Friday, February 18, 2011


From Kirstin at Barefoot and Laughing:
I had an MRI last night. Oncologist called me this morning.

They're small, and not causing edema or shifting of brain contents. But, I have them. They may be responsible for the transitory numbness I've had.

The next step is a radiation oncologist, probably next week. I asked my oncologist how effective that would be. He said it would shrink them, or make them stop growing, or make them go away. There's no telling whether they'd come back.

I'll be more reflective later. Had to get this out there.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Kirstin the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

UPDATE: Two later posts from Kirstin are here and here.


The Reverend Dr. Caroline Hall is priest-in-charge of St. Benedict's Church in Los Osos, California. She is a former member of the Integrity Board of Directors where her portfolio included international affairs. She is a frequent contributor to Walking With Integrity.

The Anglican Covenant - Part 1; Where did it come from?

The Anglican Covenant - Part 2; What's in it?

The Anglican Covenant - Part 3; Who wants it?

The Anglican Covenant - Part 4; Who's against it?

Part 1, especially, caught my attention because I, and I suspect others, was under the impression that the covenant had its earliest roots in the Windsor Report which came out in 2004.

Dr Hall says:
In fact, the concept of an Anglican Covenant was first suggested in the Dallas Statement in 1997. This was the statement from a conference attended by 45 conservative bishops and 4 conservative archbishops from 16 nations to develop an anti-gay strategy for the 1998 Lambeth Conference.

Hmmm. I wasn't paying attention back then.

Do read all of the essays.

H/T to Lionel Deimel at the No Anglican Covenant Blog.


You have to not care either way about it,
she told me, & when you wake up in the
middle of the night with anxiety attacks,
it's best to lie & say it's because you
thought you heard something

From StoryPeople.


Fred, at Off-Topic Allowed, offers a superb clarification of the Instruments of Communion. He even includes pictures.


A very distinguished lady on a plane from Switzerland found herself seated next to an elderly Roman Catholic priest in clericals. She asked, "Excuse me, Father, could I ask a favor?"

"Of course, my child, what can I do for you?"

"Here's the problem: I bought myself a new sophisticated hair remover gadget for which I paid an enormous sum of money. I have really gone over the declaration limits, and I am worried that they will confiscate it at customs. Do you think you could hide it under your cassock?"

"Of course I could, my child, but you must realize that I cannot lie."

"You have such an honest face, Father, I am sure they will not ask you any questions."

She gave him the hair remover and the aircraft arrived at its destination. At customs the priest was asked, "Father, do you have anything to declare?"

"From the top of my head to my sash, I have nothing to declare,
my son," he replied.

The customs officer then asked, "And from the sash down, what do
you have?"

The priest replied, "Well, I have a marvelous little instrument destined for use by women, but which has never been used."

Breaking out in laughter, the customs officer said, "Go ahead Father. Next!"


Paul (A.)
(healing slowly day to day)

Paul, I'm sorry your healing is going slowly. More prayers for you.

I've missed you and your cheering jokes.


His Eminence in red and white

The full effect of the train

Lace and more lace

Kissing the ring

What's happening here?

More kissing the ring

Even more kissing the ring

Look, I know I am a hypocrite. I have not given away all my worldly goods to the poor to follow Jesus, but may we still speak of excess, excess to the point of hilarity? And kissing the ring? Don't get me started.

The entire collection of pictures may be seen here.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


When Linda arrived at the airport in Atlanta, her friend, Gary, was there, but it took about an hour and a half for the two of them to get together because of a mix-up. Gary had arranged for a hotel room for Linda to rest while waiting for her flight to Johannesburg, but because of their delay in meeting up, there was no time to go to the hotel. As they were waiting to board the flight, a woman nearby must have sensed the situation, and she offered to switch seats with Linda and give her a seat in first class. The airline had already arranged for Linda to be in first class, but that the woman offered was lovely.

And that's as far as what we know takes us.

Other posts on Linda are here and here.


The applause by audience at the end of the video appears lukewarm. jeffko2007 who posted the video says:
I think it s from the early 60s at a german tv studio. that is why the audience seems somewhat suprised, but polite.

Great camera work.

Preservation Hall in New Orleans? Nein!


The statue of Archbishop Luwum is on the right above the West Entrance to Westminster Abbey, along with statues of Maximilian Kolke and Manche Masemola.

Archbishop Luwum served in office during the bloody rule of Idi Amin. He protested the murderous policies of the gorvenment and often interceded on behalf of those imprisoned for opposing Amin and his policies.

Posted below is an excerpt from the biographical information by James Kiefer at the Lectionary:

The Archbishop called on President Amin to deliver a note of protest, signed by nearly all the bishops of Uganda, against the policies of arbitrary killings and the unexplained disappearances of many persons. Amin accused the Archbishop of treason, produced a document supposedly by former President Obote attesting his guilt, and had the Archbishop and two Cabinet members (both committed Christians) arrested and held for military trial.

On 16 February, the Archbishop and six bishops were tried on a charge of smuggling arms. Archbishop Luwum was not allowed to reply, but shook his head in denial. The President concluded by asking the crowd: "What shall we do with these traitors?" The soldiers replied "Kill him now". The Archbishop was separated from his bishops. As he was taken away Archbishop Luwum turned to his brother bishops and said: "Do not be afraid. I see God's hand in this."

The three (the Archbishop and the two Cabinet members) met briefly with four other prisoners who were awaiting execution, and were permitted to pray with them briefly. Then the three were placed in a Land Rover and not seen alive again by their friends. The government story is that one of the prisoners tried to seize control of the vehicle and that it was wrecked and the passengers killed. The story believed by the Archbishop's supporters is that he refused to sign a confession, was beaten and otherwise abused, and finally shot. His body was placed in a sealed coffin and sent to his native village for burial there. However, the villagers opened the coffin and discovered the bullet holes.

What a courageous man in the cause of justice. What steadfastedness he showed in the face of persecution and death. He lived the Gospel of Jesus Christ without counting the cost, which was his very life.

Whose is the leading voice from the Christian community advocating for justice in Uganda today, where draconian legislation against LGTB persons is pending? Is it the voice of Anglican primate, Archbishop Henry Orombi?

From the Daily Monitor via Box Turtle Bulletin:
“We are saying homosexuality is not compatible with the word of God. We are saying that this culture of other people is against the traditional belief of marriage held by the Anglican Communion,” says the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Henry Luke Orombi. Bishop Orombi says that the Anglican Church will never accept homosexuality because the scriptures too do not allow people of same sex to join in marriage.

“Homosexuality is evil, abnormal and unnatural as per the Bible. It is a culturally unacceptable practice. Although there is a lot of pressure, we cannot turn our hands to support it,” says Bishop Orombi.

I guess not.

But wait! From Bishop Christopher Senyonjo, retired Anglican bishop of West Buganda in his letter to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams:
Peace from God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I give thanks on behalf of the family and friends of David Kato for your love and prayers at this difficult time. All over the world, human beings are longing for liberation, love, respect and the dignity to have meaningful lives. This week alone, we witnessed it in Egypt .We also see this longing in the struggle for human rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people (LGBT) through the sacrificial life and death of David Kato. As human beings, we must respect our differences and be united in our call for listening and sharing with each other. To understand God, we are all called to understand the mystery of each other, including our sexualities. God has given us this gift and to defame, condemn, imprison and kill human beings because of their God-given nature, is a great human error. The church has a tragic history of condemning Jews, Moslems, scientists and LGBT people. Our teaching and theology has a causal effect and if we do not learn from our own historical mistakes, we will repeat the same sinful destruction of lives, families and communities.

Bishop Christopher has no standing within the Anglican Church of Uganda, because he has been excommunicated due to his advocacy for justice and equality for LGTB persons.

The Preface For the Feast of Archbishop Luwum
O God, whose Son the Good Shepherd laid down his life for the sheep: We give you thanks for your faithful shepherd, Janani Luwum, who after his Savior’s example gave up his life for the people of Uganda. Grant us to be so inspired by his witness that we make no peace with oppression, but live as those who are sealed with the cross of Christ, who died and rose again, and now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

At St Laika's, MadPriest posted a lovely prayer service with music honoring Archbishop Luwum on the feast day.

Image at the head of the post from Wikipedia.


From the Daily Comet:
CHOUPIC — Randy Ellis, holding a sweating can of Dr. Pepper, was watching the happenings of his quiet north-Lafourche neighborhood from the confines of his porch swing Tuesday.

His screen door was open, flooding his house with mid-afternoon light and the first mild spring breeze of the year.

“I’ve never been a good story teller,” he insisted. “I’m just a road guy.”

But only three days ago, Ellis was on the red carpet at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, making his way to the award ceremony where he and his bandmates learned they had won a Grammy.

Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band won a Grammy for the best zydeco or Cajun music album. The group received the award for their most recent album, Zydeco Junkie. Ellis, 41, is the band’s guitar player.

The small community of Choupic, where Randy lives when he's not on tour, is a few miles down the road from Thibodaux, and I can tell you, it's in the swamp.

The video shows our boy Randy singing with the group.

Chubby and the Bayou Swamp Band with their Grammys.

The CD of Zydeco Junkie may be purchased at their website, and the Mp3 is available at Amazon or at the iTunes Store.

My favorite song on the album is "Jalapeno Lena". I gave Madpriest the Mp3 version of the album. If we're lucky, he may post a podcast of some of the songs, maybe even "Jalapeno Lena".