says:
And, I pray for my beloved --that his grief and frustration with his body do not overwhelm him, that he may be given a path to stability, and that he may bring to mind all the true blessings we share.
From the Book of Common Prayer for which I am so very grateful:
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Joel the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray for both Joel and for Margaret. The prayer that comes to mind is from Morning Prayer for individuals in the Book of Common Prayer.
Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
When my friends have trouble upon trouble come upon them, I'm all too often left without words. Such is the case now with Joel and Margaret, except to say that I will hold them in my heart and in my prayers.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


And we call them the lower animals.

Thanks to Ellie at The Anchorhold for calling my attention to the video.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Ormonde Plater at Through the Dust inspired me to search out the video. Here's Bessie Smith, with her amazing voice, in splendid collaboration with James P. Johnson on the piano. What a team! I like the listening guide.

At the moment, the sun is, if not shining, at least showing itself from time to time. The wind has picked up some, but we are not feeling the backwater blues. It appears that the worst of Tropical Storm Lee may be past us, as the radar shows the storm is now mostly to the east of us. Scroll down at the link to see the radar.

However, areas in New Orleans and Jefferson Parish experienced flooding, as did lower Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes, and folks there may be feeling the backwater blues.

UPDATE SEPT. 4: Tropical Storm Lee finally came ashore at Vermilion Bay west of us. It's blowy and rainy here, but nothing serious for us.

Rain and storm surge are causing flooding in other areas of south Louisiana.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Brother David said...

Thank you all for the remembering prayers. The procedure came out well. I had a fully occluded artery that was successfully reopened and had four stents inserted. The time for the procedure used the time I could be subjected to the radiation and dye, so I will be doing it again on the 15th for two partially blocked arteries. But now, a day later I am doing and feeling well.

TBTG and knowledgable physicians.
'O Lord, your compassions never fail and your mercies are new every morning: We give you thanks for giving our brother David both relief from pain and hope of health renewed. Continue in him we pray, the good work you have begun; that he, daily increasing in bodily strength, and rejoicing in your goodness, may so order his life and conduct that he may always think and do those things that please you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.'


Bosco Peters at Liturgy informs us of the good news that the Anglican Diocese of Auckland, New Zealand, passed a motion opposing the Anglican Covenant. Read the text of the motion at Bosco's blog.


The argument by Prof. John Araujo, SJ, Loyola University School of Law, posted at Mirror of Justice, comes via Rob Tisinai at Box Turtle Bulletin:
Let us assume that two planets which have not yet been inhabited by humans are to be colonized by them; on Planet Alpha, heterosexual couples only are assigned; on Planet Beta, only homosexual couples. In one hundred years, will both islands be populated assuming that reproductive technologies are not available to either group? I suggest that Planet Alpha will be; but Planet Beta will not. Why? The basic answer is to be found in the biological complementarity of the heterosexual couple necessary for procreation that is absent in same-sex couple.
Rob calls the professor's argument 'The Stoner Argument Against Same-Sex Marriage' because it reminds him of stoner conversations back in his college days.
Stoner: Dude, I just blew my mind.

Rob: I’m trying to study.

Stoner: Dude, I figured out why gay marriage is, like, a no-go!

Rob: I don’t have time –

Stoner: DUDE!

Rob: Fine. Tell me.

Stoner: Suppose we dump a bunch of gays on an empty planet.

Rob: Why would we do that?

Stoner: Dude…

Rob: Never mind. Go on.

Stoner: And we dump a bunch of straights on an empty planet.

Rob: Okay.

Stoner: So if we come back to Planet Straight in, like, a hundred years, we’d find a bunch of new people. BUT! If we go back to Planet Gay, there’d be like no people at all.

Rob: Why not?

Stoner: Because – dude! – they’re gay.

Rob: So?

Stoner: They’re gaaay.

Rob: They can still –

Stoner: Gaaaaaaaaaay.

Rob: What’s your point?

Stoner: Um…

Rob: Right.

Stoner: I remember! Don’t let gays marry.

Rob: Why?

Stoner: Dude, one of the planets is empty.

Rob: So your point is…we shouldn’t colonize planets with lesbians and gays?

Stoner: YES! Wait. No. Don’t let gays marry.

Rob: On other planets?

Stoner: No, dude, here, now, today!

Rob: Why not?

Stoner: Because of the planets, dude! The planets!

Rob: I don’t get it.

Stoner: Dude, you need to smoke more weed.
As I read the conversation, I was rolling on the floor, and I can tell you that it's hard to read while rolling on the floor. I hope Rob doesn't mind that I stole his very clever satire in its entirety. I couldn't resist. If he asks me to take it down, I will.


Odd how both parties think the path to election is "pissing off liberals."

Maybe they're even right!
Quite odd.

I've been reading Atrios at Eschaton for years and years, although I'm not a member of his tight community of commenters. They all seem to know one another, and I'm not sure they take easily to newcomers. In general, they do not like religion. Can the religious amongst us blame them with the many examples of hateful speech that circulate on the internet in the name of religion?

Hey, guys! We're not all hate-filled.


Canon Alan Perry of the Anglican Church of Canada, who blogs at Insert Catchy Blog Title Here, dissected the Anglican Covenant, part by part, in a good many posts at his blog. At the link above Alan summarizes the reasons why he opposes the covenant. His entire post is excellent, but two statements in his summary jumped out at me.

Most of the member churches of the Anglican Communion seemed to find the first three sections of the covenant acceptable as a document to which they could attach their name, but Alan cautions us to think again. With regard to Section 3:
But, as I have said, “there is one fundamental problem with this whole section of the proposed Covenant, and that is that it seems to assume both that Churches will have a tendency to act in a manner which is irresponsible, or that their mechanisms for discernment and consultation are inadequate. And it seems to assume that relations among the churches of the Anglican Communion will normally be marked by conflict.” In fact, those assumptions underlie the entire proposed Covenant, which says much more about the context of our current conflict than about our aspirations for life as an Anglican Communion. (My emphasis)
That's a pretty sad assumption. What a crooked foundation upon which to build a community based on the New Covenant of Jesus Christ in which we are bid to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves!

Skipping to Alan's commentary on Section 4:
And what to say of the dispute-settling mechanism? It provides for a process by which “controversial actions” can be assessed and, if such actions are determined to be “incompatible with the Covenant,” impose “relational consequences” on a Church that refuses to withdraw the offending action. But this process has more holes than Swiss cheese. For starters, there is no definition of what might constitute a “controversial action.” You might imagine that it would be something that is contrary to the standards of faith, but since, as mentioned above, these standards are not clearly defined, we're really no further ahead. Nor are “relational consequences” clearly defined. So we don't really know what the rules are or what the punishment is for violating them. (My emphasis)
So. We are to sign on to play the Anglican Covenant game despite uncertainty about what will be required of us after we sign and what consequences will follow if we break the rules of the game, even though we don't know the rules. The words in bold actually made me burst out laughing, but it's not funny, because the people in high places who ask us to agree to such an absurd document are quite serious.

Alan has a Master's Degree in Canon Law from Cardiff University, but he wishes his words on the covenant to stand or fall on their own without reference to his credentialed expertise. Oh that Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams would take a lesson from Alan! For his part, he seems determined to ram the adoption of the covenant through the Church of England General Synod, not on the basis of the soundness of the document itself, but on the basis of personal loyalty to him in his position as Archbishop of Canterbury. It's a shameful exercise to witness.

Read Alan's entire summary.

The complete text of the Anglican Covenant may be found here.


Thanks to Doug.