Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blog Review For 2008

For this meme, take the first sentence of the first post of each month and line them up.

January 1, 2008: My New Year's gift for those of you who are not glued to the TV watching football is this video which shows Irwin Mayfield, Jr. of New Orleans, playing "Amazing Grace" on the Elysian Trumpet, which was hand-built by David Monette.

FEBRUARY 1, 2008: It isn't war that is hell. It's our acceptance of war.

MARCH 7, 2008: What a fantastic trip! But it's great to be home again. You'll hear about it until you're bored silly.

APRIL 1, 2008: From the BBC. "And that's Panorama for today, April 1st, 1957". A video.

MAY 1, 2008: Today is the fifth anniversary of George W. Bush's appearance on the aircraft carrier to announce "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq - a milestone, surely.

JUNE 1, 2008: Beneath the photo from the REAGAN DIARIES is an actual quote that Reagan wrote about George 'W' in his diaries, recently edited by author Doug Brinkley and published by Harper Collins

JULY 1, 2008: The dark blue plaque on the sidebar of my blog links to The Dillenkoffer Endowment which rewards gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) high school seniors who graduate from a Kansas or Missouri high school and attend a Kansas or Missouri college, maintain at least a 2.75 GPA, and make a difference through community and school involvement, with $25,000 per year in college scholarships.

AUGUST 1, 2008: OCICBW... got attacked by a particularly vicious troll last night. It was so bad I had to close down the comments overnight.

SEPTEMBER 1, 2008: Wind and rain are starting up but not bad yet.

OCTOBER 1, 2008: A cartoon showing two office workers. One is on the phone saying, "Our computers are down, so we have to do everything manually..." They are playing solitaire.

NOVEMBER 1, 2008: Good Morning Mimi,

I've just received word from Roseann, and she is in the hospital, and will have both kidneys removed on Monday.

DECEMBER 1, 2008: For her book, “Calling It Quits: Late Life Divorce and Starting Over,” Deirdre Blair:

I don't know quite what to say. There's only one funny in the mix, the cartoon. If you'd care to look (I advise against it!), here's a link to last year's list.

Thanks to Jane R. at Acts of Hope for the reminder.

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