Wednesday, March 2, 2011


A public union employee, a tea party activist and a CEO are sitting at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies in the middle of it. The CEO takes 11 of the cookies, turns to the tea partier and says, "Watch out for that union guy he wants a piece of your cookie."

Pass it on.

From AMERICAblog:

Thanks to Paul (A.).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I removed my Mardi Gras post. Grandpère just came home and gave me the news. I need to get out more. :-(


Malcolm+ posted at the No Anglican Covenant blog on the information coming from The Anglican Communion Office, Lambeth Palace, and Church House in Westminster:
So much of what has been driving the machinations of international Anglicanism over the past 15 years or so has been rooted in fear—fear of women, fear of LGBTQTS, fear of modernity, fear of post-modernity, fear of the loss of privilege, fear of the loss of power and influence.

Sadly, that is the point we’ve now reached in international Anglicanism, and in the deliberations on the proposed Anglican Covenant. Full and fair debate is no longer on the table—at least at the Anglican Communion Office, Lambeth Palace, or Church House in Westminster.

Read the rest at the NAC site.

Malcolm+ blogs at Simple Massing Priest.

Monday, February 28, 2011


And the winner is.......DODGE!


My Political Views
I am a left moderate social libertarian
Left: 6.02, Libertarian: 2.32

Political Spectrum Quiz

H/T to Tobias, who is a true free spirit.

UPDATE: I left out some of my results.

My Culture War Stance
Score: -6.91

Political Spectrum Quiz

My Foreign Policy Views
Score: -8.63

Political Spectrum Quiz


From my daughter Alison:
[Her friend] Frankie's mom is having surgery Wednesday morning, and his family is very concerned she might not make it thru. She has diverticulitis I think. Can u put her in the prayer call list?

Almighty God our heavenly Father, graciously comfort your servant Irma in her suffering, and bless the means made use of for her cure. Fill her heart with confidence that, though at times she may be afraid, she yet may put her trust in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pray for all who love Irma as they watch and wait, that God may give them comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to keep their minds and hearts in Christ Jesus.

Alison appreciates your prayers for her after her fall.


From the The West Australian:
Perth Archbishop Barry Hickey has dismissed a survey of Australian Catholic priests, which reveals many are deeply unhappy with the Church, suggesting they need to "get over it" and accept the Church as it is.

The survey of 542 priests from across Australia by NSW academics Chris McGillion and John O'Carroll found many priests felt bishops were inadequate managers and they held serious concerns for the Church's future.

The survey, plus in-depth interviews with 50 Australian priests, has been compiled into a book, Our Fathers, which claims the priesthood is a "world rich in commitment but also in complaint, disillusionment and dissent".

Our Fathers reveals a deep distrust of Australian priests towards the Vatican, with 65 per cent of those surveyed saying they do not believe Rome understands the challenges they face.

One WA priest said he had "no time" for the Catholic Church except as a means to an end.

Archbishop Hickey said he had not come across the attitudes reflected in the survey in his diocese, but he was aware many priests throughout Australia felt "unhappy and disaffected".

Archbishop Hickey is very likely not the first person to pop into the mind of an unhappy priest as a confidant, but, even so, if he didn't know about the attitudes, then he was quite seriously out of touch. He wasn't really though, becuase he knew that priests were "unhappy and disaffected". Did he ever wonder what made them unhappy? Of course, and he has the answer. The problem was their unrealistic expectations. The problem cannot ever be with the church, therefore it's the fault of the unhappy priests.
More than 70 per cent of priests surveyed thought clerical celibacy should be optional and several revealed they were in long-term relationships with women.

And nothing at all about the reality of priests who may be relationships with men.

Emphases mine.

Thanks to Ann V. for the link.


You women are not ministers of God. Your father is the devil. Your feminist filth will lead you all the way to hell. And sometimes that can be a short ride; to wit, we cannot assume the true God to be longsuffering forever toward women who preach that God is a weak, sexist, lecherous feminist like you both are. Repent, women; the only way you can be saved is if you confess your Jezebel sins and fall at the feet of the only Man who can save you: the historical God-Man, Jesus Christ.

The words above were left in the comments to a post at Dirty Sexy Ministry, the blog of two Episcopal women priests. The comment came to me because, unlike the man who left the comment, I thought the words referenced were lovely, and I said so at the blog. The post, which is titled "The F-Word", IS lovely. The F-word that is the topic of the post is not the word that instantly pops into your mind. I have to wonder if the person quoted above read even one word before he left his nasty comment. And can you tell instantly from the words that the commenter completely misses the message that God is love? I confess that it still shocks me when persons who claim the name Christian respond in such a way to fellow Christians, or to anyone, for that matter. Why, I can't say, because I've seen that sort of response often enough that I should be immune to shock.

Read the post, and see what you think.

I checked out the website of the person who left the comment, and I will not link, nor will I even give the man's nom de blog. You can find the information at Dirty Sexy Ministry.


Sorry, but you must click on the image to read the message.

Thanks to Wade.


Of course I'm not happy, she said to me,
but I've got a degree in psychology so at
least I can explain why.

From StoryPeople.