Friday, July 17, 2009

More Demonstrations In Iran

Huffington Post is live-blogging demonstrations which are presently taking place in Iran.

Former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a powerful cleric in Iran who supports reformist Mir Hossein Mousavi, delivered the Friday sermon in Tehran today for the first time since June's presidential election. The sermon was heavily attended; many thousands of people are now demonstrating in the city, and reports indicate that riot police are out in large numbers, using tear gas and batons.

Thanks to Lapin for the alert.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Surprised By Grace

While I was in Anaheim, I attended a eucharistic celebration every day. In fact, one day I attended two - the regular morning Eucharist and the Integrity Eucharist. As Mary (who comments here), Ann, and I walked in my first morning, we were asked if we wanted to be eucharistic ministers. I asked Ann, "Can anyone do it?" She said, "Yes". I said I would if I could do the bread, rather than the wine. Mary decided to sing with the choir.

On our instruction sheets, we were told that after sharing the peace, the ministers should go to their assigned section and stand on the marks on the floor to be in place when the baskets of consecrated bread and the pitchers of consecrated wine and wine cups were carried to the different sections.

As I was waiting, I had a moment of panic as I thought, "Can I do this right?" And then I thought of the words that I would say, and I scurried over to Ann, who was standing not far away, and said, "It's 'The Body of Christ, the bread of heaven', right?" Ann assured me that was correct, and I went back to my place and waited and prayed to get through my part in the service without making a major gaffe.

When the people began to come toward me to receive communion, I was so very moved by the expressions on their faces. Some were radiant and smiling; others bowed their heads solemnly in reverence, but all seemed quite aware that something powerful and wonderful was taking place. I almost lost it right in the beginning. It was the faces, all the beautiful faces. I did lose it and cry after I finished my duties as a lay minister.

If the people looked at me, I looked them in the eye (pace, MadPriest). It was about Jesus. And it was about the person receiving, and about me, the person giving, and Jesus in the one receiving and Jesus in me. It was communion! And it was lovely.

The next day, I was asked to do it again, and I was quite pleased to say, "Yes!"

"The Body of Christ. The Bread of Heaven."

Me And My Friends At GC2009


Caminante and me.

We met in front of the convention center and talked for a while, and then it was nearly lunch time, so we ate together in the cafeteria at the center, but only after Caminante bought two gorgeous stoles from a booth selling handicrafts from indigenous craftsmen and craftswomen from Panama. Perhaps she will post pictures. What a joy to meet her in real life. I bought a lovely wee basket, woven out of narrow strips of palm, which I will photograph and post later. Caminante has good pictures of the convention posted at her blog.


Prior Aelred, me, and Ann.

Prior Aelred, of St. Gregory's Abbey in Michigan, and I have been virtual friends for years now, and it was a great pleasure to meet him in person. He says he's an introvert, but he managed to get in a few words. I was talking to him at the bar in the Hilton, when my bishop, Charles Jenkins, walked up. After Bp. Jenkins left, I asked the good Prior if he thought my reputation with Bp. Jenkins was enhanced or diminished by being seen with him. Like the good monk that he is, he answered me with a question of his own, but unfortunately I can't remember what his question was. Sorry.

As for my friend Ann, I can't say enough about her kindness to me in Anaheim. From the beginning, she took me under her wing, showed me how to get around, and generally took care of me. We have been virtual friends for years now, too, and it was a joy to finally meet her in person. We shared quite a few meals together, and despite her duties as a delegate at the convention, we had a good bit of time to talk and get to know each other better.

Margaret, Caminante, and me, a true rogues gallery. Picture lifted from Caminante's blog.

Margaret and I ate dinner together one evening, and she was quite kind to me also, despite her serious duties as a volunteer at the convention. We sat together at the Integrity Eucharist, up front and center, due to the kindness of Holy Foolishness. As blog friends go, Margaret and I are fairly recent, but once again, it was a real pleasure to meet her in person. She invited me to lunch with her and some of her friends from California after the Sunday Eucharist, but we lost each other in the crowd, and I did not have her cell phone number, so we never met up for the meal. I hope she and her friends did not wait long for me, and I'm sorry that we did not have the chance to share the meal.


The cool dude Jake and me - last, but most certainly not least.

On my first night at the convention, I saw Jake outside the Hilton and called out to him. Yelled is more like it, because he didn't hear me the first two times I called his name. His name is Terry, but throughout our conversation, I slipped and called him Jake several times. I can't help it. He's more Jake than Terry to me. He came in with me to the lobby, and we spent quite a while talking there. It was great to see him again. We met in real life for the first time in New York at our very first bloggers reunion. Jake's blog is the grandfather of many of our blogs, because we first "met" in the comments at "Father Jake Stops the World".

I admire him so much, because he is a true evangelist in a way that I can't be. He wants everyone to have the joy of a relationship with God such as he has, and he is not shy about sharing with others. I, on the other hand, usually wait for the other person to bring up the subject. I hope that he starts up his blog again. It was a treasure, and I'm honored that I was once a minor player there.

As Jake stood up to leave, Tobias and his beloved James stopped by, so we chatted with them for a few minutes.

Prayer Call From A Friend

Rowan and Tom Wright are much on my heart this morning, as it would seem to be so clear that their responses to D025 are that of confused, and perhaps even frightened individuals. They're straight men (two handicaps there) used to the deference of their offices (handicap #3) with real personal investment in the power of those offices (handicap #4) and therefore used to seeing everything in a dualistic, unambiguous context, sure to run interference on the Holy Spirit at times (handicaps potentially unlimited).

Once again our inclusive rainbow tribe has set a shining standard for the way forward by their generous sensitivity for our conservative brothers and sisters in the hours and days since the D025 outcome. (h.t. Susan, Gene, Elizabeth among many others) By their refusal to gloat, to re-act or in any way respond in kind, this embodiment of that 'Love beyond our wildest imagining' has set a new standard for congress within our Anglican home. And this I'm praying will be the Church culture of the future.

Right now, it's my sense we can also do great, great good by upholding Rowan and Tom Wright in our prayers, that they too will know the same wonder which led so many American Bishops who probably surprised even themselves in the vote on D025.

The words of both of these men have a wide audience, and a real potential for hurt as well as healing, acrimony as well as fellowship, for division as well as reconciliation, and each of you, my beloved Giants of prayer and practice can make a real difference in the outcome by the generosity of your prayers and practice.

As awesome as D025 was, the real task is before us. Inclusion means nothing if it only enables the fear of our brothers. Please let your great, joyous songs of praise and thanksgiving for D025 include Tom and Rowan They may not want to realize it yet but our way ahead can only be together if we are to give God glory and the Church we are called to be.

In D025 we saw the formal recognition of what we have each known in our hearts and lives- the truth of that Love beyond our wildest imagining, Today, Giants that you are, it's my clear sense that that same Love is calling to be the medium for that the same Love for Rowan and Tom.

With love and great gratitude for each and every one of you

Your brother....

The sender preferred that his name not be mentioned because "my e-mail is only an expression of many inclusive hearts through out the Church at this time". I concur with my friend that the two gentleman are in great need of prayer. I believe that he is correct in saying that both are re-acting rather than responding prayerfully and thoughtfully to brothers and sisters in Christ and that both have the power to do great good and great harm.

O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"The Hangover"

With Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha

Today I planned to take my two grandchildren to see "The Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs". The reviews were mixed, leaning toward the negative, but that's what the kids wanted to see. Due to my tardiness compounded by my granddaughter's tardiness, we were late for the intended showing and decided to wait for the next. I bought them lunch at Wendy's and took them to my house to eat. While we were there, my son called to say that he got off work early, and that he was headed for my house. Once the children realized that their dad was going to be home, they decided that they wanted to be with him, rather than go to the movies, because they were leaving later in the day to go to their mom's for a week. That was fine with me.

The other day, my daughter went to see "The Hangover", and she said that I might like it. She said it could possibly be a bit too raunchy for me, but that it was funny. I checked the reviews at "Rotten Tomatoes", which were 79% positive. Since I had movie on my mind, and the timing was right, I decided to go.

What can I say? It was a comedy for 12 year old boys, but pitched to an "adult" age group. What's the equivalent of a chick flick for males? Except that it was not a romance, but a comedy. Howevah...I laughed and laughed. The movie tells the story of the pre-wedding bachelor party from hell. I didn't recognize any of the actors except Ed Helms, from "The Daily Show", who was his usual hilarious self. Ugly male butts, potty mouth humor, all the usual low comedy tricks for the 12 year old demographic were present, but, nevertheless, I enjoyed the show.

What does it say about my daughter and me that we liked this movie?

"Generous Pastoral Response on Blessing Same-Sex Unions"

From Walking With Integrity:

There was no room at the inn this afternoon for press in the House of Bishops. The reporter from the LA Times was the last one in and had to run around pleading for a chair until an extra one was brought up. Only the question of blessing same gender relationships could bring such excitement after the passage of D025.

So what are we left with –
1) local option – in other words each bishop can decide what is appropriate especially given the different legal situations. This has been the situation informally and unofficially but now it’s out in the open.
2) The collection and development of theological and liturgical resources.
This seems to reflect a sentiment mentioned several times by bishops over the past week, that we need to develop our theological ideas BEFORE we develop liturgies, not the other way round. It also provides some breathing space for the more conservative.

We’ll see what the Deputies do.

Read the final text and more at Integrity's website.

The Lord And The Biker

My friends, I really, really am going to write about the my time in Anaheim at General Convention 2009 of the Episcopal Church. Since I returned home, I've had a million things to do. My son had his children, and today I wanted to do something with them, since they were headed back to be with their mom for a week. I haven't had time to write anything lengthy or anything that required thinking or concentration. Tomorrow, I hope to write about the convention.

In the meantime, here is another joke.

A man was riding his Harley along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."

The biker pulled over and said, "Thank you, Lord. My entire life I have had but one dream and that is to see Hawaii. However, I am afraid to fly, especially with all the plane crashes these days. And any time I even see a ship, yet alone get in even a rowboat, I get sea sick. Lord, please build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want."

The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic. Think of the enormous undertaking; the supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific, and the concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind."

The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, "Lord, I wish that I, and all men, could understand our women; I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she really means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes, or four on that bridge?"!!!!!!!

From Doug.

"Remaining Hopeful"

Hi there,

Thought I'd share this one. Some of you receiving this message live in my native NH where you have long known that allowing LGBT people to participate at all levels in the church has not destroyed it. I hope that becomes true in all quarters, but I know it will take time, prayer and patience.

Here's my blog entry:


SCG's post is well worth reading. Here's a snippet:

Still, I wish it were that people wouldn’t see the gains made by the LGBT community as losses to them. The assumption seems to be that if I get a pork chop, then I must have been given the whole pig. Believe me when I say, "It’s just a pork chop, and there’s plenty of loin and bacon for you, too!" To put it in terms of Scripture, one need only look at the feeding of the five thousand to see that all who come and sit down on the grass will be given exactly what they need, exactly the portion they need… and there still will be left-overs. Do not be afraid.

We must never forget that setting people free is not a zero-sum game - if you gain, I lose - NOT!

Thought For The Day - Richard Rohr

Our worthiness is given to us, like our DNA, like our genes. We were created in “the image and likeness of God.” That was resolved in the first chapter of the Bible (Genesis 1:26)! But not many unpackaged that for us — in its immense and life changing implications.

Adapted from The Cosmic Christ (CD#1)

Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good News! Please Continue To Pray

From Doxy:

This came in this evening:
David's eldest sister called to report that Ruthie and Jim had really encouraging news today. I am sending this message while she is away. The MRI showed no visible tumor. There is a suspicion, but the neuro-oncologist and the radial oncologist think it may be due to surgery. To continue to keep the tumor at bay, Jim will start back on chemotherapy. Jim and Ruthie are, of course, delighted with these results.

Thanks be to God and for all your prayers! Keep them coming, if you will. No matter what happens after this, Jim and Ruthie were given a gift today---and I firmly believe that each of you played a part in that. May the Holy Spirit bless and keep you all in the shelter of Her loving wings tonight, and always.

Much love,
